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Please help friends!

Posted: 29/08/2007 - 21:01
by Razmo
Hi everyone... This is Razmo THE robot talking! 8)

I'm trying to find out if, or how much my studio-room/monitors is coloring my sound, so I'd like if you guys could take a listen to this audio montage of a lot of small snippets of music I've done through the last 5 years, and tell me if you spot a general problem in the overall sound of them all... I'm thinking about for example; too much bass generaly, or; too little treble etc. Don't listen to the mixing in general, it's very varied.

All material (almost) is of my own work, and are from all of those small snippets of unfinished riffs all musicians have lying about (in exess in my case :roll: )... don't try to say you haven't got any, I KNOW you do! :P

Don't hessitate to reply just because someone else has replied... I'd like as many views as possible :)

Thanks in advance.

and if my FTP upload went OK, then this link should work, otherwise... Ziphoid: HOOOOOWL! :argh:

P.S. It's a whopping 70MB Mp3, so please be patient :) might be a few melodies in there that you know :wink:

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 14:10
by Misser
razmo wrote:Hi everyone... This is Razmo THE robot talking! 8)
and if my FTP upload went OK, then this link should work, otherwise... Ziphoid: HOOOOOWL! :argh:
P.S. It's a whopping 70MB Mp3, so please be patient :) might be a few melodies in there that you know :wink:
Grin another soul pwned by Zipphy.

I'll download the stuff later, and try to listen to it on my computerroom speakers and the 7.1 surround set in the living when the Subsmirnoff's are at my place again.

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 15:57
by Analog-X64
Do you have any of these in MOD and MP3 formats?

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 19:25
by Dees Productions
In general I liked all your works! I hear a lot of nice influences, like Jarre, Vangelis, Aphex Twin, Enigma, etc. It's always nice to listen to a musican's portfolio, to see what he's capable off :)
Just going to stack out the parts I liked most.
At 08:45, very nice The Last Ninja mix! Would be sweet to hear the whole remix.
10:15 : Very nice beat!
10:40 : Like the bubbling sounds, rich texture, nice atmosphere that is meating the distanced lead.
13:50 : Nice "Jarre" feeling, very nice. The instruments are good, feels nice, kewl synthish style.
16:36 : Very nice riff. Somehow it reminds me about a demo, can't just recall the name of the demo.
17:30 : How cool!! Very nice "Laser Dance" feeling, but a better "non" synthpop background!
19:00 : Nice "Ghost and Goblin" cover :) It sounds sneeky and phobic!
22:28 : Hah, this sounds cool very "New Age" with an Indian touch. Can almost see how the ol Standing Bear is playing on his flute for his son Sitting Bull, and all the indians are in trance, smoking the pipe :) Very cool!
23:41 : Very baroquq VS mediveal. Sounds very interesting. Castles all over the place.
25:18 : Again a nice touch of Jarre VS Vangelis. Catchy and good pick of instruments.
26:00 : This is cool, very nice for being "dance", must say it has a lot of potential, energy, the mixing is also fine!
27:10 : Yes, give me more... damn this is just awesome!!! Lovely mix and blend of synth, chip, Jarre(for the bassline). Wow man this is good, damn good!
All in all, you've managed to make a nice mix of your songs, it feels good, the sounds are well balanced. You know how to make all kind of music-styles and not just get stuck in one file, which is pretty comon in the music-scene today. Also you have your own signature in the music.
Good luck and "thank you for the music" :)
/Dees Productions

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 19:39
by Razmo
Dees: Thank you VERY VERY much for your comments :) ... now you did not have to comment on the music itself, but I'm always glad to get feedback ofcourse... I was though more interrested to hear, if you spotted the majority of the pieces to be too trebly, or bassy etc. :wink: ... but thanks again. Actually none of the stuff is finished, and most are small snippets made in under an hour, recorded just for future reference if I want to use the material in a full song... which I will with most of them sooner or later.

