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My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 29/04/2009 - 9:51
by Razmo
I put the title in quotes because the work in progress for me at the moment is my first webpage ever, and not a piece of music directly... I've been thinking about getting a website for many years, and finaly got myself kickstarted into learning how to do it, so that I can get my music to the public the way I want it delivered.

In the process I decided to start from scratch, and even found myself a new label name (DreamSpawn), but as you'll see, the old fascination for egyptian art and mystery was the inevitable outcome anyways as it was with Kefrens in the old days :lol:

My site will feature everything I do, including my C64 / AMIGA remixes along with my own personal stuff... a few examples of old stuff is there currently, but only as a testing measurement.

There is still a lot to be done, rome was not build in a single day :) but if you feel like it, please give comments... graphics was done by myself by the way.

And here is the adress:

P.S. I guess I put this thread in the wrong forum... you may move it to the "Other Releases" forum or whatever forum you might find most appropriate admin :)

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 29/04/2009 - 12:11
by Hacky
That Tuvan Dream track is incredible! It's REALLY good! I love it, but, it stops short, is that link not to the full version? If not, how can I download/buy the full one?

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 29/04/2009 - 14:19
by Razmo
Hacky wrote:That Tuvan Dream track is incredible! It's REALLY good! I love it, but, it stops short, is that link not to the full version? If not, how can I download/buy the full one?
I had the webdesign program say that it could not upload it, but it seems to have uploaded part of it only then... weird... I'll have a look at it again

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 29/04/2009 - 14:24
by Razmo
Hacky wrote:That Tuvan Dream track is incredible! It's REALLY good! I love it, but, it stops short, is that link not to the full version? If not, how can I download/buy the full one?
Should be fixed now... if not, let me know :) ... and thank you for the nice words.

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 29/04/2009 - 16:19
by Infamous
Nice stuff, love that entombed tune too.

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 0:44
by Analog-X64
Good stuff Razmo.

Looking forward to your future works.

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 1:27
by Hacky
works now + is awesome thanx SO much for sharing this! <3

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 7:39
by Razmo
Forgot to mention it, but all my music will be for FREE download in the future, or at least the latest 10 songs will be.... as tunes are "dropping out" as new ones are put on the site, the older ones will be put on CD albums instead, but cannot be downloaded anymore... I simply do not have the serverspace to hold them, as I got 125MB of space, and all tracks will be 320 kilobits and forced stereo.

How to obtain the albums I do not know yet... :)

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 10:11
by Mayhem
Is Tuvan Dream something from the Amiga? Don't recognise it, but very good all the same ;)

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 15:18
by Razmo
Mayhem wrote:Is Tuvan Dream something from the Amiga? Don't recognise it, but very good all the same ;)
Nope, it's a work of my own... only the two other tunes are C64 remixes..

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 30/04/2009 - 16:08
by RobinsonMason
Nice start and I love that Entombed remix, so I gave your site a little blog post here:

Re: My "Work in progress"..

Posted: 02/05/2009 - 7:03
by Razmo
RobinsonMason wrote:Nice start and I love that Entombed remix, so I gave your site a little blog post here:
Thanx RobinsonMason :) that's nice of you... Guess that force me to get started making something new soon :lol: ... have to finish the studio first though... but it's getting closer.

Just added a few devices to the rig:

A device utilizing two Speakjet chips... this machine is incredible for robotic voices that we all love so much.... don't we? :lol:

Monophonic analog synth with controller... has got a nice tone and filter.

Oldschool 8-bit sampler... this is the first machine that BobYannes made after the SID chip... 128kb of sample memory which is VERY VERY little... but... analog filters :mrgreen: ... going to be used for making one-sample old-school techno-like choir and orchestral sounds.

This was an oddity for me... just got currious at how an analog flanger/chorus would sound compared to digital ones, and let's just say, that this one is NEVER leaving my setup... Analog chorus and flanging sound really varm and lush.

Next step will be a KORG ESX-1 sampler/drumbox, KORG Radias synth and KORG Kaoss Pad 3. THen I'm about ready to get started :)