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Top selling C64 CDs on iTunes

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 19:20
by Chris Abbott
Weird, but here's the ranking of sales figures on iTunes. Only IR made it into a three figure sum though... (in USD)

1) INSTANT REMEDY: Instant Remedy
2) CHRIS ABBOTT: Back in Time
3) REYN OUWEHAND: Galway Remixed
4) MARCEL DONNE: Sidologie
5) MARTIN GALWAY: Project Galway
6) MAKKE: It's Binary, Baby!
7) CHRIS ABBOTT: Back in Time 3
8) ORPHEUS: Crystal Dreamscapes
9) VARIOUS: Remix64
10) VARIOUS: Back in Time Live
11) REMIX64: Remix64 - Into Eternity
12) SLOW POISON: Karma64
13) VARIOUS: Back in Time II
14) REYN OUWEHAND: Nexus 6581-II
15) REYN OUWEHAND: Nexus 6581

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 20:10
by Makke
How come Nexus is last?! Was it put on iTunes a lot later than the other CDs, or do people just not have a sense of taste at all?!

No disprespect to anyone involved with any of the other productions - I'm after all on that list as well - but it's just that Reyn kind of kicks our collective asses from here to high heaven every day of the ass-kissing intended.

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 20:26
by Chris Abbott
It did get on there very late: plus it's a different audience to the discerning multitudes round here :)

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 20:40
by trace
Where is Instand Remedy now adays, would be cool to hear some new stuff from him :D

Re: Top selling C64 CDs on iTunes

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 20:42
by CreaMD
Chris Abbott wrote:Weird, but here's the ranking of sales figures on iTunes. Only IR made it into a three figure sum though... (in USD)

1) INSTANT REMEDY: Instant Remedy
I don't wonder. Instant Remedy album is legendary. Even remix-scene-hatr like me knows and respects it ;-))) Yeah it's a cheap and straigtforward remixing, but that's the point. The album feels like it was done sincerely and without calculation.

Posted: 03/02/2007 - 1:54
by xo
2) CHRIS ABBOTT: Back in Time

BUUUUH - this list is rigged!!!! I knew it! :wink:

8) ORPHEUS: Crystal Dreamscapes

The eighth is quite cool tho :wink:

Last... who cares what sells - everyone has his own taste and knows in his heart what is cool (ok, sellers and artists care (ok, fans care too (ok, forget it right))).

Posted: 03/02/2007 - 9:44
by omoroca
After reading this, I fetched my Instand Remedy CD from the cupboard and am listening to it in the car on my way to work now.

Back then when I bought it and the stakes were still low, it was such an awesome album.

Now, years later, I'm seeing it with different eyes, or rather: hearing it with different ears. In the meantime, there have been much better remixes on RKO, but Instant Remedy is still a very, very great album, very classic! I especially like the Ghosts'n'Goblins version and Comic Bakery.

Posted: 03/02/2007 - 19:18
by CraigG
Shame the PPOT stuff isn't on there, really—I would have bought a few tracks of that.

Posted: 03/02/2007 - 19:31
by Chris Abbott
CraigG wrote:Shame the PPOT stuff isn't on there, really—I would have bought a few tracks of that.
I gave PPOT the details of CD Baby, but I don't know whether they've done anything about that yet...

Posted: 05/02/2007 - 12:59
by beyond
We are reluctant to release LRR digitally and we still have plenty of RSRs, so... :)