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Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 19/02/2008 - 16:48
by Amok

i know, to remix the same SID 2 times in one week isnt very popular. But i think i screwed up the first version and i want to do it better. I made a complete new version:

I hope, you enjoy it more than the last Remix... :oops:

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 19/02/2008 - 22:40
by Vosla
The choir intro is a tad bit long (or too slow) IMHO. Maybe it could have used the melody fading in after 15 seconds or so. After that it is really goes smooth, even the parts where the choir sets back in again... later on (around 3:40) the choir is expendable for me (it's obvious always the same generic choir sample and this part pokes your ears with a pointy stick to make you aware of it ;))

This remix isn't that bad (like the first paragraph might suggest), maybe it's just that choir sample and how you deployed it in your remix that keeps this remix from being really good.

That and perhaps my lousy knowledge of music. ;)

Keep up remixing!

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 20/02/2008 - 7:34
by Amok
Thank you very much, Vosla.

Do you think that other choirs would fit better or should i use some strings instead of the choirs?

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 21/02/2008 - 14:03
by Vosla
The choir sample isn't bad per se. I just thought it's overused in this very remix. Strings could always be good surrogates for human voices (assumed the quality of the sample(s) is right). :)

And I hope somebody else with actual music knowledge joins this thread, as I have to chicken out on this - I really don't know much about music, hence my forum title. :lol:

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 21/02/2008 - 20:18
by Amok
No problem, vosla. Sure you have more knowledge than me, so its okay.

But i dont think that i will make any changes anyways. Its the C64-Release-Thread and i already sent the remix to RKO.

The feedback is overwhelming so far. never excepted that the tune was rated so high. (actually 4 x "very good", 1 "good" and 1 "average") :cheers:

i think, there will be some bad rates too, but i think its a real improvement to the first spellbound-remix and im very happy with it... :)

Thanks for your comments, vosla... :D

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 25/02/2008 - 17:23
by PhunkyData
Hi Amok,

I like the remix.
It has a nice flow.

Now for my very personal opinion about the Choir-Sample.
In the Intro of the Song i find it very spreading the flow the tune carries.
At the bit of calm down break at 3:00 the Sample has a slide problem that makes it sound a bit unnatural.
Its played with short notes several times and the sample itself is more a Pad-Choir sung one, like u used it in the beginning and a bit befor 3:10.
It does not very spread its effect when triggert that short.
This distubes me a bit.
But please remind that it is just an personal opinion and just some positive feedback as want it to be seen.

The tune is very nicely done and i hear that you improve from one Remix to another. Grabbed all three at RKO a few minutes ago and listened to them after another, sorted by date of birth.
And i have to ensure to say again that i look forward into listening to the final Version of yesterdays WIP of the Battle Squadron Highscore Remix played at the Cozy Corner.

Dont be to hard on yourself Amok.
Ask me how often i sat in front of my gear and made music the whole day, just to be not satisfied in the evining and simply didn`t bother to save what i had done all day long. True answer?! So many that i am not able to recount them.
Remixes aint easy anyway. ;)

You are doing great and feedback and for all daring to share even tunes you are not sure if they will be liked or may be rated bad are bringing up those little steps in getting better and better. Thats really what brings you forward :)

So keep em coming. :thumbsup:

Re: Spellbound (The 2nd chance)

Posted: 25/02/2008 - 22:48
by Amok
Thank you very much, Phunky... :)

Such warm and nice words are a great motivation for me... :)