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Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:16
by Mog
So, anyone who got a Goteki CD: what did you think of it?


(See my l33t market research skills.)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:32
by tas
Got to admit when i looked at it i thought, mmmm. not really grabbing me this at all. Now i popped it into my player i have to say it's really quite cool.

inspired by the 80's most certainly, and gary newman alike.

i like it, but i'm a sucker for this kind of stuff =)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 16:40
by dan gillgrass
shit, forgot I had that......... /me rummages around unpacked back for cd....

Re: Goteki

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 18:12
by Lee's PeeknPoke
Mog wrote:So, anyone who got a Goteki CD: what did you think of it?


(See my l33t market research skills.)
I think you gave my girlfriend Debbie a copy, Mog are you the guy who saw her tshirt saying
20 GOTO 10
and said "Here's a CD just for wearing THAT" :D
(BTW I made her wear it, a bit of fun, as she doesnt get retro games-Should have seen the looks as we waited to get it:))

Ive got the CD here somewhere, must give it a play!


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:07
by Chris Abbott
Goteki? Did I miss something?


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:13
by tas
someone threw a few preview type Cd's onto the table and it was a free 4 all, after thumping, biting and finally hitting someone with lars's little buster i got a copy.

It's like electronic music which states is assembled with synthesis, macintosh and commodore.

website is:

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:17
by Larsec
Tas wrote: ...and finally hitting someone with lars's little buster i got a copy.
That cute little puppy and be a regular Hell hound when he wants to...

Listening to the CD in a few minutes, will post something later... :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 20:44
by Mayhem
Yes I got accosted by Mog (who recognised me from an earlier BIT Live) and handed me a Goteki preview CD. Nice stuff I do have to say :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 20:47
by Chris Abbott
Pity I didn't get one... also I could have showed you the big record
producer who was at the gig incognito!


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:16
by tas
chris, i can send you my copy if it helps?

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:41
by Chris Abbott
> i can send you my copy if it helps?
do :)

Mog, was this your band? Are you a vocalist?


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 22:32
by tas
sort it out for ya tomoz, i'll pop it in the post

Re: Goteki

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 9:01
by Mog
Lee's PeeknPoke wrote:Mog are you the guy...
No. I'm a girl. Pay attention!

It was probably my bloke (he was wearing a very offensive t-shirt and was mostly handing out the CDs).

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 9:09
by Mog

Sorry, I was saving you a CD (we only did 50 - way too few), but since I didn't see you until right at the end, we had to give it to someone else. I seem to remember making Kenz promise to do you a copy, though.

They are not my band; Mr Eris co-runs Wasp Factory Recordings, and since Goteki frequently use a SID player in their music, we thought C64 fans might be interested.

Seems we were right!

If anyone's interested who didn't get a CD, various tracks are available at:

And if you are interested in Wasp Factory:


Posted: 16/09/2003 - 15:26
by Larsec
Mog wrote:Chris,

Sorry, I was saving you a CD (we only did 50 - way too few), but since I didn't see you until right at the end, we had to give it to someone else.
That someone was me, sorry Chris :(