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12 noon bus back from Brighton -> Stansted

Posted: 06/09/2003 - 23:09
by Chris Abbott
I'm thinking of putting this back to 2pm, maybe even 2.30pm since no one on it has a check in before 18.15, and it would give people time to have a lazy pub lunch.

That would mean the bus got to Stansted about 4.30pm: and that's assuming traffic jams :)

Anyone got any problems with that?


Posted: 07/09/2003 - 10:54
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
That's perfectly ok with me. You are awesome, Chris, if you didn't know that already! :wink:

Posted: 07/09/2003 - 15:00
by Chris Abbott

Posted: 07/09/2003 - 18:22
by Yodelking
Sounds teriffic! Thanks a lot for all your hard work to please us!

Posted: 07/09/2003 - 20:54
by Makke
Aye, you (Pex, Yodelking et al) are probably on the same flight as me back to the homeland which doesn't depart until 7-something. So this sounds pretty good. :)

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 6:51
by Markus Schneider
:cry: I have to check in till 3 pm. I dunno how long the bus needs to get back to Stansted, but it seems i can't take this one :cry:

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 8:33
by Chris Abbott
Hey Markus, according to my data your flight leaves at 18:30, the same as everybody else's. Getting to Stansted at 16:30 would be plenty of time to check in. I worked all this out!


Posted: 08/09/2003 - 8:37
by Markus Schneider

have a look at my email again. My plane leaves at 16:35 and arrives at 18:30 :!:

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 8:58
by Chris Abbott
OK, let's put the bus at 1pm then. The journey takes (in good traffic) about 1 and a half hours, but it's not often good traffic on the M25.

I didn't send out the final confirmation yet, so I can still change it :)

This should be plenty of time for everyone. Better change my data!


Posted: 08/09/2003 - 10:02
by Dr.Future
Ryan Air sux big time...

My flight goes at 11.40 from Stansted... :(

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 10:02
by Markus Schneider
>let's put the bus at 1pm then

Posted: 08/09/2003 - 13:41
by Chris Abbott
> My flight goes at 11.40 from Stansted...
I know. That's why I'll probably have to take you there myself!
Jan will have to keep pinching me to keep me awake!


Posted: 09/09/2003 - 5:35
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Chris Abbott wrote:> My flight goes at 11.40 from Stansted...
I know. That's why I'll probably have to take you there myself!
Jan will have to keep pinching me to keep me awake!
Will do, Squadron Leader. Got a CD player in the car? I've got just the album for an early morning drive (and no, I'm not talking about KLF's "Chill Out")

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 4:41
by Matrix
Sorry i couldnt be around for the overflow runs back to the airport guys - I needed some SERIOUS sleep after a full days driving and a 4hr kip in Peterborough... Besides .. i need to keep my right knee in its cap lol - hope everyone made it home ok :)