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Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 27/11/2007 - 0:22
by Sven Storm

I know, this is my first post, but believe me, I tried SIDFind, and I also searched the HVSC. Unfortunately I have little information about the tune I am looking for. Perhaps anybody here can help me. I would like to remix that tune.

The only thing I know is: "C.N.I.D."
Stands for "Cold Nights In December". It was a demo/intro on the C64. I know that because I already remixed it decades ago on the Amiga. But I don't know the author's name or the demo group name. It was released perhaps in the late 80's. Please don't let me listen to all HVSC tunes of that time ;)

Does that ring a bell, anyone?
Apologies if this is the wrong forum... I hope this post is in the right area.

Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 27/11/2007 - 0:54
by Squirrley
Maybe this will help? :)" target="_blank" target="_blank

Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 27/11/2007 - 12:43
by Waz
I think this SID is the one from the demo:


Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 27/11/2007 - 23:20
by Sven Storm
Thank you both for the hints!
The t64 link is a good one - the tune I am looking for is in the last part, the one where the level meters and the circle scroller are.

Waz, your tune is in the second part - do you by chance also know the identity of the song in the third part?

Thanks again for helping so quickly!

Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 28/11/2007 - 19:36
by Waz
Sven Storm wrote: The t64 link is a good one - the tune I am looking for is in the last part
In that case, it's this SID in HVSC:

/MUSICIANS/D/Dunn_Jonathan/Matchday_II.sid, subtune #2

Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 29/11/2007 - 0:04
by skitz
Damn you Waz!!! You beat me to it - this is a tune I've been playing around with recently... :)

Re: Looking for a certain C64 demo tune

Posted: 29/11/2007 - 16:20
by Sven Storm
Thanks Waz! Now I can start to try the remix...