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Happy birthday SelectaNovel

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 8:52
by merman
Many happy returns, SaN!


Posted: 24/07/2007 - 11:06
by tors

And your present is a:


"Forwards I am heavy, backwards I am not! What am I?"

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 11:34
by trace
Congratz SelectaNovel :D

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 20:08
by Waz
Have a great one, you choose a book, you :)

That is unless you chose the last Harry Potter book lol...

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 20:17
by Vosla
Have a great day, SelectaNovel!!! :D :D :D

I hope there more in for you than just books... :lol:

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 23:16
by Dumper
Have a great birthday SelectaNovel.

Posted: 17/08/2007 - 13:35
by SelectaNovel
Damn, I've been offline for too long!

Thank you guys for the nice wishes!

It was a great birthday. My girlfriend had broken up with me a couple of days before that.

But enough of sarcasm! I got a fucking fancy black suit from my parents for my birthday, and when I looked into the mirror today I just thought: "How stupid is that woman??" Hahaha :)

Anyway, hope to get more musically active in the not so distant future so I will be more often around here. My last remix is from late 2004... did some stuff in the demoscene, though, but I could be more productive and less consuming.

"Forwards I am heavy, backwards I am not! What am I?"

Hm... I'm not good at these things... a car that you push up a hill? Seriously, no idea. ;)