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Posted: 08/03/2007 - 22:24
by Chris Abbott
There was a composer called Benn
Who was writing his music but then
A fan kissed his butt
Ben said “hey, you’re a slut,
And anyway, I don’t like men”!

Posted: 09/03/2007 - 1:49
by xo

Posted: 09/03/2007 - 21:25
by skitz

Posted: 09/03/2007 - 23:13
by Vosla
I can't believe I'm the only one to laugh...

Harr! Harr!
Zat's funny!

Posted: 09/03/2007 - 23:23
by Analog-X64
Very well written Poem :) I wonder what the inspiration was...was there some Butt kissing? ;)

Posted: 09/03/2007 - 23:32
by Chris Abbott
Analog-X wrote:Very well written Poem :) I wonder what the inspiration was...was there some Butt kissing? ;)
Lol :) I can tell you exactly: I was having to find something to fill a now-blank space in the new "Digital Download BIT 2 Booklet" PDF, and wrote "There was a musician called Benn". So then I had to find a rhyme, the next line was easy. Ben is always complaining humorously about fans kissing his butt unnecessarily, so I thought of something he might say :) The last two lines were the most difficult and needed three minutes thought :)

Maybe Boz should read that out in the style of literature for BBB :)


Posted: 09/03/2007 - 23:34
by Chris Abbott
There once was a DJ called Boz
And a real teasing bastard he was
He had mass debate
Made the listeners wait
Until nobody knew where he was!


Posted: 10/03/2007 - 0:08
by Makke
Good ones, Chris!

I love limericks! :D

Posted: 10/03/2007 - 3:00
by Analog-X64
Do you take request?? I'm next...I'm next... ;)

Posted: 10/03/2007 - 9:32
by Chris Abbott
There was an Analog-X
Who thought that he would be next
But he was mistaken
Chris wrote about bacon
And three very greasy fried eggs


Posted: 10/03/2007 - 9:33
by Chris Abbott
There was a composer called Makke
Who thought SID and drums rather tacky
So he screwed up his face
Put his hair out of place
And became just a little bit wacky

Posted: 10/03/2007 - 10:04
by Subzero
One of my favourites from Lee Evans:

'There was a young man from goshem,
Who took out his bollocks to wash em,
His mum said Jack if you dont put them back,
And i'll stand on the bastards and squash them!!'


Posted: 10/03/2007 - 21:08
by skitz
My Favourite was told to me by my Dad many many years ago:

"There was a young man from St. Paul's
who did some tricks in the halls.
His favourite trick was to stand on his dick
and roll off the stage on his balls!"

I may have got some of the words wrong but you get the punchline :)

Posted: 11/03/2007 - 18:25
by Romeo Knight
There once was the guy omoroca
who wrote reviews like a bad joker
because he forgot
that music is not
made for the good of a croaker.

Posted: 11/03/2007 - 21:37
by Condor
Here's Chris - a very smart man
Who do only what he can understand
But one day he went to write rhymes
His inspiration typed those four lines
He thought he'll be funny, well... he's not
His rhymes sucks - how do you say.. a lot!?
By writing some lines of so-called "rhymes"
He thought he'll be famous, and put our laughs
I ment smiles - to put our smiles on our faces
So we could spread his rhymes at different places
so one day he could publish a book of "joke(s)"
personaly, that gives me a choke
You should read my lines
I'm younger, I just have better rhymes
So Chris, poetry... it's just not for you
Make music, sue people, find something else to do
Yes, I'll know you'll say 'Screw you!'
But hey, it's just life, what do you do...


:D Hehe, I spent 15 minutes on this one, I hope Chris won't find it insulting, and I hope I'll make him laugh :D