1942 never remixed

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1942 never remixed

Post by exo »

1942, it seems, has never been remixed, at least not the main theme.

Posts: 9
Joined: 23/12/2002 - 18:53

Post by humppapumppu »

The main theme is a cover of a main theme of a movie, called "52nd Squadron" or something like that.
Commodore Fan
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Post by exo »

humppapumppu wrote:The main theme is a cover of a main theme of a movie, called "52nd Squadron" or something like that.
A ha, but it would be nice to have it remixed anyway -- even if it wohn't be hosted at RKO. It's far better than the second theme and I'd be surprised if the cover is very close to the original. There is just something very c64 about it. :lol:
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