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Unnamed original composition

Posted: 10/08/2009 - 7:27
by Mordi ... gress).mp3
Used one VST: Audjoo Helix.
Too compressed? I think the compression is alright. Packs a punch, but doesn't obscure the track too much.
I actually unconsciously (?) remade that nice chord-sequence from Tron's "CandyTron". Didn't realise it until a few minutes after I actually made it :p (this happened before with Pachelbel's Canon, actually).

By the way, for those interested: I actually recorded the screen while making it the first hour or so. I may put the footage up on youtube.

Re: Unnamed original composition

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 22:56
by Mordi

Re: Unnamed original composition

Posted: 14/08/2009 - 11:44
by Commie_User
I can just hear that music on some moody TV drama. Bobs along very nicely.

Can you do some music in Howard Goodall or Ronnie Hazelhurst's style, a complete melodious part in about 45 seconds-two minutes? Apparently it's not as easy as it seems!

You could probably earn out of this.