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Anyone know this person??

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 12:54
by Analog-X64
All of a sudden I've gotten about 7 E-mails from a Karsten Schmitz

Its all of profane nature..... the Name and the fact its coming from makes me wonder if its someone who visits here and some how has a grudge against me.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 14:09
by cpt_chaos
Doesn't ring a bell, never heard of him. Is it just plain spam or a bit more personalized stuff.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 14:10
by Chris Abbott
It was (name removed): aka Defender. It came from an account that has an identical password to two others he created, at least one of whom has made posts on this message board: Clumsy, Clumsy2 and Lovingretro.

Why do you do this, Manuel? We try to give you a chance, we hope you will change, but you act in this disgusting and despicable way, and give us no choice but to ban you again, this time permanently, and in full view of everybody.

It's not even as if there's any doubt it was you: the evidence is damning, as it always is. Do you think we're stupid? Soft hearted, yes. But we're not stupid. So don't even try to insult our intelligence by going off on one of your "convicted without evidence" rants.

* Banned forever: and this time, I mean it. You're a lost cause and you just seem to exist to make others feel miserable. *

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 14:20
by dan gillgrass
U would have thought he had learnt a lesson :roll:

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:04
by Chris Abbott
I just sent him an email (to his REAL email address, which I'll reveal if he's any further nuisance) explaining my decision, since in theory he shouldn't be able to read this thread any more, and the board has been put on "admin approval" (again).

In fact, he was trying quite hard on this board not to spam it (you could see him bursting at the seams trying to restrain himself in the last day or two, in the end he settled for a semi-spam of the Instant Remedy messageboard), and he was kind of trying to behave himself. But as soon as I found out he was being nice to my face but evil to my friends (which is to say, the R64 crew), I had to do something, otherwise I'd be letting it happen.

We all know there's a "day" Manuel and a "night" Manuel, just like Jekyll and Hyde. What I don't know is why he's in such denial about what "Hyde" gets up to: he should ban himself from computers during that time, since he just goes crazy. OK, he's got problems. But any time anyone uses their problems to make another person's life worse, that's the time I get militant.

Anyone else received any profanities?


Re: Anyone know this person??

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:29
by Makke
Analog-X wrote:All of a sudden I've gotten about 7 E-mails from a Karsten Schmitz

Its all of profane nature..... the Name and the fact its coming from makes me wonder if its someone who visits here and some how has a grudge against me.
(name removed)'s been mailing the same kind of stuff to various people in the scene - everyone at SLAY Radio, including me has for example gotten that kind of "attention".

He will probably deny all involvement, or make up some bullshit story to justify his actions, so don't even try to talk sense into him. Chris, LMan and others have, as you know, tried that quite a few time now... :|

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:34
by Chris Abbott
Well, there's 100% proof it was him. He's already trying to create new accounts as we speak.


Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:35
by xo
How can you identify him? Is he using a static IP? Or do you have to reban any new accounts he creates?
(On a side-note, I just became a God! Woohoo! :D )

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:40
by Analog-X64
What did I do to piss this guy off?

Now I'm getting spam from Here is a copy and paste from my e-mail logs.

Here is a sample of Sender name / Subject Line and whats inside.

Sender: Subject Line.

Analog Xerious I hope you've enough now.
Inside: Be warned or you will be smapped again!
Analog Xerious Burn, Baby,....BE BURNED, Asshole!!!!!!!
Inside: You should be burned!!!!!!
Analog Xerious You're looking like a Hitler clone!
Inside: Just look in the mirror.
Analog Xerious Kill yourself and your family!!!!!!!
Inside: FUCKER!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious Motherfucker!!!!!!!
Inside: Silly Motherfucker!!!!!!
Analog Xerious In Nazi period you would be shootet!!!!!
Inside: FUCK CANADIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious You should be gased!!!!!!!
Inside: FUKKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious Dr. Masturbate.
Inside: That's what you are.
Analog Xerious Wanker!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious Piece of shit!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious little cock boy!!!!!!
Analog Xerious Fuck You DICK SUCKER!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious SHIT CANADIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Analog Xerious Canadian Dickhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Cock Sucker!!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Faggot!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Bastard!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Go killing yourself!!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Dickhead!!!!!!!!!!
Karsten Schmitz Motherfu_cker

And there is more profanity inside.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:43
by Chris Abbott
The trail was that this email address belonged to a Remix64 account that had previously been banned, and which shared a password with many of his other accounts, including some which had also sent spam about Radio thingwhatsit.

And from now on yes, we have to try and reban accounts he creates, or just not authorise them.

Well done on your Godhood, btw.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:44
by Chris Abbott
Yep, that's pretty much what you get from him. I'd put that address on "ignore" or "perma-spam" :(

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:44
by Ziphoid


All that needs to be said has already been said over and over again... Noone knows what's going on in his sick and twisted little mind. Sad. Just sad.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:44
by Makke
Analog-X wrote:Analog Xerious Dr. Masturbate.
As disturbing as this is, that one was actually a bit funny as it seems a bit odd in this context.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:51
by Analog-X64
Makke wrote:
Analog-X wrote:Analog Xerious Dr. Masturbate.
As disturbing as this is, that one was actually a bit funny as it seems a bit odd in this context.
I wonder how he found out thats the title of a remix I'm going to do in the Future.

Analog-X-Xerious(Dr. Mastrubate)

I dont know what to say...but its totally bizarre.

For sure the guy has a mental problem, to put that much time and effort to create a different e-mail account to spam me, and typing all the different profanity in the subject and content of an e-mail.

I'll just report them as spam and put on ignore.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:51
by leoni
uhm.. i did get some wierd mails too and now that i see the adress in here i realize it was from the same sender.

ah well .. sad person it is :roll: