2 of 5 tunes from the game "cyberpunks"
Posted: 25/01/2011 - 6:07
Theres the next one on the list, slightly different in style from the 1st one.. sticking very much to the tried and tested D&B format and I'd say only about 25% done, I've just cobbled what i have in front of me on ableton into something relatively safely patterned.. Im quite enjoying what ive got so far but definitely alot more work to do on it.
But still, thought id throw it out there to you guy's to get an opinion on what's here so far
Theres the next one on the list, slightly different in style from the 1st one.. sticking very much to the tried and tested D&B format and I'd say only about 25% done, I've just cobbled what i have in front of me on ableton into something relatively safely patterned.. Im quite enjoying what ive got so far but definitely alot more work to do on it.
But still, thought id throw it out there to you guy's to get an opinion on what's here so far