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First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 0:39
by Andreas Wallström
Finally! It's been a long road for us, but our first song Alias Modesty Blaise can now be heard on our MySpace page: Check it out and let me know what you think! If you have a MySpace page, add us too!

Cheers, Andreas

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 0:55
by skitz
It's all in foreign which made my brain hurt so I switched it off :)


Nice opening track there Andreas!

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 1:30
by Analog-X64
Nice track.. very groovy... I was making up my own English Lyrics to it. :)

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 10:16
by Romeo Knight
Funkee stuff, Andreas! I especially like the horns. And the drumming. :-)
I'm not a fan of the singer though, he sounds a bit plain, but it could be the recording, too (cos he sounds a bit muffled and indirect.)
How did you record the stuff?

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 14:09
by Andreas Wallström
@Skitz: I know it's bork-bork-Swedish, but I trust you will spread the music to everyone in England anyway. :)

@Analog-X64: Hehe, that's a very nice compliment! Please share. ;)

@Romeo: And the drumming? Wohoo! :) There's actually no horns there. 'Just' four layers of soprano sax. We recorded the music ourselves in a studio one of the guys have free access to. It's not 100 percent professional sounding because we don't have a lot of experience in recording real instruments, but it's good enough. Do you have time to do some mastering? Just throwing out a question. I'm sure you can do lots more than I have.

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 15:23
by LMan
VERY funky! :dancing:

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 15:32
by Sidman 64
:lol: I received a friends request from this band and I didn't know it was you m8 :duh: :lol:
Just noticed this post and now I know.....

Sounds great BTW.. and great drumming as usual :)
Good luck...


Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 17:05
by merman
Sweden's newest pop sensation :lol:

Still, at least I know the "trummor" in a famous Swedish band... agree with the others, it's funky!

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 17:08
by Romeo Knight
Andreas Wallström wrote: @Romeo: And the drumming? Wohoo! :)
Yeah, really,and I like the snare sound, too, it sounds old-fashioned in a positive sense although it's a bit too loud in the mix.
Andreas Wallström wrote: There's actually no horns there. 'Just' four layers of soprano sax.
Ah yes. (Isn't "horns" a synonym for brass and woodwind sections in pop music?) :confusion:
Andreas Wallström wrote: We recorded the music ourselves in a studio one of the guys have free access to. It's not 100 percent professional sounding because we don't have a lot of experience in recording real instruments, but it's good enough. Do you have time to do some mastering? Just throwing out a question. I'm sure you can do lots more than I have.'s not that I wouldn't like to but I believe i really got no time for this at the moment, too many other projects I have to finish in the first months of this year.

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 22/01/2008 - 17:50
by trace
Really funky stuff there andreas :D
First thought when I heard it was some demo with some funky music on amiga :D

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 11:48
by Andreas Wallström
@Merman: Sounds flashy, eh? ;) And by the way! I read in RG that your book is out. Have I completely missed out on the promotional emails? We need to talk about this in a private mail Andrew.

@Romeo: Thanks for the feedback, and I knoooow you're busy. :)

@Trace: Nice comparison although I can't recall that many funky Amiga tracks. Thanks for the comment. Make sure your kids gets some funky music in their lives!

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 12:24
by trace
Andreas Wallström wrote: @Trace: Nice comparison although I can't recall that many funky Amiga tracks. Thanks for the comment. Make sure your kids gets some funky music in their lives!
I remember that amiga track I thought of and it is Electric funk by Moby :D

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 12:33
by merman
Andreas Wallström wrote:@Merman: Sounds flashy, eh? ;) And by the way! I read in RG that your book is out. Have I completely missed out on the promotional emails? We need to talk about this in a private mail Andrew.

@Romeo: Thanks for the feedback, and I knoooow you're busy. :)

@Trace: Nice comparison although I can't recall that many funky Amiga tracks. Thanks for the comment. Make sure your kids gets some funky music in their lives!
Andreas, Retro Gamer jumped the gun a bit... it's going to be out late February now. Will e-mail you today...

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 23/01/2008 - 20:49
by Dafunk
that's a wonderful song, great drumming mate! i'm so proud of you! :D

ps: can we have the english lyrics or summat?

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 27/01/2008 - 19:00
by Andreas Wallström
DaFunk, thanks for the kind words! I will interpret the lyrics live on SLAY Radio for you some time in the future. ;) I will also send you the audio files we talked about earlier. They're stuck in the studio at the moment...