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Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 15:00
by RobinsonMason
I've written several stories and novels set in a Sci-Fi world with a Fantasy feel, and I've been bringing them to a blog and posting them up for free reading while writing more.

Anyway, I want to try my hand at reading one of the stories using the limited skills I've picked up with C64 broadcasting, and would like some background music to go along with it. Since I love the work here and want to bring more fans in to it, I want to use C64 remixes - given that the musicians agree.

If you could take a quick look at my stories, and suggest a few appropriate C64 Remix tunes, I will then ask permission from the remixer to use it as BG music (and of course credit them):

I'm looking for at least 3-4 tunes with the following "feel" to them. The instruments used are not so important since this is all supposed to be taking place on another planet with little to no Earth culture influence. Techno is probably inappropriate unless very subtle.

1. Sweeping epic music (a "Barbarian" remix comes to mind, but I'm sure there are more - and it doesn't need to be that sound)
2. Battle music - upbeat
3. Forest, drums, tribal sound
4. Night sky, -- something like this: ... re=related

Anyway, love your guys music, and I've promoted it many times at the C64 Walkabout blog, so if you could give me some ideas, I'd really appreciate it!

Also, if you like this idea and have your own tunes for suggestions, I'm more than happy to use them.

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 16:43
by Chris Abbott
RobinsonMason wrote: 1. Sweeping epic music (a "Barbarian" remix comes to mind, but I'm sure there are more - and it doesn't need to be that sound)
2. Battle music - upbeat
3. Forest, drums, tribal sound
4. Night sky, -- something like this: ... re=related
1. Zoids Orchestral on BIT 3? Or, I guess, Barbarian on R64IE...
2. Flash Gordon on BIT 3 (bits of)
3. Could try Aztec Challenge on BIT 2
4. Anything on Crystal Dreamscapes, or one of the Zoids on BIT 3?

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 19:11
by RobinsonMason
Thanks Chris, but since those are commercial I'm guessing I couldn't just use them freely, right? Even if it is just BG music and relatively muted compared to the spoken word track, I don't want to use it unless I have permission from the artists.

That said, I just previewed Zoids Ancestors tunes by Larry Fast off of BIT3 and they are all fantastic for the sound I had in mind. Would a plug for and the specific album/artist at the end of my "audio book" be enough?

Oops, just read up on legendary Larry Fast of Synergy, and, I think he might be a little too established to be interested in allowing his tunes to be used in my audio book....! (I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask)

Then again, if anyone wants exposure to a wider audience and a plug for his/her music or website and is willing to help me make my audio books (they'll all be free for DL like podcasts) sound a little nicer than straight voice, please let me know! :D

Since I'm putting my fiction out for free reading (I don't even have ad banners on my site) I'm hoping for people who are also willing to supply the tunes for free or for a site plug.

I'm thinking of starting with this story: ... parts.html

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 20:46
by Chris Abbott
Well, I'm fine with them being used for free, though you're right that Zoids/Ancestors isn't mine to offer :)
I'm sure Pete Connelly won't mind Aztec being used, for instance. If you can find something else (Return of the Mutant Camels off Karma 64?) on then just PM me.


Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 11/08/2009 - 22:48
by RobinsonMason
You rock, Chris. I'll look through them and let you know - thanks!

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 12/08/2009 - 12:33
by Vosla
This is a fine example how this community works. Cudos to all involved. :thumbsup:

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 13/08/2009 - 13:14
by RobinsonMason
Indeed, Vosla!

I PM'd Chris but thought you might be curious as to those I'm thinking of running with in my first story. I could rotate these around in a couple of novella sized stories, especially if I loop and have silent BG spots.

If Jogeir Liljedahl is OK with it, then I think we may be ready for launch, Houston!

Forbidden Forest
Terra Cresta
Aztek Challenge

and -

C64 Audio Classics:

Just picked up BIT2 from the store last night- great stuff.

Re: Thinking of doing an "audio book" recording - music ideas?

Posted: 24/08/2009 - 1:57
by RobinsonMason
It's up! I really like the way it came out and the awesome BG music. Thanks again to Chris! ... nadus.aspx