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Amazing voice synthesis

Posted: 12/08/2010 - 6:29
by LMan
Pretty close to human voice:

We've come a long way since SAM. :)

Re: Amazing voice synthesis

Posted: 13/08/2010 - 15:24
by Mordi
Cool. Very impressive! Could also be useful in music-making, for various voice-effects - with a vocoder and whatnot.

Re: Amazing voice synthesis

Posted: 13/08/2010 - 20:57
by buzzard
I'm sooooo sad!
I found great humour in typing random phrases in.

Not only is it impressive - it also offers hours of fun on a friday night when you're way too exhausted to do anything else!

Re: Amazing voice synthesis

Posted: 13/08/2010 - 23:09
by Analog-X64
Cooll!!! now I can do the recording for my answering machine with it :)

I like the British ones. The US Female one talks faster than the Male one.

Oooo and I made some cool sounds with the polish girl!!! :) wait... that sounds dirty.