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My second remix: The Mansion

Posted: 31/07/2011 - 13:23
by Totta
Yes, I know. The Mansion (Last Ninja II) has been covered more times than I have toes on my feet but I still felt I wanted to give it a go. Since RKO is on holidays for the summer, you can listen to it here instead.

My main goal was to create a different but danceable techno-like version of this song without forgetting about the musical hooks that made it special in the first place. It's created purely from memory and I have intentionally switched places of the parts in the song.

Also I have listened to the creative suggestions regarding my last remix (Bulldog - Choir Mix) and made the master really LOUD this time.

All music was created with Renoise, using a lot of different VST instruments and effects, tweaked to fit the mood of the song.
Main VSTi's are The Nexus, Vanguard, Massive and Crystal with some QudraSID hidden in the mix just for the hell of it.

As always, suggestions and comments are VERY welcome.

Please take a listen. I would appreciate it.

EDIT: Made some changes to the last minute of the song and uploaded the new version at the same place

Re: My second remix: The Mansion

Posted: 31/07/2011 - 14:09
by Commie_User
I'm not into whatever style this is but it's a good polished, solid sound, well mixed.