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Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 13/02/2008 - 15:31
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Told you the C64 Take-away would be back in February, didn’t I? :D

Anyhoo, the first show for 2008 features a bit of catch-up on what’s been happening in the world of C64 related music (which is prolly old news to anyone visiting this forum on a regular basis) - including two new album releases, a hardware gizmo that will let you musician types use that sweet SID sound in your work, and a couple of upcoming live concerts. Plus of course, lots and lots of great tunes carefully selected for your listening pleasure.

Download or listen to the MP3 (50:34 minutes, 46.4 Mb)

Re: Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 13/02/2008 - 17:01
by C64GLeN

Time to boot iTunes up. :D

Re: Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 14/02/2008 - 17:13
by fac
Nice to have you back in my ears again Jan :D

You're podcast is the reason I came here in the first place (take credit or be ashamed that is up to you :wink: ), and by the way also slayradio and

I was hoping that you would become semi-regular again, but if I understood you right that is not going to happen, but heck good things come to those who wait!

Re: Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 16/02/2008 - 22:33
by merman
Great episode Jan!

Re: Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 22/02/2008 - 11:56
by omoroca
Nice to have you back on my MP3 player, Jan!

Re: Episode 041 is out!

Posted: 22/02/2008 - 22:54
by Vosla
Feck! Got to get a bigger USB HDD! This episode didn't fit (with all that other episodes and RKO nonsense on it...)! :lol:

It's a goddamn motherlode of a package... C64 goodness for hours and hours!
Thanks, Jan! :)