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Wife surprised me!!! :)

Posted: 28/09/2007 - 22:28
by Analog-X64
Wife surprised me with a package that showed at the door today. Here is a few pictures of what she bought me. You can order all this stuff from BE Warned!! you may get the urger to order stuff. :)

Look at the Text above my Avatar here!!! Aint that cool?

She knows me well.

Yup thats me... I open things brand new out of the box and modify them.

I use the "all you're base are belong to us" too much I guess :)

Yup.. I'm a total geek now.. walking around with a Watch that also works as a
2GB Memory stick.

Re: Wife surprised me!!! :)

Posted: 28/09/2007 - 22:31
by leoni
Nice.. both wife AND stuff she bought you

Re: Wife surprised me!!! :)

Posted: 29/09/2007 - 1:37
by trace
That's some great wife you got there, she's a keeper :D

Re: Wife surprised me!!! :)

Posted: 02/10/2007 - 14:00
by Razmo
WHERE did you find such a woman ANX!?!? ... Do they grow on remote mountainsides like the edelweis flower or?... got a map or something? :D

Just don't forget, that one "favor" is worth the other :wink: ... I bet (If your wifey is in fact a woman), that she'll now be sittin' ... waitin'... tick tock, like the clock and wait for you to do something nice back :lol: ... or maybe it was her turn? :) ... or am I watching too much Dr.Phil? :mrgreen:

Anyways, congrats... nice stuff!

Re: Wife surprised me!!! :)

Posted: 07/10/2007 - 17:31
by Bog
Razmo wrote:WHERE did you find such a woman ANX!?!?
It has to be dark.