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C64 Cheats+Pokes (for Giana Sisters, Spittis Search ...)

Posted: 12/01/2010 - 17:29
by JimHansen
So I will make here a forum entry with Cheats and Pokes you realy like.
Please insert your own!

I. FunPokes to Giana Sisters
Poke 5199,0 Dwarf get another color
Poke 10000,0 Sprites dies
Poke 17888,255 sureal Music
Poke 4055,200 Scrolling not smooth
Poke 4242,40 death if jump
Poke 4242,40 Sound and Jump
Poke 50200,40 Blocks in Level 4 different
Poke 7088,0 bei Jump high and blocks will come
Poke 7088,255 if you jump against blocks nothing will happen
Poke 55796,2 cloud will be yellow
Poke 55796,0 cloud will be black -- values 0-255
Sys 2112 start

II. If you need for the Game Spittis Search a map, you can use the Map from Tolkiens Hobbit-Book. You will begin in Hobbiton and you will go to the Dragon Den. Ok, Spitti don't looks like a Hobbit but the game is a persiflage to the Hobbit-Book.

III R-Type Sprite-Collision:
POKE 12887,96 and SYS 32768

Please insert your own Cheats and Pokes! :D

Re: Several Game-Cheats and Pokes

Posted: 12/01/2010 - 17:31
by JimHansen
Hi again I mean Cheat and Pokes for C64 :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Rainbow Island / Gosn' Goblins

Posted: 07/10/2010 - 16:47
by Maria_Gianna_c64
Rainbow Island
poke 32333,33 = in the chest is nothing
poke 23200,200 = not all is to collect
poke 19,234 = 0 sprites

Gosn' Goblins
sys 2128 (start-sys)
poke 2670,205 = unlimeted live
poke 4242,42 = better gunpower