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I quit my job

Posted: 11/06/2008 - 10:47
by Moad'Dib
Hi dudes!

An eight years long fruitful relationship will be ended on august after I quit my job yesterday.
A market leader company has bought our company shortly before and serious changes comes.
And I won't wait it cos I think these changes will be not so good.

Over this years I have frequently visited this community and it was a pleasure to read your posts and sometimes discuss things with you.
I just hope that, my new place will allowe me to come here as frequently as it was in the past few years.


Re: I quit my job

Posted: 12/06/2008 - 1:14
by Dumper
Sorry to hear about your job problems, do you have a home computer that you could use to log on here?

Re: I quit my job

Posted: 13/06/2008 - 21:06
by Vosla
I wish you all the best for your future! :)

Re: I quit my job

Posted: 04/07/2008 - 9:14
by Makke
Seems to be a trend. I quit my job a couple of weeks ago. I've not actually quit yet, since I've got a two month notice scheme.

Will start my new job August 25th. :)