Analog X: Yes, I've got these as MP3 (I don't do MOD's :wink: )... though they are not longer than they are here, since they are only small riffs.

By the way... yes I know I've got my own signature... friends call it "Jess Music"... but I'm heavily influenced by Jarre, Vangelis, Enya, Laser Dance, Thrillithon, Koto and Techno/Trance/hardcore in general, but also medieval music has great influence, as I'm a hardcore Dungeons & Dragons gamer... my music usualy tend to blend together in one big pile of strangeness :lol: The medieval part is played live by the way 8) still practicing hard to become a good keyboardist.

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 21:16
by Dees Productions
Oh :)
I am always like that, the typewriter with a cup of strong coffee. It felt good when I listened to it on my amp and also in the headphones. Should I try and play it on an iPod, in the car, larger hall/club, to get different "audioance"* or you're happy as it is?
*different soundscapes.
Good good, yeah it looks like we are influenced by the same artists :)
Jarre, Vangelis, Enya, Kraftwerk, Tangerin Dreams, AFX, Solar Fields, Boards of Canada, Brian Transeau, Asura... I think you get where I am coming from. But also I have some other vibes in my blood, like the house scene, acid jazz, classic music, etc. I guess I am what they would say an "all eater"? ;)
Okay over and out I am out of coffee:)

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 21:40
by Razmo
Dees: yep!... I see where you're "coming from" :lol: how could I forget Kraftwerk! :oops: ... well anything electronica with a blend of medieval/cultural music and that about covers my taste... Rock is not my greatest cup of tea, though I find Country Rock (Dave Edmunds etc.) to be groovy... and then ZZ TOP of course... love their sound.

There is one thing we do not have in common though... and that's coffee! :lol: ... i get my coffeine from diet cola hehe! :mrgreen:

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 22:11
by Analog-X64
Is it bad that I dont care if pieces might be too trebly, or bassy?? I was just enjoying them for what they were.

I would like a longer version of 02:05-03:26.

Re: Please help friends!

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 0:35
by Razmo
Analog X:

No, not at all :D ... in essence, that's what the bass and treble on your stereo is all about I guess, but the pro's say, that it's best to do it right at the source, so I'm keen to know, if my room or speakers may be enhancing or attenuating bass or treble in my studio... If my monitors does not reveal the frequency spectrum well, or my room dampens or resonates something, you would compensate for it by adding or reducing those frequencies that are the problem "unknowingly", and when played on other systems it will sound either too bassy or trebly or the opposite... it's part of the mastering process I know, but if you make music in private, and do not use real mastering fascillities, it's more important to "do it yourself", and as I do not have the funds to construct a perfect mastering room, I may be able to compensate in other ways...

I've been using a program that draws an average spectrogram of a whole tune, and according to this software, you can see on the graph if there is a problem in the spectrum of your tune, and it lets you change that... it also shows a "common graph" that the spectrum should follow to be evenly EQ'ed for playback on every system, and this graph seem to want to go totaly different than the analysis graph of my tunes :roll: so I'm worried that my tunes may sound different on other systems, which is why I initially asked for help in this thread (don't have access to a bunch of systems to try out on unfortunately)... many of my material seem to have a gigantic boost in the very lower region, indicating, that I put in too much bass to compensate for it.

One thing I've noticed is, that when I sit in the sweet spot of my monitors, it sounds nice, but when I then walk around the room, the bass seem to be exaggerated... when I play mastered music, it sounds sweet both in the sweet spot, but also anywhere else in the room... so I believe I might have a problem. funnily, when I wear headphones I can hear that the bass IS too present in the very lows (below 80hz) as my headphones go down to 30hz... my monitors cut off at 55hz suggesting that it's subsonic frequencies that is my problem, and I'm thinking about getting a subwoofer to remedy this... it's hard to remove or enhance stuff you cannot hear! :|

But I'm glad you enjoyed the riffs :) the riff you mention is in fact one of those that I like myself the most, so I'm certain this will show up again later on :)