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Life the Universe and Everything

Posted: 23/03/2007 - 11:58
by Analog-X64
Hi Everyone,

I just thought I would give everyone an update. Not sure if you noticed I haven't been around much, my father in law is really sick. He was diagnosed a few weeks ago with stomach cancer but it has metastasized in his back and he only has a few months left.

To put more stress in the situation, something turned up in my Mothers mammogram, so she will be going in for a biopsy next week.

I'm not feeling the greatest at the moment, although having dealt with my wifes thyroid cancer in 2001, the current situation is not easy to deal with.. I'm going to focus on helping my father in law a much as possible and as well my Mother depending on what the results will be.

I will try and continue some of the projects I've started by I cant promise anything.

Thanks for your understanding.


Posted: 23/03/2007 - 14:05
by xo
You have my sympathy analog. Life can be brutal.

Posted: 23/03/2007 - 15:23
by Tonka

Let me know if there's anything I can do M8 - even if it's just a chat :)

Hoping things will get better for you soon...

Posted: 23/03/2007 - 18:02
by Vosla

Crossing all fingers for you and your family. I hope everything will sort itself out for your mother and some kind of miracle for your father in law.

Cancer's been a great killer in my family, so I know what you are talking about.

Posted: 23/03/2007 - 23:35
by Chris Abbott
Sorry to hear all that :(

Thoughts are with you :(

Posted: 24/03/2007 - 10:09
by Makke
That's some heavy stuff, Analog-X. :(

My thoughts go out to you.

Posted: 24/03/2007 - 11:19
by merman
Really sorry to hear this, take care of yourself and your family.

Posted: 24/03/2007 - 21:12
by beyond
As always it is difficult to say anything when it comes to cancer... but as a survivor I must stress that some people do come out on the other side alive and a'kicking! It's up-hill and it's steep, it's a crappy hell of a ride in most bad ways but on the other side life's worth so much more! Enjoy your life - every day :)

Posted: 24/03/2007 - 22:29
by Dafunk
sorry to read that analog-x. :( hang in there... hope things get better soon, mate.

Posted: 25/03/2007 - 8:14
by trace
Sorry to hear this mate :/

My thought are with you and your family.

Posted: 25/03/2007 - 9:24
by ifadeo
shit, that are bad news.... :(
my thougths are with you.....

Posted: 29/03/2007 - 8:18
by Moad'Dib

We lost a family member last week. She has lung cancer. She was 47.. so young. :cry:

Cancer is a fuck!
I can't belive that science can't make a medicine against cancer.

We have speaking fridges, intelligent cars, soccering robots, GPS, lethal weapons with incredible techonolgys.... everything fucking spare stuffs, BUT NO CANCER MEDICINES!!
It's a shame!

Dear Analog, my thoughts are with you and your family...

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 19:47
by Analog-X64
I want to thank everyone for their kind words, it means a lot.

I'm emotionally numb at the moment, my wife and her sister are taking the situation very hard which is understandable. Which leaves me to step up and help my mother in law with things like hospital care and funeral arrangements.

I've made a doctors appointment for myself this coming Tuesday...I've been feeling pain, which I'm hoping is just stress related and nothing serious.

Again thanks for the kind words.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 19:10
by leoni
oh man.. this is heavy things you are going thru at the moment :(

Well.. my condolences and take care of yourself.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 20:17
by Infamous
hope all's well analog, and my condolences .. i shall keep my fingers crossed for you.