I seriously doubt it. It has the right 16 colours, but you'd have to do away with the 3 cols+1bg col in each char area, PLUS ramp up the output resolution, and increase the ram, most of those pictures are getting on for twice the ram in a C64. No I think you would need to do some tweeking. That said, I know the 64 has come a long way, a new OS for example which expands the capability of a 64 - Wheels:
Which, of course, requires an upgrade before you can use it, but a quick 30second scan of the sites screenshots doesn't reveal any demos of a 64/128 running in a 16 col high res environment. Perhaps I've hit on something there and there's someone who might have a bash at fixing these shortcomings - if possible. It would certainly open up more creative possibilities for existing fan bases. Demos for example.
There may though be a way - emulation - how about making the C64 OS, or Wheels for that matter - run, but allow the PC to set the resolution ? - the only thing to fix then would be the colour restrictions ! - instead of making a faithful emulator - how about making one that will allow access to your pc's CPU, RAM & Video resolutions - in otherwords, as you would have it, instead of how it is. In essence, a Super64 - it'll probably be halfway to being an Amiga emulator by that point, technically, which kind of puts a spanner in the works. But wouldn't it be ace to have just SOME of the technical restrictions lifted so we can get on with a new found creativity ? - not so much as to drastically alter it, but just enough for us to have yet more fun with... for example, the same SID emulation, but with 8ch or 16ch instead
Imagine the possibilities, maybe even make this a challenge call to all those techy-demo writers out there - surely someone out there, pushing the boundaries of the hardware has the ability to work it all out ?
The Challenge then:
Super64 (CPU access in emulation so it never needs to slow down, but remains a consistent 64 speed)
8 or 16 ch SID emulation
PC resolutions allowed BUT staying with the official 16 cols - and get rid of that IFLI interlace crap.
Access to say - 1gig of RAM
And bundle a few apps with it for creativity purposes that work with the new tweeks
I doubt it will happen, so for now - just enjoy the site and bask in what COULD have been.