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No remix for "Platoon" in the whole net !!

Posted: 25/06/2003 - 6:06
by Ahmed
I've been always wondering how come a great game music like Platoon on the C64 or Amiga/ST hasn't been focussed on untill this moment. I couldn' find one single remix for any of the levels *I like the pause/between levels music and the intro* Well, One of the friends and I have done it using YAMAHA keybord back in the mid 90s but I only have it on a tape now. The disks are lost :( Now I'm gathering all what I need to start making one platoon's levels. Soon hopefully.


Posted: 25/06/2003 - 7:40
by ifadeo

Posted: 25/06/2003 - 8:38
by Ahmed
I'm fainting :shock: This is absolutely shocking (for me at least).

Well done buddy, you had made an incredible job to this tune. I wonder what softynths/gears did you use for the lead sounds and pads in here.

You have really made me wan't to do a remix for platoon now !


Posted: 25/06/2003 - 11:10
by ifadeo
It's always a pleasure to help people who're new to remix64.... :D

cheers 2Klang