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I've been at it again..... =)

Posted: 27/06/2003 - 12:40
by Sonic Wanderer
Ocean Loader has gotten the SW treatment.
This time it's Ocean Loader 4 & 5 (sounds almost identical).

A 1-minute 128kbps clip can be found >><A HREF=" ... 3">HERE</A><< :!: <BR>

The RKO (probable) release is 160kbps ABR, and 4:27 in playlength. :twisted:


Posted: 27/06/2003 - 13:18
by Chris Abbott
'n mighty fine it sounds too :) Good snare, I thought!

Quite reminiscent of Jarre innit? :)


Posted: 27/06/2003 - 14:47
by Sonic Wanderer
Chris Abbott wrote:'n mighty fine it sounds too :) Good snare, I thought!

Quite reminiscent of Jarre innit? :)

Why thankyou...... and yes, Jarre is my hero. =)

Posted: 27/06/2003 - 19:50
by Sonic Wanderer
Btw, Chris.

You're in some kind of "pirate"-mood? 8)

Posted: 27/06/2003 - 20:22
by Chris Abbott
> You're in some kind of "pirate"-mood?
Arrr, that I be :)

Yo-ho-ho and a plank up me bum. Or summat.

Posted: 28/06/2003 - 14:09
by merman
Good work SW, but only a minute clip? You tease and tempt us!

Come on people!

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 12:47
by Sonic Wanderer
93 views, and only *2* inputs?!?!? That's 2.15%. :roll:
Is interest *that* low regarding less interesting remixers?

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 13:26
by Chris Abbott
Difficult to know what to say except "Good work", really. Constructive
criticism doesn't come easy to most people. It's like N-Joy's track over
on the other thread. It's nice enough, and sounds professional, but I
can't think of a single thing to say about it except "sounds great".

Bear in mind also that the reviews section is the place for feedback on
MP3s: that's what it's there for.

Arrr, Jim lad.


Posted: 01/07/2003 - 14:05
by CraigG
More to the point, unless I'm missing something, we can only currently hear a clip. I won't comment on a clip, as it may be a very experience to hearing the whole thing.

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 14:11
by Sonic Wanderer
Point taken...... but *what* Review-section? There's no such thing on this board, is there?

And yes, the feedback can wait until full RKO release. I just wanted some first-minute oppinions, since you never know if the tune will pass on through to RKO.

I'm very sorry if people think I'm nagging.

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 15:00
by Chris Abbott
> but *what* Review-section
Erm..'s MP3 reviews (although obviously you can only
review tunes which have made it to RKO).


Posted: 01/07/2003 - 15:22
by CraigG
I guess they meant the reviews pages of R64. Okay then - initial response: so far it sounds pretty good, especially the drums, and if the final product matches my expectations it may well force its way onto a best of RKO CD I'm putting together (for my own personal use, natch).

I just hope it's uploaded at a decent bit rate...

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 19:03
by hoomish
Sorry about the feedback delay - I've just switched jobs and am very busy at the mo! :)

I really like the clip. Pretty much everything is present an correct and it sounds proffessional as always. The only thing that I'm not sure of is the use of a piano for the lead... nice as it sounds, I always imagined a meatier-sounding instrument for this one.

That said, overall big thumbs up :D

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 19:48
by ifadeo
I like it, very cool rebuild of the orginal track... :D
but I think the drums are to loud (snare,crash & hats)
and the piano lead is to quiet...

btw. it's hard to be a remixer in these days... :wink:

keep 'em coming...

cheers 2Klang