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MB-6582 (8xSID MIDIbox SID V2) - PCBs now available

Posted: 12/07/2007 - 17:02
by Wilba

Some of you on this forum have seen my MB-6582 (MIDIbox SID V2) and said some nice things about it, thanks! ... ba_mb_6582

Now I am finally arranging a bulk order of the PCBs used (as well as arranging a bulk order of the panels) over at the MIDIbox forum.

I'm amazed that there's over 50 people wanting to build one exactly like mine, and another 20 or so planning to use just the base PCB in their own MIDIbox SID and do their own case and control surface. So with so much interest, I thought maybe there would be a few people here who want to join in the fun and build their own MIDIbox SID. You don't need eight SIDs, nor a degree in electronics, and it's well worth the effort... go listen to the demos!

But a warning: once you build a MIDIbox SID, you might lose interest in all other SID synths :D

Posted: 12/07/2007 - 17:06
by Analog-X64
Excellent. I've been keeping a close eye on you're project and I think I may have inquired about building one just like you'res :)

I've been holding onto some SID Chips just for this project...

Will take a look at you're links.


Posted: 12/07/2007 - 18:07
by Razmo
Yeah!... you know I want one Wilba :wink:

Afterall, those 8 "donors" that had to sacrifice their "lives" just for me to get 8 8580 SIDs should not go in vain! :lol:

Looking foreward to building my rack version of MIDIBOX SID V2 :P

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 17:18
by Analog-X64
Drooling over some Basslines here. :)

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 17:46
by xo
Analog-X wrote:Drooling over some Basslines here. :)
Whoooooooaaaaaa! FUUUUCKKKK that sounds cool! :shock: :shock: :shock:

PLEASE make the download links available!

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 17:49
by Razmo
When you could check this one out as well... it uses the SID audio out -> audio In feature as well, that gives you enhanced resonance: ... _demo2.mp3

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 18:15
by xo
I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got my keyboard today. :wink:

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 18:19
by Razmo
XO: Gongrats! :) I saw you're message on MSN... now is it working fine? ... is it quality as I said? 8)

And yeah, I bet there are many who would want such an MB-6582... Me for certain, and I'm just waiting for Wilba to send me the PCB... then SmashTV will be selling bags with components, and after that, I'll lock myself up in the living-room, take on the nerdy glasses, and start soldering away! :P ... now an 8-SID synth... something of a dream become reality! ... just that it can hold 1024 patches on default is amazing! SidStation look like a Casio toy in comparison! :P

I will not be building the full version with control surface though... I'll throw it inside a 1U housing, and rack it... and then I'll do an adaption for SoundDiver for it...

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 20:19
by xo
The KeyStation keys are quite good - a bit rigid though. The housing is very plasic'ish - supposedly because it is plastic. :wink:

But all in all, it feels great. :)

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 20:44
by Razmo
XO: yeah, they're all plastic more or less. The rigid feel wears off, or you eventually grow into being used to them... don't know which, but that's what I experienced when I got one.

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 20:52
by Analog-X64
Razmo: Let us know when SmashTV has the bag of parts available.

XO: I bought a Keystation 49e a few months ago... its still in the box... I only took out the manual. :oops:

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 20:57
by Razmo
AnalogX: I will... I'm waiting eagerly myself hehe :P

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 21:12
by xo
Analog-X wrote:Razmo: Let us know when SmashTV has the bag of parts available.

XO: I bought a Keystation 49e a few months ago... its still in the box... I only took out the manual. :oops:
So you're buying hardware that you aren't even looking at! That is pissing on us poor sods with zero hardware! :wink:

OK, I understand it, I don't expect to have much time for it in the next few weeks to be honest. But I always wanted one, and now I have it. I've begun playing a little with FL.

By the way, can anyone tell me why FL is horribly slow on my new Core 2 Duo E6600 with 2 GB RAM and Vista? I didn't think I'd experience that ALL included FL songs would lag on playback. :(

I hope it's just a Vista optimization problem. Maybe I need Quad Core Extreme, 64 bit and 8 GB RAM :shock:

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 21:15
by Razmo
AnalogX: at least you've got ONE SID chip when you want to make the MB6582... You can gut your SiDStation :eekout:

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 1:00
by Analog-X64
xo wrote: So you're buying hardware that you aren't even looking at! That is pissing on us poor sods with zero hardware! :wink:
:) I have a very good Excuse for this type of behaviour :) I dont Smoke and I dont drink. What money I save on Beer and Cigarettes goes into hardware. Surprisingly the Keystation 49e only cost me $120 Canadian... which is amazing when you consider I paid $2100 for my Roland W-30 Sampling Workstation back in 1990.

I'd love to start recording something... but there is too much going on.. I'll be flying back out to Calgary on Sunday and wont be back for 2 weeks and as soon as I get back, my wife has a minor surgery so I'll be running around with hospital and doctor appointments ontop of my moms hospital appointments.

But at least I know I have the hardware when the time comes to use it :)