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Supernova / a little note

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 8:06
by tom
The only really bad thing I could say is that by uploading the tune here, it may *really* discourage some others (like myself, LOL) to uploading their work, since we have no way of getting the same kind of quality
My intention was to inspire musicians not to de-motivate them :cry:
I even took this totally unknown tune on purpose and i thought that the downloads would not reach the 100-mark 'cos normally an unknown tune didn't get much response... anyway....
Please, i hope you were kidding BEATHOVEN :wink: and to all remixers out there, it's not all about sound quality :lol: the whole thing counts !

TOM::::::.... :D

Re: Supernova / a little note

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 8:40
by Larsec
tom wrote:My intention was to inspire musicians not to de-motivate them :cry:
Well, I know that I am inspired :)
I still haven't recovered from the Indiana Jones mixes I heard the first time last summer :)

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 8:42
by Chris Abbott
> I still haven't recovered from the Indiana Jones mixes I heard the
> first time last summer
You and me both... I adored those mixes. It's a crime they haven't been
heard by the population at large!

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 8:59
by Larsec
Chris Abbott wrote:You and me both... I adored those mixes. It's a crime they haven't been
heard by the population at large!
Agreed! ... Should we form a lynch mob?

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 9:01
by putzi
btw Tom, what did you produce the Indys for? TV trailers or something like that?

Re: Supernova / a little note

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 9:09
by ifadeo
tom wrote:My intention was to inspire musicians not to de-motivate them :cry:
Set me free, remotivate me... :wink:
I'm still working on my 'Shades'remix
and it's getting a little bit harder since
I hear Toms version... but I don't care
'cause we both got our own unique style.... :D

I hope Tom let us soon know how he produce
his tracks in his BIG studio.... :wink:

cheers 2Klang


Posted: 23/06/2003 - 9:38
by Markus Schneider
By the way ...

For those who had been involved in a past thread about Shadow Skimmer like Chris Abbott and 2Klang (we both talked @ Bitlive about it):

Supernova is IMHO the living evidence that it does NOT matter for the voting results if someone knows the tune or not. The nostalgic impression doesn't reflect in the end result.

That's the way I like it :D

Posted: 23/06/2003 - 16:02
by tom
@ putzi:

It was produced for a PRO 7 Show :wink: but i can't remember the name, but it doesn't matter 'cos the show was a flop :lol:

@ Larsec & Chris:

:wink: sorry ....

@ 2Klang:

my c64 remixes were never produced at my studio mate :) only at home
with my headphones and my mac . No additional outboard equipment was used. The only thing i have done in the studio was the mastering for remix64-vol.2 :wink:


Posted: 23/06/2003 - 18:00
by Max Levin
After hearing the news* about a new Indiana Jones-movie... well? :wink: This can be an opportunity

(*) NOT rumors, worse is: the now 84 year old Harrison Ford is gonna play as Indy again!

Re: Evidence

Posted: 24/06/2003 - 16:52
by tom
Markus Schneider wrote:By the way ...
The nostalgic impression doesn't reflect in the end result.
That's the way I like it :D
well, it seems it did :lol: dropped 50 places down to nr.56

Re: Evidence

Posted: 24/06/2003 - 18:31
by ifadeo
tom wrote:
Markus Schneider wrote:By the way ...
The nostalgic impression doesn't reflect in the end result.
That's the way I like it :D
well, it seems it did :lol: dropped 50 places down to nr.56
This reminds me a little bit of the 'Shadow Skimmer' story... :?
What a shame for that brilliant 'Supernova' remix...

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 24/06/2003 - 18:36
by tom
:lol: cheer up mate, I don't mind ... I loved the tune and i wanted to remix that sid and since there is no sence to keep it on my harddrive, R:K:O: was the place to be whether it'S up or down the charts :wink:

Posted: 24/06/2003 - 19:15
by Chris Abbott
> R:K:O: was the place to be whether it'S up or down the charts
My personal opinion is that rank is pretty much irrelevant, and it's
the quality of the smiley that counts.


Posted: 24/06/2003 - 19:17
by Thomas Detert
WORD!!!!! :wink:

Posted: 24/06/2003 - 19:42
by ifadeo
Thomas Detert wrote:WORD!!!!! :wink:

cheers 2Klang