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Commodore 64 and Amiga-created or -centered minitracks

Posted: 15/07/2009 - 0:18
by Commie_User
I'm not sure what the criteria are for this site's musical uploads, but I've got some nice Commodore recordings I feel like sharing. These were composed on Commodore 64s (or an Amiga), played through them or from them or all three. The tracks are short and snappy because they are little theme tunes I made as part of larger bodies of work.

These aren't remixes though, but I have remastered them at some stage since I recorded them and I hope that counts!

This first one was composed on a C64 as well as played from one, with outputs from both the SID and Sonus MIDI cartridge, which was hooked up to a Yamaha DJX II keyboard as I recall. You'll tell them apart as you hear them.

A nice poncy-sounding mixture of SID noises and other synths, plus drums and baby rattle. I found it fun pretending to be one of those pretentious concept album-types whilst still being impatient to get the music rolling quickly, and I think it came off.

Many people now have incorporated the electronic sounds of the SID and other home computer audio into their tracks, but how many have actually incorporated the sound of the software cassettes themselves? I couldn't find any so I tentitively tried doing it myself. I actually detected a kind of swaying rhythm on the non-fastload data, so I was able to drum to it.
(PS - The cassette used was the copy of Gridrunner on the Band Aid tie-in game tape!)

Other music tracks can be found at ... Image3.jpg - The Commodore 64 section of my home recording rig.