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New Virus: C64.BITLive.FeelShite@Brighton

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 11:14
by skitz

Discovered on: September 14, 2003
Last Updated on: September 18, 2003 11:34:21 AM


  • Terminates some BODY functions and processes.
  • Uses its own SNOT engine to replicate itself to all systems within a 50 feet radius.
  • Contains a destructive payload, which is triggered when too much AIR is addressed causing the
    SNEEZE and COUGH routine to kick in from the SNOT engine.
  • Performs a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on the THROAT and random components of the system.
  • Leaves a footprint within the THROAT called FLEM which remains memory resident until the
    BECHAMS patch is applied.
This Virus is written in the DNA++ language.

When C64.BITLive.FeelShite@Brighton is executed, it performs the following actions:
  1. Infects the THROAT sector and performs a Denial of Service (DoS) attack
  2. Creates the SNOT engine and begins to replicate itself.
  3. The SNEEZE engine is then started as a memory resident application.
  4. Termination of certain BODY functions within the system now occur.
  5. Continuous Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on the THROAT cause the system to produce
    FLEM packets - these can only be cleared with the BECHAMS patch.
  6. System eventually grinds to a halt and runs at 0% utilisation going into SLEEP mode until
    infection has been removed.
If infected, do the following:
  1. Apply BECHAMS virus protection remedy
  2. Put system into SLEEP mode as soon as possible
  3. Also apply NIGHT NURSE patch before putting system into SLEEP mode
Write-up by: DJ Skitz

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 11:30
by dbfm
rofl! absolutely bloody brilliant

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 12:35
by dan gillgrass
LMAO! nice one skitz! at least im back to %75 operating power today. Can I sue the organisers for this unforseen virus?

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 14:02
by Matrix
LMFAO !!!!! OMG !!!!! I dont think Norton Can Deal With that :D - NICE M8 REALLY NICE lol .....

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 14:05
by Chris Abbott
> Can I sue the organisers for this unforseen virus?
Sorry, act of God, force majeure...


Posted: 18/09/2003 - 14:56
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote: Sorry, act of God, force majeure...

Damn stupid loop holes in the law!

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 18:24
by tas
ok i was late, but i got the bloody thing now :(

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 20:29
by Vosla
skitz : :lol:

@Neil and all others who got it :
Be well soon!

Posted: 19/09/2003 - 11:17
by Lee's PeeknPoke
*sniffs* a slight cold here


Posted: 24/09/2003 - 11:11
by merman
Still suffering from it - and I got a cold after BIT3 last year. I reckon us computer geeks must harbour unusual germs...

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 18:39
by Subzero
Im refusing to attend another bitlive unless there is full virus protection available at the door - gasmasks, protective clothing and a copy of norton antivirus ;)

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 19:25
by dan gillgrass
subzero wrote:Im refusing to attend another bitlive unless there is full virus protection available at the door - gasmasks, protective clothing and a copy of norton antivirus ;)
We will have to cover the venue like they do to the house in ET