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Liljedahl is God

Posted: 01/03/2009 - 23:09
by Mordi
Remix of Galway is God (aka God = Galway) by Jogeir Liljedahl. ... %20God.mp3

The singing part is temporary. (Im not sure myself what it is she is singing there :p)

Tips for improvement?

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 07/03/2009 - 20:04
by Silentbob
Well, I don't really have any constructive criticism, but I dunno, I kinda like the singing. Other than that, you're on the right track. :)

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 18/03/2009 - 21:08
by dasepsilon
wow, the best remix of green beret i've ever heart!!
always thought reyn's one is already brilliant,
but this one is even more 'hip' ;)
any way of releasing a longer version of just green beret
and without vocals? i'd even pay for that ;)

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 18/03/2009 - 21:36
by Mordi
To be quite fair though, Jogeir Liljedahl (hence the title) was the one who "hipped it up". I just added a few blips and blops and used his arrangement.

(The original is called Galway is God if you want to hear it)

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 18/03/2009 - 22:26
by dasepsilon
ah, ok, i just bought the song---
but your blips and blops are awesome!
please make a 180 minutes vocalless remix!!!! :D

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 18/03/2009 - 22:40
by Mordi
dasepsilon wrote:ah, ok, i just bought the song---
but your blips and blops are awesome!
please make a 180 minutes vocalless remix!!!! :D
lol, yes I should. I could sell to China as a means of torture. :>

Re: Liljedahl is God

Posted: 19/03/2009 - 0:36
by dasepsilon
yes, and don't forget, i get 25% of all profits!
still, if you have some spare time to remix a say 8-9min
version, i'd be very glad! (and if you have some
not-very-expensive amazon wishlist-entry, this
one would be happy too :wink: )