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Happy Birthday to...

Posted: 09/05/2007 - 12:12
by Matrix
Umm, everyone I missed since early April :D I'm not around so often anymore, so consider this a sad attempt at a catchup thread. 8)

Re: Happy Birthday to...

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 20:45
by Chappers
Matrix wrote:Umm, everyone I missed since early April :D I'm not around so often anymore, so consider this a sad attempt at a catchup thread. 8)
I'll jump on this particular bandwagon while it's passing by. :)

Sorry to everyone I missed out since last September.

Posted: 21/05/2007 - 18:30
by octave-sounds
i would just like to say a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to everybody i have missed over the last few months sorry guys! i'm not on as much as i used to be and hope to catch up at the next mega bitlive event! :)



Posted: 21/05/2007 - 19:28
by tas
62 posts since nov 2002.. You've never been here really Jeff ;)

Posted: 21/05/2007 - 19:48
by oj oscillation
same wihes come from me,too.
i`m too lazy to login manually each time.
i just read the board mainly.

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 5:37
by Marcel Donné
I'm in the same situation as the previous posters, not online that much since I found the love of my life :D

Many happy return to those birthdays I've missed in the past few months. Hopefully there's a chance to see a lot of you guys next month at BITLive!