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Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 10/06/2008 - 11:45
by Subzero
THATS RIGHT....Another Live show on Radio 6581 -With yours truly :) Hope you can tune in :)


The site is up and running at - connection details are there also - please check it out :)

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 10/06/2008 - 22:41
by skitz
I hate to say this but although it's nice to see somebody else taking the time to set-up a scene related radio station I am personally going to stick with the one I love.....



Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 11/06/2008 - 8:14
by Kenz
I have to agree with Meeester Skeeetz here - my first thought when you announced a new C64 radio station was ... Why? SLAY caters for all my C64 radio needs - and then some!

Sorry also ... But good luck anyway!

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 11/06/2008 - 13:13
by Subzero
Well first show is over - went really well (couple of technical problems but that was my fault oops) Peaked at 17 listeners which is pretty good for a first show :)

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 11/06/2008 - 20:41
by Kenz
(name removed) wrote:Blah
I have to disagree with your disagreement I'm afraid. I wasn't actually talking about the live shows - I was talking about SLAYRadio as a complete entity. If I want to listen to a C64 related radio station I'll tune into SLAY.

Requests? If I want to hear some specific tunes I'll log in and add them to the request list and they are soon played. To be honest I don't mind the random selection as some real gems get played that I'd either forgotten about or never heard at all!

Amiga tunes? They would be a bit out of place on a C64 radio station don't you think?

Videostream? I usually tune into SLAY when I'm working and have it playing in the background - I don't tune into a RADIO station to watch swirly demo effects - if I want to do that I'll pop a demo disk into my 1541 drive - I do have one or two of those around here ... !

Farting & Burping? I think there's more to the live shows than that!

Bilingual? SLAYRadio caters for all sexual orientations (and positions). ;)

Anyway, thanks for airing your grumps and for managing to plug your own radio station TWICE in the process. I'm not saying SLAYRadio is perfect - it just does the job and does it very well. My immediate response to Subzeros station was possibly a little 'knee-jerk' as it's early days yet and it sounds like Subzy has some nice ideas for the station (such as the inclusion of RealSIDs - AS LONG AS THEY AREN'T EMULATED!!!!!)

<palpatine>And you, young Subzero, we shall watch your career with great interest</palpatine>

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 11/06/2008 - 22:51
by Analog-X64
Why do we need computer stores that sell the same computer brands?

Why do we need Hardware stores that sell pretty much the same furniture in different shapes and colors??

If CNN Does a good job of broadcasting news.. than why do we have so many other TV Stations dedicated to news?

Here in Toronto, we have at least 4 Radio stations dedicated to ROCK Music 24/7. Certainly one of them must be good enough that we dont need the other 3 No???

Why the fear anytime a new Website/Service pops up similar to another one??

Is it fear of Quantity over Quality?? If so... I dont think we have anything to fear from Subzy!! I'm sure he is going to do he's best to be unique and provide quality over quantity.

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 12:03
by C64GLeN
I don't think you can make such criticism of Slay's model when it is obviously working very well, judging by it's number of listeners.

However I beleive competition is a good thing, and therefore I say good luck to Radio6581!

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 18:35
by weblaus
(name removed) wrote: Yes, but listeners don't counts at all and decrease respect about some other people. Apart from that I know that there are some other tricks to push up the listeners peak like looping the relays a few times.;)
Clearly a case of sour grapes here...

Everybody knows you'd desperately wish to have even a tenth of SLAY radio's listeners base, and we're sick of it. That said, claiming they're faking their numbers might be a new low even for you.

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 18:36
by Chris Abbott
(name removed) wrote:
C64GLeN wrote: ...judging by it's number of listeners.
Yes, but listeners don't counts at all and decrease respect about some other people. Apart from that I know that there are some other tricks to push up the listeners peak like looping the relays a few times.;)
1) Yes they do, when they're real.
2) Slay doesn't do that, so stop throwing insinuations around, even with winky smileys, unless you want to make us wonder how it came to be that suddenly you think you own this place.


Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 19:14
by Subzero
I'd love it for one topic in a forum to actually stay on topic....just once...

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 19:25
by C64GLeN
Subzero wrote:I'd love it for one topic in a forum to actually stay on topic....just once...
I have that dream too, however I help take this off topic, so I apologise.

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 19:31
by Subzero
apology accepted *GROUP HUG!!!*

also i'd like to inform you all that (name removed) personally wished me luck with the new station :)

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 23:06
by skitz
I'll have to put my hand up and say that I've been listening to Radio6581 today :P

I would love it if you could register the station on so I could get it on my new Internet Radio :)

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 13/06/2008 - 0:01
by Analog-X64
skitz wrote: I would love it if you could register the station on so I could get it on my new Internet Radio :)
Cool Gadget there Skitz... <thinking outloud> "I wonder what mood I would be if I woke up to the tune of Commando or Rambo III" </thinking outloud> :)

Re: Radio 6581 LIVE Launch Show!!!

Posted: 13/06/2008 - 8:00
by Subzero
skitz wrote:I'll have to put my hand up and say that I've been listening to Radio6581 today :P

I would love it if you could register the station on so I could get it on my new Internet Radio :)
i have registered the station skitz, just pending confirmation that its been accepted :)