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Do you still own a Commodore 64?

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 9:05
by Hille
Hi ev'rybahdy!

I just got to thinking - assuming most of you guys out there has owned a Commodore 64 at one point or another (what's the nostalgia coming from if not, eh? :roll: ) - how many of you still has one?

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 9:30
by dan gillgrass
Mine "blew up" whilst watching a Smash Designs demo, still got the software, 1541, datasette etc for it tho

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 9:34
by Makke
I have one C64 and one C128.

Unfortunatly, I lended the power cable for my C64 to a friend, who decided he didn't need to return it and after years of asking him to return it I finally found out he'd thrown it thanks for that. :/

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 10:19
by Sonic Wanderer
I only have a C128, wich I used to run only in C64-mode. But I gues that counts as "Yes, ofcourse I do". =)

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 10:52
by tom
Yes 8) with a special AIRBRUSH DESIGN by my brother Michael and i still have loads of Disks :wink:


Posted: 29/05/2003 - 11:34
by Dumper
Sold mine about 10 years ago :cry: big mistake. Thank god for emulation :D

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 11:47
by CraigG
Likewise, I sold mine a looong time ago. I don't really consider it a mistake, though; I have little enough space as it is, and Power64 and SIDPlay are more than suitable replacements.

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 14:23
by Hille
Hi again, everybody...

It just occured to me that it's incredibly bad form to post a question like this, and then not really answer it myself... :oops:

I should note that I personally own several C64's...That should be at least 8 64's, divided as 2 breadboxes, 3 C-models, one G, one fake G (breadbox but with white keys), and the SX-64 (the portable C64). Well, to SX's actually, but one doesn't work. Add to that 3 C128's and one C128D... :lol: That should tie me over...

Posted: 29/05/2003 - 23:19
by Vosla
holy cow ! what warehouse do you store your stuff in, hille ? it's kinda cramped with 2 C64 and 2 C16 in here at my place ! :lol:

Posted: 30/05/2003 - 5:26
by Yoshi
I have:
Commodore 64
Commodore 64 scandinavian with ÅÄÖ (yep, its weird)
Commodore 64C
Commodore 64G
Commodore display (model 1081 or something)
Commodore printer (model 801 or something)
Commodore floppydrive 1541
Commodore datasette
A non-commodore cassetterecorder (Telemark i think)
And only ONE good joystick. My Konix Navigator broke one final time...

Oh no...

Posted: 30/05/2003 - 9:26
by Hille
Please...Don't make me list all of my stuff...I just listed the C64 or compatible computers. Add to that C16, Plus/4, VIC-20, VC-20, Amigas, PC's - not to mention the lot of things that isn't Commodore... I collect, and I must have about one hundred different machines by now. But, guess which one's my favourite 8) ...

If you're really that curious, go see I haven't updated that in ages, so it only shows 50 or so of my machines...

Posted: 30/05/2003 - 9:40
by trace
I wish i had a C64 so i can transfer my tunes to the PC :)

Posted: 02/06/2003 - 20:17
by Steve B
2 C64's
1 VIC 20
2 1541's
1 CN2
1 MP 801
1 Modem (dont remember the number -- its in a box, we are moving house soon)
1 Expert Cart.
1 Action Replay VI (i think)
1 double 5 1/4 disk drive (again, dont know the number, but its so big it has its own moon)
one or two (hundred) disks and cassettes
god only knows how many joysticks (many of them are in that 'i will get around to fixing it soon' state)

Posted: 06/06/2003 - 10:05
by hikari
I don't own one atm, but I really must get round to buying myself one from e-bay at some point.

Posted: 13/06/2003 - 2:30
by Eliot
I owe a C64 (6581) and a 1541 and a Final Cartridge III and Speeddos and a C64 joystick :P
