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Best commercial ever!

Posted: 14/12/2009 - 11:37
by kntrl
This tv-commercial is being broadcasted in sweden right now and i just love it!

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 14/12/2009 - 11:51
by LMan
I have to agree. :)

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 14/12/2009 - 12:41
by Vosla
Very good! :D

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 14/12/2009 - 22:00
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Good stuff, but my favourite is this one currently airing on Danish tv. For a workers union even.

Pay close attention. The cool bit is only on for a brief moment.

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 15/12/2009 - 0:31
by analoq
kntrl wrote:This tv-commercial is being broadcasted in sweden right now and i just love it!
Too awesome. We could never see a commercial like that here in the US.

I went and downloaded the XM, good tune as well!

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 16/12/2009 - 19:56
by Doddsy
analoq wrote:
kntrl wrote:This tv-commercial is being broadcasted in sweden right now and i just love it!
Too awesome. We could never see a commercial like that here in the US.

I went and downloaded the XM, good tune as well!
I agree don't think we could ever see a commercial like that one here in the UK either. The average viewer will think its not very powerful and a step back to 8-bit computing! :lol:

Wonder when the chip tune will be released for us all to remix!!

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 18/12/2009 - 10:44
by trace
Really nice :D

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 18/12/2009 - 12:41
by Analog-X64
So this is what Retired C64 Demo coders do these days. :hysterical:

Thats cool stuff!!! They will never make any ads like this in Canada and if they did, only
a very small portion of the population would understand what it was.

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 01/01/2010 - 21:34
by Commie_User
A computery computer advert! Not seen one of those in years!

Nowadays it's all d***heads from the likes of Dell trying to persuade you that specs are dull and boring and that you should only buy a computer because it's new and loaded with brandnames. Then when Joe Punter fills his hard drive with the usual assortment of rubbish and viruses, grinding it to a halt, he's told to buy a new computer instead of handing over £50 to get the old one cleared out.

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 01/01/2010 - 22:51
by FunkyM
Too bloomin' right. Any one of us with an ounce of common knows to get some perfunctory virus-type softwares on standby, and installed on demand when the worst inevitably happens.

Except that Firefox virus-scans all downloads anyways, and will steer you away from attack sites, even though it's getting a mite bloaty itself these days...

Point! we can take care of ourselves, we are Nerds/Geeks/Techies, and we rule the world!

Re: Best commercial ever!

Posted: 02/01/2010 - 0:02
by Commie_User
But my gripe is not that the average Joe doesn't have all that knowledge plus the drive to marshal it, more that he's kept in deliberate ignorance of anything more than how to operate Internet Explorer.

My dad's an intelligent qualified electrician who's the boss of something-or-other. But like millions of others he's frustrated by this big wall put against him. "They told me computers were easy, but when the proverbial hits the fan all they tell me to do is spend more money" I can almost hear him say.

So he just says 'sod it' and spends!