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3rd Katakis Amok run... or summat

Posted: 10/10/2009 - 1:03
by Amok
Like the title says... Im not sure if the Vocals are on according to the beat... Help me please... :)

It is still an early WIP but if some people like it so far, i will finish it... :)

Re: 3rd Katakis Amok run... or summat

Posted: 10/10/2009 - 12:55
by Analog-X64
Both Wife and I like the track without the lyrics. Or maybe shorten them, but than who am I to say its good or not.

If you are enjoying the track with the lyrics keep them in there.

I woke up at 4:30AM This morning and couldn't sleep so I took a loop of this track and bastertised it. ;)

I dont plan to do anything with it.

Looking forward to the finished product.

Re: 3rd Katakis Amok run... or summat

Posted: 31/10/2009 - 6:57
by Analog-X64
how is this track coming along? Would love to hear more of it.

Re: 3rd Katakis Amok run... or summat

Posted: 01/11/2009 - 11:03
by Amok
Hey Analog :)

There is already an updated version (same link). But no real progress so far :)

Btw, i like what you have done with it. If you need some single tracks or summat let me know ;)

Re: 3rd Katakis Amok run... or summat

Posted: 01/11/2009 - 20:45
by nummer2
Sehr geile neue Version von dir hoffe du bekommst es zu Ende. :worship: Katakisgott :worship: