Super Mario Bros.: Game Genie Codes by ABlake
Version: 1.2 | Last Updated: 1999-07-10 | View/Download Original File
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Mario.txt version 1.2: A Catalog of all Available Game Genie Codes for the
Super Mario Brothers Series--compiled by Adam Blake
This file is not being maintained. You are free to use this file on your
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Version History:
Version 1.0: Original version.
Version 1.2: Update completed 12/29/97. All copies lost until one paper
copy was discovered 6/30/99, from which this is typed.
Version 1.2: 7/10/99 2:12 am. Finished retyping version 1.2.
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Game Genie codes for Super Mario Brothers 1-2-3
I created most of the music codes for Mario 1 and almost all of the codes for
Mario 2 and 3. Credit is given where known, but this is hearsay and as
such it is not terribly accurate.
However, thanks to,, and Nintendo Power
for compiling many of the Mario 1 codes which were featured on tsr's NES
archive in the FAQs section, in a file titled Super Mario Bros-The Stupid
File. Some Mario 1 codes come from the SMB Game Genie Page on NES WORLD.
A few of the Mario 2 and 3 codes come from: NESJournal #3, NESJournal
#5, and Jesse Smith's game page.
Disclaimer: These codes were all tested on my CARTRIDGE of the Mario games.
They will not necessarily work in an emulator. The music codes will probably
not work at all on an emulator, since NESTICLE does not do a very good job
of emulating NES sound.
Super Mario Brothers, Mario, Goombas, Koopas, Bowzer, etc. are trademarks
of Nintendo of America
Game Genie is a trademark of Galoob
Super Mario Brothers 1
Universal Graphics Codes (affect every aspect of the graphics)
IKAAAE-Just try this sucker out! I can't describe it!
EOXOPE-Super Mario Brothers 2020-the scenery looks tropical (check out them
pipes) and the Castles look like log cabins--freezes if you hit a brick--the
levels underground look normal
OEKULT-Get a fire flower and you can phase between normal graphics and 2020--
has other effects-you can hit bricks
OEPULT-Fireballs invisible, 2020 pops up, music changes, odd effects.
POIAIE-Weird blackness.
POOAZE-Like POOAIE, but play in grayscale.
EOOEIE-Dim colors.
POOEIE-Play in grayscale.
OOOEIE-Play in bluescale.
POOPAE-Mario 1411 graphics. A variation on Mario 2020.
IIIEEP-Blue void.
GKAEEP-Blue void.
ZKSAAE-Scrambled graphics with jerky scrolling.
EKGAAE-Great frozen title screen!
KKGAAE-Play in the great void with slow music.
POOPIE-Mario 1411.
EOXOPE-2020 graphics. Freezes if you hit a block.
Specific Graphics Codes (affect some of the graphics)
POLAKE-New colors for blocks, etc
TOSENA-Makes a nice background!
OSTENA-blocks and background scenery are fragmented
Note: OSTENA is part of an immense family of codes which switch the sprites
of game elements (pipes, ground, background, etc) I got tired of doing all
of the iterations, but a partial list follows:
SKIENA-nice graphical substitutions (background, etc.)
ISNAKZ-when you hit a block, another block is under it
ISEPAG-ground is a double layer of bricks
EATLGZ-Mario does not become big when powered up....get a fire flower and
become little fiery Mario
SSPPYK-most of the ground is missing
SEIING-hit a block and it becomes nighttime
PGAETT-silhouette Mario
PEKEPS-silhouette everything but Mario
TIKAGI-score is strange
AEENIE-gliding Mario
APPNIE-charging Mario
YAZPNO-weird pipes
YAZONO-pipes replaced by background elements
YAZENZ-gold bricks flash different colors
YAZENG-7s appear where hidden items are
OPKOPK-misplaced background scenery
OLAOLA-play on nothing above actual scenery-neat
STAEXZ+GAAGGA-rains coins--has other effects
EGXNAY-2020 graphics! Also a music code.
STOXUN-Yellow sky.
EPOXUN-Tremors. Also a behavioral code.
IKAXUN-Stripes are missing from background. Scene shifts rapidly.
SSSXUN-Scene changes randomly.
KKKXUN-Scene changes randomly.
TTTXUN-2020 title screen. Freezes.
YYYXUN-Small section of 1-1 with a big hole in it loops infinitely.
EEEXUN-Stripes missing from background.
PPPEPP-Question blocks flash faster.
GGAEXP-Adds colored stripes to screen.
ATPOPT-Switches game elements. Lots of question blocks.
ATEOAT-Almost no blocks.
ATEOPG-Staggered scenery.
POGPIE-When you kill an enemy or hit a block, an afterimage of it stays with
Mario for the rest of the level.
POXPIE-Bizarre graphic scrambler. Freezes.
ATEOPA-Mario starts under the ground.
POOAIE-Neat-looking title screen, screen before 1-1.
POOPIT-Transposing error.
EOOPIT, XOOPIT-Similar to POOPIT-Transposes sprites with one another.
YOOPIT-Great transposing error.
POOAAE-Frozen nice title screen.
NAGOAG-Scenery different or gone.
AKIAAE-Nice frozen title screen.
KIAAEE-Odd menu screen.
PZOOPK-Background full of odd clouds.
ZIGPAK-Background is odd.
ZIGPOK-Misplaced enemies.
ZIGPZK-Too many clouds.
ZGIOOK-Black void.
ZIGPXK-Misplaced enemies.
KITENO-Changing colored stripes on ground.
KISENO-Some ground is invisible.
KKEENO-Discolored level, some invisible scenery.
XLVENO-Some discoloration.
NOPEND-Ground glows. Some discoloration.
XYXPYP-Fragmented 2-headed Mario.
ONEENO-Some discoloration and scene jumping.
SUXENO-Blue and lime green coloring.
PAGPEG-Misplaced enemies.
PITEXP-Color-changing blocks.
POPOIK-Floor is raised 1 block.
NOPEIS-White skies.
ENOENO-Colored bricks.
YAZENO-Green world.
EAZEAZ-Enemies leave trails, gaps in scenery.
YAZEEO-Small changes in color.
YAZEUO-Scrambled colors.
AAAETT-Nighttime 1-1 and scrambled graphics.
PINAOO-Scrambled colors.
PEKING-Nice freeze.
AEKING-Nice freeze.
EPIOZE-Nice title screen.
EXPOPE-Grey title freeze.
EOPOPE-Adds lots of question blocks to level.
PGOOIG-Scrambles graphics.
IGOOIG-Scrambles graphics.
OPOOIG-Scrambles graphics.
AAAOIG-Scrambles graphics.
AEPOIG-Scrambles grapihcs.
KPKPKP-Ground covered in 1/2 pipes.
OZONAY-Fragmented graphics.
ZOTAKK, YOTAEG-Changes color of enemies, items.
IUTAVG, AEIAOG, IOTAKK-Blocks and mushrooms are monochrome.
ZXTAVG, ZXTAKG, ZXIASG-Some mushrooms, fireballs, and spinys are almost
LOIAOK, LXIAEK, LEIAXK-Blocks are sea-green.
ZXIAOG, ZXIAEG, LXIAXG-Blocks are blue with purple lines.
LOIAOG, GOIAEG, ZOIAXG-Blocks are bright purple.
YOIAKG, YXIAVG, AXIASK-Clouds are red and orange.
IXYASG, IXIAOG-Blocks are pink.
ZOTAVG, POTAKG-Blocks are blue and white.
PEAEKG-Blocks which contains coins are marked with the number 1.
IXTASP-Blocks flash fast.
IZSPOP-Background is scrambled.
KIPAXI-In castle levels x-4, the bricks and lava are blue, there is text at the
top of the screen, and there are other graphical effects.
INSAKE-Graphics substitutions.
GGOPAK-Scrambled background.
GKIAEP-Screen flashing.
GYAEVO-Spots of color.
ZEKAEP-Screen jerky and graphical errors.
SIKAEP-Graphics are scrambled. Also a behavioral code.
AIPEAT-Black sky.
TLLLAT-Fireballs disappear and reappear.
APZPIG-Scenery is scrambled.
APZPYG-Neat scrambled background.
KSKXVV-Scrambled colors.
ZGGAEP-Strange background, slowdown.
IIAAZT-Always look like Fire Mario.
EKGAIS-Odd palette.
*KGEKG-Color of bushes and pipes different.
Behavioral Codes (affect jumping, running, blocks, etc.)
PIAULT-Mario slides when you try to stop or turn around
POPISO-enemies cannot be stomped
POEISO-goombas change to invincible Koopas when stomped
GPPXXY-blocks disappear when you hit them
IOAULT-fireballs behave...oddly
TELLEY-helium-filled Mario has a hard time staying on the ground
IOEOIO-Mario is permanently invincible, but music is normal
IVYIVY-very fast Goombas
SUEISA-run into enemies to power up
SEPUEG-hit first mushroom block and your score starts climbing fast
PEGLEG-jumpy mushrooms
EATLEG-mushrooms and fireflowers absent, 1up mushrooms jumpy
GAPOAO-come out of pipes wrong-cool code
XVSUOS-all 1ups replaced with starmen
OKKULT-fireballs ignore laws of gravity and physics
EEEULT-fire shooting behavior odd-can produce machine-gun effect
UNNUUN-Mario has difficulty jumping
NAXULT-hold jump to hop once you get Fire Flower
POIISK-can't hit bricks
POIISG-items in ? blocks are random
VENPIS-all blocks are items
VALLEY-enemies either move fast or don't move at all
TALLEY-enemies move left only
POIISO-stomp an enemy and he flips over and floats downstream
PONISO-stomp an enemy and get hurt
YLLLLI-mobile powerups will fall off-screen rather quickly
ULLLLI-Mario is slow
PSKIST-Mario cannot move
AYYNIE-Mario cannot move
AYYYYP-Mario cannot move-stupid
POIIOG-Mario can pass through boxes
PIGOAP-swim without water--neat code
TIKAPO-slow motion
YXZLNY-Mario is fast
EATSSY-walk through things
YAZSNO-get hit by enemy and power up
ELVISS-zombie Mario-pulled to right side of screen
YPZTZZ-invisibly tall Goombas
YEZTZZ-cannot be touched by enemies or powerups
YAZYIZ-lots of teleportation--fun code
YZZENO-lots of enemies throw hammers at you
EVYIVY-things on ground bounce
YZXLNY-run really fast
PAASNO-Mario can stomp all enemies
PAZSNO-Mario can always throw fireballs
ZEVLGK-very high jumps
EEVLGK-rocket jump from standing start
ZEVLEY-jump a little higher
EVYIVN-enemies walk through walls
YZXLNN-no enemies and you have super speed
NZXLNY-can go left until you stop
KGXVYU-Enemy position different than perceived position.
EGXVYU, EPXVYU, AGXVYU, EPIVYU-Enemy position different than appearance.
EEEVYU-Enemies, powerups fall through ground.
EPOXUN-Blocks turn invisible when hit. Also a graphics code.
POPXUN-Random invisible blocks and vines appear.
NNNVYU-Mario passes through objects and touches invisible ones.
ZXLLUN-Mario jumps high, comes up from under screen, hits ground, and floats
down slowly. Enemies and powerups also float down. Freezes if you get too
close to the left edge of the screen.
UXLLUN-Mario cannot jump.
UUUXUN-Scroll does not keep up with Mario.
trouble running and stopping properly.
GENLAS-Mario has extra acceleration.
GENUAS-Mario has super-speed.
GENPTS-All question blocks contain powerups.
GENPAZ-Mario, enemies fall through ground.
POEISA-Mario is invincible and starts with 1000 points.
NAGLAG-Certain blocks repel Mario.
NAGNAP-Coins move when you get them.
NAZNAG-When you hit a block, all enemies move closer to you.
PINAAO-Move around while game is paused!
STAGEO-All enemies throw hammers!
SPEPNY-Fire is shooting at you like in a dungeon.
SGTOSK-Drop into levels. Die at 1-2 from time-up.
GGIOOK-Mario is a zombie. Also a new world code.
KGIOOK-Mario is a zombie. Also a new world code.
EGIOOK-Mario is a zombie. Also a new world code.
GANOPE-Enemies turn into headless bowsers.
STOPYP-Come out of pipe in a cool way.
SEPTAT-Coins are in odd places.
TIKOAP-Starts level in odd location.
TSTOIG-Zombie Mario.
NZXNLO-Mario stuck in upper left-hand corner of screen.
KIGLUY-Mario, enemies teleport.
TVAPKG-Lowers ground one block.
AETVEN-When Mario shoots fire, strange things happen.
TVTAGG-Everytime you get a powerup or stomp an enemy you get a 1up.
OTGOTO-Swim without water.
SKIINO-Enemies do not die.
EKPLLL-Moon gravity. Also a music code.
ZIGGYY-More enemies.
NAPKIN-More koopas.
SIKAEP-Mario can jump high. Also a graphics code.
KAAEPO-Enemies do not die.
PKAOZP-Mario is invincible and flashing.
LUGLUG-Items like mushrooms and starts move slowly.
SZLIVO-Once Mario gets a mushroom, he is invincible until time up or a pit,
at which time Mario becomes small. If he dies again, he changes to big.
AAZUAG-When Mario is turbo running, he can jump as high as desired by holding
the A button.
TALLAT-Mario has autofire when he gets a fire flower.
TPLLAT-Mario glides along the ground when he has a fire flower.
TGLLAT-Mario emits bubbles when he has a fire flower and fireballs disappear.
Mario also teleports occaisonally and sometimes the game freezes.
TKLLAT-Fireballs always travel to the right.
TTLLAT-Mario cannot fire except rarely, when fireballs appear as silhouettes
and copies of them move symmetrically with the originals.
AUINAL-Enemies teleport. Also a sound effects code.
EATOZO-Mario drops from sky at beginning of levels.
APZPVG-Enemies are different.
TAZUIG-Slow descent from some jumps and occasional low gravity.
GTTTTL-Go through enemies and flowers.
GIIIVY-Go through pipes and blocks to the right.
AAATIO-Only Mario can move.
KILLEN-Mario, Goombas behave oddly.
XVXOKK-Enemies replaced.
LUILUI-Mushrooms replaced with flashing odd stuff which affects you like a
ISKVGY-Enemies "melt" when stomped.
PAOEPO-Game moves faster.
GOZSXX-Mario is invincible, even from fire.
New World Codes (create new levels)
You should use SSASSA (invincibility) and PIGOAP (swim without water)
when using these codes to explore areas which would be otherwise inacessible.
GENPAS-transposes certain game elements (pipes, question blocks, etc.)
GENOAS, GENPZS, GENPLS, GENPGS, GENPIS, GENPOS-All of these do similar things
to game elements, like GENPAS but they all differ from each other.
ATEOPT-transposing error pt. II
POOPIS-Transposing error.
POOPIG, POOPIK-Puzzle piece world. Use PIGOAP or you will fall and die.
POZPIS-New world. Also a music code.
SIIPKK-Flooded bullet land. 1-2 is a pit.
SPEPNG-Underwater loop.
SPPPOG-Underwater 4-1. 1-2 is underwater 4-3. 1-3 is underwater loop.
PIPOIS-Altered 1-1. Cannot finish level.
SIPPNG-Keep playing through this one. A later level takes place on clouds,
like a bonus round!
PGAPGG-Warped 1-1.
PUPOIS, POPOIS-Altered 1-1.
LIZONK-3-3 to 3-3 to 1-2 to freeze.
XAAOOK-Water world->4-1->1-3 with Lakitu->underwater loop.
NIXOOK-8.3 loop.
PGAOOK-0-1 strange level.
PGAOPK-Question block land which you cannot finish.
EGAOOK-Underwater 4-1->Underwater 4-3 with EARTHQUAKES and cheep-cheep swarms
and then going to the underwater loop.
PZXOOK-1-3 to 1/2 to freeze. Try this out.
IPPPPI-Pipe and steps turn into question blocks. Freezes.
SGKOKK-Repeating 8-1.
TGOPSK-Repeating 2-2.
OGOPOK-Underwater 4-1 to underwater 1-3 to underwater loop to freeze.
PGOPOK-Underwater 4-1.
OGIPOK-Short wacky land.
OAKPOK-Misplaced-enemy land.
PGOPSK-Underwater 4-3 with grey bowser to underwater 8-4 to freeze.
ZIGPSK-1-3 with no platforms to 5-1 no enemies to nocturnal 8-3 to 2-3 bridge
to 8-3 (1-5) as a castle to 5-1 no enemies to underwater 4-1 with no Lakitu
to 1-8 boring level to some strange dungeon to ? Try this code!
AYKPSK-Large ocean to 4-4 as a normal level to clouds.
IAGPSK-4-1 with no Lakitu to 1-3 to underground underwater level to ?
GAIOPK-Stone-filled universe!
PGPOSK-2-1 to 2-3 to 2-3.
SGOOSK-3-1 to 3-1 to 1-1 to 1-3 to ?
SAGOSK-Cloud land to 2020 graphics to freeze.
SGAOSK-Underwater 4-1 to underwater 4-3 with earthquakes to?
OGIOOK-Wacky colored 1-1 with grey zombie Mario. Also a behavioral code.
OGOOKK-Repeating underwater castles.
AGOOPK-Handicapped 1-1.
PGOOKK-Underwater loop.
AGIOPK-World of IF.
EIGPSK-Some dumb level to underground night level to desolate plain level to
underground 4-3 to ? to dungeon 4-3 to time-up death.
VIGPSK-4-4 as a normal daytime level to cloud trap.
OPOPOK-2020 graphics. Underwater 4-3 to cloud loop.
VGKOKK-Nighttime in the mine.
UGKOKK-Nighttime in the tunnel in greyscale.
ZAGPSK-4-1 no Lakitu to 1-3 to fantastic sewer level.
OGOPSK-Dungeon loop.
ZIZPSK-1-1 with Lakitu to 1-2 with Toad! Loops.
KGKOKK-Pipe to pipe to underwater 4-3 to fantastic 2-5.
GGOPSK-Dungeon 1-3 to normal level to blackness.
ZIGOSK-Drained 2-2 to daytime castle.
IAGPSK+PGPOSK-Weird 1-1 to ?
ZIGPKK-Fantastic daytime 2-4.
ZIGPTK-Fantastic tetris levels!
GGIOOK-Halloween land with zombie Mario. Also a behavioral code.
KGIOOK-Fall-colored stone land. Also a behavioral code.
TGIOOK-Fall-colored land.
EGIOOK-Stone land with zombie Mario. Also a behavioral code.
ZIGPYK-Stony land.
PIPOIS+ZIGPSK-Strange plain with artifacts!
SAGOOK-Drained 2-2!
PGAOKK-World of OF.
OAKOAK-Flat plain dead end world.
SAZAKE-Altered 1-1.
ULTPLT-Really strange world.
OOOOAK-World riddled with holes.
PPPOSK-Looping 1-3 and 2-3.
LLLOAK-Strange world.
LLLPSK-Strange castle lands.
UUUOKK-Daytime castle world.
TIKOIO-Flooded outside world.
VPPPPI-Strange world with shooting coins.
PXZOIG-Rock world.
AISOOK-Grey brick, black sky, no scenery.
EISOOK-Black background, no ground, autumn color scheme.
VISOOK, XISOOK-No ground, just pit of water.
UISOOK+ZIGPSK-Great zombie castle.
GISOOK-Cloud world, zombie Mario.
TISOOK-Grey mine land->trap.
YISOOK-Zombie autumn world.
APSOOK-Grey 1-1 with ceiling.
AZSOOK-Grey blocks, ceiling, partially trapped in blocks.
ALSOOK-Fall night-time coloration.
ETSOOK-Fantastic 1-1 that looks like 8-3!
OGSOOK-Zombie grey stone.
ZASOOK-Zombie grey.
GGSOOK-Halloween zombie.
GISOOK-Cloud zombie underwater.
KGSOOK, IASOOK-Autumn stone zombie.
ILSOOK-Cloud zombie.
TGSOOK-Autumn stone with ceiling.
TISOOK-Grey tunnel with ceiling.
YASOOK-Zombie cloud castle with ceiling.
NASOOK-Cloud 1-1!
ZZSOOK-Grey, no background.
XPSOOK-No ground, castle, with ceiling.
UZSOOK-Autumn stone.
GASOOK-Autumn water.
APSOOK-No background, autumn.
PGPOOK-Cloud level.
PAAOOK-Fantastic code! Use PIGOAP. Starts out as a 1-1 with a black
background and no ground. Soon you depart from familiar 1-1, swim over a
lake of lava, and enter a strange corridor made of alphabet blocks!
PGEOOK-Like the aforementioned level 0-1.
ZIGPSK+PEZOOK-1-3 looking stony world->autumn plain 5-2?->underground above
ground level at night->8-3ish cheep cheep bridge->8-3 dungeon!->1-6 zombie
PZZOOK-1-3 with misplaced enemies->freeze.
LOZOOK+ZIGPSK-Fantastic mine shaft (use PIGOAP.)
POZOOK+ZIGPSK-Plain (go down 1st pipe for underground above ground level at
PAZOOK-1-3->1-3->1-2 different enemies->underground above ground.
PZZOOK+ZIGPSK-8-3 misplace enemies->same->underground 8-3->normal 8.3->?
PXZOOK-Short odd 1-1->odd zombie level.
PLZOOK-Same as PXZOOK but no zombie.
PAPOOK-Bonus level.
PKZOOK-Odd 1-1->zombie ?
PKZOOK+ZIGPSK-Odd 1-3->odd autumn level->underground 8-3->cheep cheep bridge
->odd 8-3->dungeon->zombie plain.
PSZOOK-Odd 1-1.
PAGOOK-Drained underwater level.
GISOOK-Zombie cloud.
GAAOOK-Great time-up.
OAAOOK, IAAOOK, KAAOOK-Great time-ups.
VIGPSK-Drained dungeon->cloud level->can't finish.
AIGPSK-Castle time-up.
EIGPSK-Great! Go in pipe for underground above ground->5-2->underground 4-3
OPOPOK-Underground->underwater-underwater 5->underwater 4-3->underwater 4-3.
NIGPSK+PIGOAP-Like PAAOOK but normal graphics.
EATOZS-1-1 becomes just a row of blocks that goes on forever.
GPPPPI-Altered 1-1 with many powerups.
AOAPYA-World H-1
POAPYA-World I-1
ZOAPYA-World J-1
LOAPYA-World K-1
GOAPYA-World L-1
IOAPYA-World M-1
TOAPYA-World N-1
YOAPYA-World O-1
AXAPYA-World X-1
LXAPYA-World -1
NEAPYA-You are stuck in the underwater part of 8-4.
EEAPYE-A flooded world.
PEAPYE-Swimming through a bonus round at night.
LEAPYE-A flooded castle.
KEAPYE-Many different levels.
SZLIVO-World 0-1 (underwater dungeon with traps)
KIIOZV-Levels are arranged differently.
AIPPAT-Small changes to level. Also a music code.
AIAPAT-Level is rearranged.
AIZPAT-Many blocks are gone, level is different. Also a music code.
AITPAT-Level contains some object substitutions.
PPZOOG-odd 1-3->odd 1-3->odd 1-2->odd 1-3->odd dungeon->odd 1-3->odd 1-3->odd
underwater loop.
AIZOOG-Blue void with powerups and some scenery.
APZPOG-Scrambled underwater 5-2->3-1->3-1->underwater plain->freeze
APZPUG-strange underwater 4-1->strange underwater 1-3->underwater loop
APZPEG-Underwater loop.
IPEPNY-Fire in 1-1.
NPEPNY-Bullets in 1-1.
KPEPNY-Flying fish in 1-1.
OPEPNY-Lakitu in ground in 1-1.
AAPOTS-Wonderful altered 1-1. Explore this world; levels are insanely long
but can be completed.
PKPOKK-1-1 with clouds for blocks.
PIGPOG-Enemies, lifts switched around.
New World Traps (creates world in which you cannot move)
TIKOKK-Weird castle land.
UIGPSK-Dungeon trap.
TIGPSK-Brick land trap.
PSKOIG-Happy brick land (trapped.)
SGSPSK-Trapped in cloud world.
OAKPSK-Trapped in clouds.
SGSOOK-Stuck in stone world.
AGOOKK-Stuck in nice caste land.
OGAOKK-Pipe-top world.
UGIOOK-Nice stone trap.
YGIOOK-Cloud castle!
AGIOOK-Halloween trap!
UGIOOK-Cloud trap.
LGIOOK-Stone trap.
ZGKOKK-Fantastic cloud trap at night.
XGKOKK-Cloud trap with timeup death.
SGAOKK-Purple cloud trap.
POZOIG-Rock trap.
IISOOK-Zombie, trapped in stone.
AGSOOK-Halloween colors, freeze.
ATSOOK-Nice cloud trap.
EASOOK-Nice time-up.
EPSOOK-Grey time-up.
EGSOOK-Zombie, in stone.
PPSOOK-Castle, cloud trap.
GLSOOK-Stone grey trap.
KASOOK-Cloud castle time-up.
KPSOOK-Cloud trap.
SLSOOK-Autumn trap.
YGSOOK-Nice cloud castle trap.
EYSOOK-Infinite music, trap.
LASOOK-Nice cloud trap.
LTSOOK-Castle trap.
YTSOOK-Castle trap.
UGSOOK-Cloud trap.
TIGPSK-Nice trap.
UIGPSK-Castle trap.
Drop Codes-drop you into a pit
OGIPSK-Changing world with time-up death.
ATEOAG-drop into a pit of blue
OAKOSK-Drop from sky into nothing with time-up death.
PGAOSK-Great drop into nothing with time-up death.
SAGOKK-Warp to 6-7-8 warp zone and die.
SGAOOK-Drop into white and die.
Warp Codes
SPPPNK-Loop of some level.
OGOPSK-Warp to 8-4.
OAKOKK-Warp to 6-1.
SGOOKK-Warp to 1-4.
TAKOKK-Warp to 3-3.
SFX Codes
NAGNAG-new sound for stomping
NAGNAK-Many SFX different.
NAGYAG-Many SFX different.
NZZNZG-Many SFX different.
NAGNIG-Stomping FX different.
NAGNZG-Hitting block FX different.
NAGNLG-Stomp FX different.
AAGNAG-Stomp FX different. Freezes.
EAGNAG-Block, stomp FX different.
NOGNAG-Go down pipe FX different.
AXINAL-Jump FX different.
AUINAL-No jump FX. Also a behavioral code.
AVINAL-Jump and fire FX are different.
PVINAL-Jump, fire, and powerup FX are different.
Music Codes
NGGNAY-creates interesting music from all songs (loops several notes and
plays various bass parts over this)
NIGNAY-takes the DrumMix (explained later) and inserts pauses into it
YAGNAY-plays briefly some of the end-game music and then stops-only works
OGGNAY, XGGNAY, UGGNAY, KGGNAY, EGGNAY-All of these are similar to NGGNAY,
but each is different from the rest.
STAPTO-Music stops immediately.
PPPPPP-Various tunes are switched around.
EGXNAY-Drums are off-time. Also a graphics code.
YYYVYU-When you stomp an enemy, music goes through several variations.
KOTAGE-No sound at all.
PIPPPP-Plays invincibility music constantly.
PAPPPP-Loops normal music constantly.
POZPIS-When you interact with blocks, enemies, the music screws up.
NAGNAN-Music skips.
NYGNAG-Music skips.
AGGNAY, ZGGNAY-One instrument plays some wrong notes on a sine wave.
GGGNAY-Same as AGGNAY but with banjo sound.
POTPIE-Freezes with great grinding noise.
EOPOPE-No music. Also a graphics code.
APPPPP, PPPPPP, TPPPPP-Mixed-up music.
XPPPPP, UPPPPP-Underwater music.
KPPPPP-Fortress music.
SKINIT-Between-level music.
UNVUXV-Repeating music.
STOPPP-Starman music.
TGOOIG-Remixes on the fly.
remixing which depends on what Mario does!
EPONLY-Fragmented music; some instruments off-time.
PISNLY-Music stops immediately.
NZXNLY-Trance remix.
NLXNLY-Similar remix.
AEENLY, ZEANLY-Sound effect music freakout!
NVXNLY, SEXNLY, XXXNLY, Adds a short-decay instrument (like a terrible synth
banjo sound) playing the melody.
OZXNAY, NZXNAY, EPXNAY, APXNAY-All these make the drums off-time in various
PPPNLY-Music starts and stops frequently.
EPPNLY, APONAY, TVYNLY, EPONLY-All these make the melody off-time and the
music starts and stops.
PPENLY, NZANLY, NZENLY-All these make the bass strange.
really cool remixes of the music with extra drums.
ZOANLY, ZXENLY-The melody is turned off.
NUNNLY, YVYNLY, VNNNLY, UUUNLY-If the Mario/duck hunt cart is in, these will
first make weird slow interpretive ballad music and then go into a warped
duck hunt with the coolest music you've ever heard!!! If the cartridge of
just Mario is in, that ballad music will continue.
NANNLY, PZZNAY-Drums off-time, melody slow/off.
YLYNLY, GINNLY-Music skips frequently.
NSXNLY, NNXNLY, SUXNLY-Adds a pure, no decay sine wave (like a synthesized
clarinet) playing the melody.
NUXNLY, NXXNLY, IOXNLY-Adds another melody sounding more like an oboe.
TZXNLY, NIXNLY, NGXNLY-Every instrument is odd or skipping.
NZXNUY, NZXNOY, NZXNSY-Makes one note more prominent.
EPONAY, EPONEY-Strange fragments of all songs and instruments.
NEXNLY-Soft clarinet melody.
NZONLY, NZPNLY-Strange transitions between sections of music.
NIGNAY-Start/stop minimal music.
PPONAY-Fragments of normal music.
YVONNE-Makes great noise.
AIPPAT, EIPPAT-Drums occasionally stop. Also a new world code.
AIZPAT-Music starts/stops and drums cut out. Also a new world code.
ATINAL-Music replaced by grinding noise.
OTINAL-This and *TINAL replaces the music with different noises.
AEINAL-Music and SFX freak out.
APINAL-Constant grinding.
AGINAL-Different constant grinding.
ASINAL-Wonderful musical freakouts triggered by jumping. Freezes.
ATINZL-Hum and hiss.
TVVOAE-Altered underwater music.
ZZAYGN-Great warped music.
Deleter Codes (eliminates certain game elements)
SEGAKE-no scenery
XZZOEK-no enemies
VULANE-world is invisible (blue screen code)
IKTPOK-no outdoor enemies
ZTSLEG-no items except coins
TIKULT-fireballs disabled
PIGNAX-Mario is invisible, enemies are gone
NAGNAX-Mario is invisible, enemies are gone
VENUSS-no items in bricks
USSUSS-no mushrooms
PZOPIG-Some background is gone.
PIGPEG-No enemies.
NZXNLZ-Mario, enemies invisible.
ELLOOK-No ground.
EAKKPO-No enemies.
SAGOZK-no background
ATLOPT-No platforms.
APPPPI-No blocks.
AAOPAK-No background.
YYOPAK-Only clouds in background.
ZTSLEG-No special items.
AASOOK-No background.
ZGSOOK-No background.
PYSOOK-No background, blue sky.
XLSOOK-No hills.
KOTAGE-No sound at all.
PGOPGO-No music.
XAPSVA-No starman music.
Misc. Codes
ALKELI-Score is strange.
IANOXG-timer is goofed-starts on MOO!
ATAPIX-continues automatically
IGEAPO-game stuck in demo
TIKPOG-more enemies
EPZKIX-tons of turtles
YYTOZA-Over 155 lives.
OKZAPO-Every button pauses.
KILLLU-Jumping when big warps you to the next level. Freezes.
Failed Codes
These are codes I have seen on other lists, tested, and found not to work.
This may be due to differences among cartridges, or to the fact that I may
have simply missed the effect. If anyone can discover an actual effect,
good for them. Thanks.
POZXUN-No description available.
NAPNAG-Description reads "Hit block for permanent 2020 graphics."
APIAAE-No description available.
KIZVUY-Description reads "I'm walking."
GPPXXY-Description reads "Flying Mario."
PAITEN-Description reads "Mirror Mario."
AYYYYP-Description reads "Things flying."
KILLXV-Description reads "All blocks contain coins."
KENVAS-Description reads in part "Super, super, super fast."
GPPIGE-Description reads "Crazy Goombas."
STLNYL-Description reads "Crazy space jazz."
Super Mario Brothers 2
Music Codes
EPSETA-Bass is screwed up.
EKOETI-Drums are screwed up nicely.
EIKEPS-Bass is odd.
EKIEPS-Wonderful code which switches drum samples and sfx. Just listen to
the character select music!
EKAEPS-Title like EKIEPS. Also a behavioral code.
EPOPPI-Plays wart music.
KPIEPK-Music sustains longer between scenes. Also a graphics code. Also a
behavioral code.
EKPEPS-Drums slow to off.
EPKEPK-Music starts early. Also a graphics code. Also a behavioral code.
AEKEPK-Bizarre music alteration!
KAAEPK-Great weird music! Also a great behavioral code.
KATEPK-Like the clarinet code for Mario 1.
EPOEPI-Like the Mario 1 banjo code.
EPOPEI-Some instruments cannot keep up.
EIKPOZ-Freezes, but music continues with odd drum samples.
KIGOPE-Odd intro.
EKAAAE-No harmony parts.
KOTAGE-No harmony.
EAGOPE-All these codes screw up the beginning of the pregame music amazingly,
but none of them last for more than 20 seconds. They always make a perfect
transition into boring normal level music. I need codes which do this kind
of thing without ever resuming normal music.
IANOXG-Certain parts are doubled and track oddly.
PEGELI-Drums slow/off.
XZZOEK-Certain notes sustained longer.
ELKELG-Great noise when you die. Also a behavioral code. I need a code
which, when you die, does not resume the level so this music can go on
ELKELS-Title music is odd. Freezes.
ALKELI-No bass, some parts are scrambled.
PLKELI-Bass is playing all the wrong notes.
GENPAS-Great freeze with strange music/sfx blend.
GLKELI-Weird bass.
EIKELI-No bass, parts screwed up.
EGKELI-Bass screwed up.
EGKELS-Nice-sounding freeze.
EZKELI-Weird bass.
Behavioral Codes
KEZEKZ-When you pick up an item, you transport to the top of the screen.
SEZEPS-Same as KEZEKZ but you don't go as high.
PAZEAZ-When the pidgit lands, subcon shakes.
UOZEAZ-No enemies.
EOZEKI-Mario goes on a picking-up frenzy, falls through the ground and dies.
You can delay this if you land on an enemy, and you can make Mario go through
strange graphic changes.
EKPETZ-Some enemies are gone.
EKIEPZ-Enemies appear from left. Also a graphics code.
OPEOPE-Drill Mario spins and sometimes goes through ground.
KPIEPO-Mario can control enemies with B. Also an SFX code. Also a graphics
EPIEPO-Like KPIEPO except it also affects SFX differently. Also a graphics
code. Also an SFX code.
KPIEPK-Mario's control is incredibly strange! Enemies fall into the ground.
Also a music code. Also a graphics code.
EKAEPS-Hearts appear every time you kill an enemy or throw something. Also a
music code.
EPKEPK-Mario's control is very strange. Also a music code. Also a graphics
PKKEKK-Mario can control pidgits and make them jump with A, even while they
are in the air already! Mario himself, however, cannot jump.
KAKEPK-All the characters now flail their legs like Luigi when they jump!
KAAEPK-Characters shake and can't stand still. They can jump the entire
height of the screen. Also a great music code.
KASEPK-Mario's control is odd. Mario has tremors. Also a graphics code.
KPZTSZ-Mario falls through things.
XEEEEE-Unlimited vegetables, coins, etc.
EPAPPI-Enemies don't stick to their routes, they fall off ledges.
EPOPAI-Enemies spontaneously disappear, Mario appears at top of screen.
EPEOPI-Enemies fall through ground.
EELPOT-Enemies walk through things.
EEAPOT-Enemies spontaneously disappear.
LEAPOT-Enemies spontaneously disappear. Many odd effects. One time I threw
a POW block and the music did an OOOVYU freakout, the sky turned green, and
the game froze! Experiment with this one.
UEAPOT-Another unpredictable code like LEAPOT.
TEAPET-Enemies and vegetables float at the top of the screen.
ELKELG-Cannot kill enemies. Also a music code.
USSUSS-Mario does not interact with enemies.
EEEULT-When you kill certain enemies, they fly straight up.
TELPOT-Ghost-like enemies walk through objects.
POPAET-When throwing things to the left they travel further.
YPYPYP-POW blocks change into other objects.
APAPAP-You can put things in midair and stand on them.
LEGOIO-Plants become coins.
TEAPOP-Enemies fall from screen on sight.
TEAPOT-Enemies are immobile.
YXSETUAO+NSVAPUEO-Mario is very fast.
YZEEGKAO+NIEEYKEV-Luigi is very fast.
YXNAIUAO+NSNEAUEV-Toad is very fast.
YZXALKAO+NIXATKEY-Princess is very fast.
Specific Graphics Codes
AAZENZ-A cool-looking freeze.
PAZEOZ-When Mario gets hurt, he stays looking "negative."
EOTETZ-Scrambles the graphics in the pre-level wonderfully.
EKKELV-The scene frequently shifts in a confusing manner. Also a SFX code.
EOSESI-The scene occaisonally shifts.
EIKESO-Everything is a nice red-and-white.
EISEPK-Scrambled nice-looking freeze.
EKIEPZ-Odd background in pre-game. Also a behavioral code.
KPSEKI-Mario look different.
KPIEPO-Pre-game graphics odd. Also an SFX code. Also a graphics code.
EPIEPO-Just like KPIEPO except affects SFX differently. Also a graphics code.
Also an SFX code.
PPIEPO-Adds stripes to level. Also an SFX code.
OPIEPO-"Slot machine" graphics. Also an SFX code.
XPIEPO-"Slot machine" graphics. Also a level altering code. Also an SFX
TPIEPO-Adds stripes, other effects just like XPIEPO.
VPIEPK-Cool-looking freeze.
KPIEPK-Graphics are odd. Also a music code. Also a behavioral code.
EPKEPK-Enemies are negative images. Also a music code. Also a behavioral
AAKEPK-Negative enemies.
KASEPK-Adds stripes of color in pregame. Also a behavioral code.
KATEPK-Mario is a shadow. Also a music code.
KIZEKE-Adds stripes of color.
ISOOPE-Very minor graphical substitution.
EPZPPI-Nice freeze.
EPOOPI-Nice freeze.
EINPOZ-Negative title screen.
TEAPOG-Vegetables are fragmented.
TEAPYT-Slot machine graphics.
LLLOPE-Door sprites replaced.
ELLOPE-Door sprites replaced.
EPOPPK-Purple sky!
ELVISS-Odd character select screen.
EPOAAE-Slot machine graphics in pregame, enemies and powerups blink rapidly
and move in slow motion.
AEAEAE-Slot machine freeze.
AKAEAE-Slot machine freeze.
GEAEAE-Screen scrolls, but Mario does not go with it.
OEAEAE-Nice freeze.
TEAEAE-Dumb freeze.
LYLOPE-Substitutes other sprites for doors.
ELKELA-Slot graphics in pregame, graphics odd.
TSOOPE-Great-looking freeze when you pull a vegetable.
ATEOAG-Mario is black!
ELSELI-Scrambles graphics behind you.
ELKELL-Scrambled pre-game graphics.
POZEXL-Rippling water sprite substituted for upper-left corner of green
KIKESO-Palette altered.
OKPETZ-Logs in first level are gone.
EPAEPA-In beginning of level 1, strange effects include warped graphics and
Mario balancing an enemy on his head!
EPTEPT-Graphics are scrambled and change.
Level Altering Codes (Alter level structure, not sprites themselves.)
KAZETZ-Holes in the ground.
KEZETZ-Many extra enemies. There are 5 enemies where there should be only
KPZETZ-Pits in the ground.
KZZETZ-The level is rearranged.
KXZETZ-The enemies are different.
KLZETZ-The level is rearranged.
KUZETZ-The enemies are different.
KGZETZ-The level is rearranged.
KNZETZ-The level is nicely different.
EKOSSE-The level loops.
XPIEPO-Eternal plunge with enemies. Use invincibility or you will soon die.
Also an SFX code. Also a graphics code.
TEAPAT-Rearranged levels.
TEAPPT-Rearranged levels.
TEAPTT-Rearranged levels.
Graphics Scramblers
Similar to the OSTENA family in Mario 1, these codes switch certain
sprites with other sprites.
EEEEEE-does not affect pregame, but is wonderful in game!
KKZOPZ-When Mario is not scrolling vertically, graphics look like the Mario 1
2020 graphics codes!
like OSTENA and are great!
SFX Codes
EKKELV-The sound effects for jumping and climbing change. Also a graphics
KPIEPO-Changes effect for character selection. Also a graphics code. Also a
behavioral code.
EPIEPO-Just like KPIEPO but the sound effect for throwing keeps changing.
Also a behavioral code. Also a graphics code.
PPIEPO-Changes character select effect. Also a graphics code.
OPIEPO-Changes character select effect. Also a graphics code.
XPIEPO-Changes character select effect. Also a graphics code. Also a level
altering code.
IKAAAE, PKAAAE-Constant effect is going all the time.
EEAAAE-Mario does not make that falling noise at the beginning of the pregame.
IGEAPO-Sound effects for shrinking are odd.
Failed Codes
UAZEAZ-This code worked one time, and it was the coolest thing. Mario was
jumping around in slow motion inside what looked like a warped fantasy slot
machine (not the one in the sub-game.) Try it out.
IIIOPE-SFX code which does nothing I can find.
NUUVYA-No description available.
YYYVYU-No description available.
Super Mario Brothers 3
Behavioral Codes
UUKXGLIE-Always small Mario, invincible, can jump on any enemy.
VXKXGLIE, KXKXGLIE-Invincible, but may not be able to go in pipes.
PGTIPS-Pass through most enemies
KOSUZI-This code allows you to pull blocks out of the scenery and creates
holes that you can fall down if you are not careful. Erratic. Only allows
you to pull blocks out at certain points in space.
AOSUZI-A much better version of KOSUZI. Mario can shoot out a block at any
time, and can remove scenery, blocks, pipes, or any other game element. A
great weapon and tool for carving passages.
AESUZI-Mario can pull blocks out erraticaly, and a menu blocks the screen
when he jumps. The hammer brother on the map is in an odd location.
APSUZI-Many effects. There is no hammer brother on the map, the music is odd
for a split-second, and those colored blocks in the background (i.e. the
white blocks you duck on to get behind the scenery) have tops that Mario
cannot pass through. This code freezes after a little while and leaves the
music running.
AOYUZI-Hammer brother on map takes a nap.
VVLLLI-Mario bounces when he walks. See also MUSIC CODES.
SSLLLL-It's rainin' enemies!
EAOXUN-Enemies commit suicide upon seeing Mario.
KKLLLL-Your score shoots up as your time shoots down to 0.
APZLYG-You seem to be walking on the scenery for a completely different level.
APOUZI-Enemies, Mario go through walls. This freezes.
TLLLEE-On map, Mario's "ring of stars" expands until it disappears.
TLLLLY-There is no sound effect when Mario hits a block. In addition, every
time he hits a black there is a small flash.
POPUPO-Music box is always active.
UNNUUN-Mario cannot jump.
TELLEY-Mario is forced to run full speed to the right against his will. Try
getting far in the game with this code!
POIISG-Blocks move up a notch when you hit them.
TOILET-No enemies.
KOZZYV-Plants don't fire as much.
IOZZVV-Freezes the Para Goomba.
OEPZXZ-When Mario kills an enemy or gets a coin, he also gets a 1up.
OOKXGLIA-Start and continue as a Raccoon.
OOKXGLIE-Start and continue as a Frog.
SEUXKGAA-Press B and DOWN for a door.
YEUXKGAA-Mario is a cloud on the map, and a swimming spaceship/piranha plant
in the levels.
XEKXGIJE-Start and continue as a Tanooki.
YLLLLI-Walk through walls, objects. Para Koopa wings fly separately from
SSASSA-Cannot be touched by enemies or powerups.
TTTXUN-Mario the human top. Occaisonally freezes.
POEISO-Enemy position different than it appears.
ATIXXL-Mario has trouble running.
ATVXXL-Mario has different trouble running.
AOZXVL-Ground is frictionless. Also a specific graphics code.
AOZXEL-Hard to maneuver Mario, freezes when you kill an enemy or hit a block,
Mario cannot run, only can move forward by jumping. Also a graphics code and
a music code.
EPTXXL-When Mario holds B and runs to the right, he will not go faster, but
instead, slow down, stop, and reverse direction, increasing to maximum speed.
EPYXXL-Like EPTXXL except Mario does not reverse direction.
TZLXZS-When Mario hits a block, a green block appears 2 notches down and the
original becomes invisible. This also changes the sound effect for flapping
your tail.
TYLXZS-Same as TZLXZS, but a different sound effect is substituted.
TELXZS-Mushrooms do not emerge from blocks, but instead fall from heaven.
APOXXL-Stomp an enemy while running and get a boost. Also a graphics code.
EEYXXL-Cannot move left. Ground is frictionless. Also a graphics code.
ANYXXL-Cannot move. Also a graphics code.
NNYXXL-Cannot move. Also a graphics code.
UNYXXL-No friction when walking right. Also a graphics code.
SNYXXL-Walk slowly to the right. Also a graphics code.
EXYXXL-Walk slowly to the right. Also a graphics code.
PXNXXL-Walk slowly to the left. Also a graphics code.
EAYXXL-Run very fast.
EYNXXL-Run very fast.
XXYXUU-Mario's motion is very jerky. Also a graphics code.
XXLXUU-Mario slides when he moves. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
ESSXUU-Mario's motion very jerky. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
ZZZXUU-Mario has difficulty jumping. Also a graphics code.
SSSXUU-Jerky motion. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
POZXUU-Jerky motion.
ONLXUU-All make Mario slide. All are also graphics codes.
ZTZZYS-Once p-meter starts flashing, it never stops. Freezes occaisonally.
ZTZUYS-Go through walls. Freezes occaisonally.
PAXZOP-Odd behavior, repelled by koopas?
PPXZOP-Repelled by koopas.
POXZOO-Swim without water, but gravitational pull is very strong.
Very difficult to do, use NES max or any turbo controller. Also a graphics
POXZOL-Repelled by koopas.
POXZOU-When you try to brake, you accelerate.
PVPUPO-Coins rain from sky.
PNPUPO-Game is slow motion, no back-scroll, hammer brother is asleep.
SVTZTS-When you hit a block, it appears green one block unit up.
POXXTZ-Mario shoots fire all the time!
GSZUPO-Great code! Level 1-1 looks enemy-free, but if you keep heading to
the right, you will be invisibly barred. Then the game behaves as if you are
at the last level (battle with Bowzer) The ground shakes and Bowzer lands.
He is invisible and is instantly destroyed. The door appears to the holding
chamber and the normal game ending resumes! Score is 0 the entire time.
PSZUPO-No enemies except one buzzy beetle which falls from the sky. Freezes
KKLZZO-Cannot interact with enemies, powerups. Also a graphics code.
KKYZZO-No hammer brothers.
KKTZZI, KKTZZS-Hitting a question block springs you up into the air.
KKEZZE-Shells behave very oddly. Donut blocks appear underfoot. Also a
graphics code. Also a music code.
EZTZZE-Mario cannot grow.
PPZZZE-Mario can jump through coin blocks.
IKEZZE-Shells behave oddly. Also a music code.
SKEZZE-Donuts appear underfoot. Also a music code.
TKEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
AKEZZE, NKEZZE-Shells behave oddly. Donuts appear. Also a graphics code.
Also a music code.
YKEZZE-Shells behave oddly. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
PSEZZE-Shells behave oddly. Donuts appear. Also a music code.
OSEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
KEEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
LUEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
USEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
KSEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
NKEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a music code.
NSEZZE-Donuts appear. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
ESEUSE-Many extra enemies. Also a graphics code. Also a music code.
ESEUOE-Few enemies.
PYZUPO-No enemies.
PYIUPO-No enemies. Also a graphics code.
PYTUPO-No enemies. Also a graphics code.
PYPEPO-Few enemies.
PYPUNO-Enemies appear in odd places.
PYPUVO-1ups gone. Also a graphics code. Also an SFX code.
PYPUPK-Invisible obstacles.
PYPUPS-Enemies fall from sky. Also a graphics code.
PYPUPT-Hammer brother is sleeping.
PYPUPY-Cannot hit blocks. Also a music code.
PYPUPN-Strange things that you can kick around come out of blocks!
ESSUPO-Score is odd.
SYVUPO-Screen does not scroll. Also a graphics code.
PYPXUN-Enemies drop dead on sight.
TELLLI-Mario cannot jump, just slide across screen.
TPLLLI-Mario can squeeze through walls, blocks.
PTLLLI-Mario can squeeze through things slowly.
VELLLI-Mario is constantly high-jumping! Mario gets 1ups when he kills.
VXLLLI-Mario is constantly jumping slightly less high, 1ups.
APLLLI-Placement of invisible walls, platforms after getting powered up.
VULLLI-Mario bounces very low, 1ups.
VKLLLI-Short bounce, 1ups.
VSLLLI-Shortest bounce, 1ups.
VNLLLI-Short bounce, 1ups.
EELLLI-Very high bounce, 1ups.
EOLLLI-Slightly lower bounce, 1ups.
EXLLLI-Slightly lower bounce, 1ups.
EELLYT-Blocks appear spontaneously. Freezes.
AELLYT-Can't interact with blocks.
ZELUYT-All blocks contain stars.
ZELUYN-Hit block oddly.
AELUYT-Blocks turn into note blocks with mushrooms, flowers in them.
PELUYT-Same, but tails instead of flowers.
LELUYT-Wood blocks.
GELUYT-Wood blocks with powerups.
KELUYT-Bosses come out of blocks and die. You can finish the world in any
IELUYT-Wood blocks with powerups.
SELUYT-Bricks with powerups.
TELUYT-Wood bricks with stars.
VELUYT-Bricks with powerups.
YVUUYT, YNLUYT-Blocks turn into black chomping plants with powerups.
TVUUYT-Hit a coin and ghost images appear, powerups become 1ups.
AEUUYT, AELUYT-Note blocks with powerups.
AOUUYT-Coins are powerups, powerups break.
AUUUYT-Powerups, odd stuff.
AKUUYT-Note blocks sink and move around.
ASUUYT-Odd freeze.
AVUUYT-Bricks odd, freezes.
EOUUYT-Note blocks move differently.
PEUUYT-Note blocks with powerups.
POUUYT-Stars in blocks.
PUUUYT-Note blocks, bosses are in blocks and go flying!
ZEUUYT-Note blocks with stars.
ZUUUYT-Note blocks, 1ups, bosses.
LEUUYT-Wood blocks with powerups.
PUUUAT-Note blocks with powerups, bosses.
PUUUIT-No enemies.
PUUUYV-Note blocks with powerups.
LOUUYT-Mushrooms are stars.
PULUYT-Powerups, coins, bosses.
ZULUYT-Powerups, coins, vines!
ASTUYT-Blank screen, wood blocks appear everywhere.
ESTUYT-Blank screen, less wood blocks appear.
VSTUYT-Note blocks appear near question blocks.
GSTUYT, PSTUYT-Note blocks appear.
OSTUYT-Different note blocks appear.
LSTUYT-Screen does not scroll, powerups.
USTUYT-Blocks appear.
AIZUYT-Mario moves on map in slow motion.
ASNUYT-Cannot interact with blocks.
PGAOKA-Run around under level.
PGZOKO, PGXOKO-No piranha plant.
PAZSNO-Mario does not interact with enemies.
TVUXNUEE-Mario runs extremely fast.
EANZKLLA-Hold B to slide or bounce.
TEUZELSZ-Mario stops instantly after letting go of running.
YZKZYVEK-Mario cannot jump.
KANZKLLA-Power slides (hold B).
IXKZELSX-Sudden turbo boosts.
ZVUXNUEE-Tap B for turbo.
GEUZELSZ-Icy ground.
KEUZELSZ-No deceleration after running.
ETKZYVEK-Very low jump.
IIIIII-Enemies are displaced one unit upwards and occasionally teleport.
IZSPOP-No ground.
ZTZZYS-P-meter never stops after it starts, and blocks disappear when struck.
AOGUZI-Mario is immobile.
SXTZPO-Mario can ice skate when he has the tail.
ALLSTA-Note blocks in background with mushrooms, flowers in them.
PLLSTA-Note blocks in the background with stars in them.
many more which can be obtained by continuing the pattern of substitution
switch the middle of green background blocks for various other game elements.
Someone should do all of the permutations and describe each code which
results...there should be some wonderful surprises!
AVXLUL-Sticks a note block in level 1-1.
EVXLUL-Sticks a pipe segment in level 1-1.
PVXLUL-Sticks 2 note blocks in level 1-1.
ZVXLUL-Sticks 3 note blocks in level 1-1.
LVXLUL-Sticks 4 note blocks in level 1-1.
GVXLUL-Sticks 5 note blocks in level 1-1.
IVXLUL-Sticks 6 note blocks in level 1-1.
TVXLUL-Sticks 7 note blocks in level 1-1.
YVXLUL-Sticks 8 note blocks in level 1-1.
OVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe segment in level 1-1.
XVXLUL-Sticks a pipe in level 1-1.
UVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe in level 1-1.
KVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe in level 1-1.
SVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe in level 1-1.
VVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe in level 1-1.
NVXLUL-Sticks a bigger pipe in level 1-1.
ISOIKE-Can't interact with enemies, powerups.
AASAAS-Mario is trapped on map and can only battle.
KEGKEL-Holes in ground.
LLLUUU-Piranha plant fireballs come from different locations.
OOEISO-Die unexpectedly.
KSSXUU-Mario has trouble moving backwards.
AOLXXU-Mario accelerates quickly, and points look different. Powerups also
behave oddly.
EOEISA-Mario falls through the ground in places.
AOZULT-Mario forced to play ice level forever.
AOSUZT-Mario cannot hit blocks from below, and bosses pop out of question
ATKZYEVK-Mario cannot jump.
KKKKKK-Turtle shells don't break blocks.
IANXOU-B button slows Mario down.
OPEKGG-Tornado takes Mario away. Freezes.
YYXPLOVS-Mario only has one life but appears to have 99.
PGTIPZ-Cannot harm turtles.
PGTIPO-Shells "tunnel" through blocks.
Graphics codes
OPOXUN-Enemies "drip" points, background splits into moving parts.
AOPUZI-Map is just a bunch of nice-looking static.
PINAOO-Freeze with wacky static.
UNVUXV-flickering with interference.
XZZOEK-Alters the background scenery significantly.
IANOXG-Makes green stripes and spots appear everywhere.
TANOXL-A very odd, confusing graphics scrambler. Affects only levels.
AASUZI-Makes an odd-looking map, and whenever Mario jumps, a menu blocks the
screen temporarily.
AOTUZI-Hammer brother on map looks scrambled.
AOSUZZ-Map is scrambled. This freezes in the levels.
AOSUZP-Odd score.
AOSZZI-Hit a coin block and go flying. You will come down at the end of the
level. Freezes occaisonally.
VVLLLE-Enemies have a nervous tic.
ETOXUN-The apparent position of enemies is different from the actual position.
POSOXG-Adds spots of odd color to bkgrnd and game elements.
EPOXPN-Piranha plants look odd.
GPOXUN-Screen flickers
VVALLL-Wintertime color scheme on map and levels.
VVLLLT-Upon entrance into a level, the screen flashes, a weird noise sounds,
and Lemmy Koopa materializes in Mario's position, causing him to die and the
game to freeze.
KPSUZI-Black & white map, and trying to go to a level takes you to a
discolored Mario vs. Luigi battle.
VPSUZI-A very strange version of KPSUZI. Try it out.
APPUZI-Enemies fall from sky. This freezes.
VVLLPL-A graphics scrambler/level scrambler which freezes.
VVLLZL-Fantastic code which depicts one of Bowzer's most disturbing
experiments-strange half-Koopa half-Goomba mutants!
VVLLXL-Scenery is very slightly different.
VVLLUL-Scenery is very slightly different from above code.
YVONNE-Map freezes and looks quite bizarre.
POPXPO-A fantastic code which causes enemies and items to leave trails when
they move.
VOPXPO-Same as POPXPO, but Mario is also hovering.
AOPXPO-Leaves trails, but enemies flash graphical changes.
ZZLLUN-The screen will not scroll in the level.
ALKELI-A scrambled map, the only available move being a battle.
OOOOKK-Large patches of different color over scenery, game elements.
EEEOKK-Scrambled map, when you enter a level it is automatically beaten. When
you enter the castle there is a graphic display and the game freezes.
AKAKAK-Scrambles the map and freezes.
TELLLX-Scrambled odd map.
GPPXXY-Wonderful code. You do not interact with Koopas and Goombas, and they
are mutated wildly. The Goombas have wings but do not fly. Buzzy beetles
also have wings. On occaison, there are strange rains and hammers or odd
projectiles will come flapping towards you. The flashing circle things
(name?) go flying off of their circular tracks. A great code!
IANOXG-Vertical stripes of color in levels.
YAZPNO-The level is gone, just a sky-blue void into which all sentient beings
VALLEY-Somewhat difficult to describe.
POZZVV-Para Goombas appear upside-down.
AOZXXL-Flashing negative world.
OXIZNL-Shivering world.
TZILYU-Flashing ice world.
KISSYS-All enemies appear at left side of screen.
PZVUXV-Freezes, displays Mario with a glowing halo, a toad gesticulating
wildly, and a green king-dog scratching himself.
PIPOIS-Cannot move on map, press A and enter a nonexistent weird rising/
sinking ice level.
NIXOOK-Cool-looking frozen title screen.
AKIXXL-When you change from the map to a level, the palette changes rapidly
but returns to normal once you enter the level.
AOZXVL-Colors of Mario and world cycle. Also a behavioral code.
AOZXEL-Odd palette. Also a behavioral code.
AZZXVL-When Mario jumps, a menu blocks the screen.
KKKVYN-Odd-looking title screen. Freezes.
TYXXZS, TYZXZS-Mario's clothes are all black. In addition, the sound of Mario
flapping his tail changes.
LLLOKK-Scrambled map. Freezes.
KKKOKK-Mario appears on the map in a very odd way.
NNNOKK-Ice world with graphic alterations.
AAAXXL-Odd title screen.
APOXXL-Different odd title screen.
EPOXVS-Map flashes when Mario enters a level. Freezes with infinite music.
TYLPZS-Mario cannot reach 1-1. Mario enters a battle with the hammer brother
and falls through the ground. After he dies, the hammer brother starts
moving and never stops.
alter the color palette and also are behavioral codes.
UUUXUU-Play in a black void.
ZVYXUU-Palette wild. Mario is also paralyzed.
XXYXUU-Great colors.
XXLXUU-Palette is odd, leaves fall straight down. Also a behavioral code.
Also a music code.
ESSXUU-Palette subtly different on map (no blue.) Also a behavioral code.
Also a music code.
EEEXUU-When you get points, the first 2 digits of the point score get stuck
at the top of the screen.
PPPXUU-Points linger longer.
OOOXUU-Aforementioned "menu" when you jump, graphics jump around in a
confusing way.
ZZZXUU-Points behave oddly. Also a behavioral code.
SSSXUU-Subtle palette change. Also a behavioral code. Also a music code.
OZXXUU-Points appear on ground.
AOLXUU-Palette shifts when you enter scene. Also a behavioral code.
change the palette of the map and the levels. All of these are also
behavioral codes.
XSLXUU-Map palette is changed, level is a black void.
KSLXUU-Map palette is changed, level is a black void.
GSLXUU-Map and level are a faint blue color. Also a behavioral code.
OXTOPT-Cool scrambled map.
ZTZOYS-Same mysterious ice level as PIPOIS, but you are pulled across it to
the right. When you die, the hammer brother moves indefinitely.
ZTZOAS-Same ice world, but Mario is free to move at will.
LOXZOP-Odd curtain at the beginning. When little Mario jumps, he still
appears to be running. When you get a mushroom, the palette changes
slightly. Becomes a graphics scrambler if you get a tail.
UOXZOP-Odd animation for jumping, some scrambling.
GOXZOP-Odd animation for jumping.
KOXZOP-When you jump, you apear to be Frog Mario.
TOXZOP-When you jump, you look strange.
YOXZOP-Odd animation for jumping and curtain.
POXEOP-Odd beginning to 1-1.
POXZOE-Odd title screen.
POXZOO-Odd title screen. Also a behavioral code.
POXZOX-Great title screen!
POXZOG-Lights out! When you enter a level or the map, screen dims until only
Mario can be seen. Scenery, enemies are still there, however.
GZEXNGEP-Slow fade-out.
POXZOY-No walking, jumping animation! Freezes when you get a mushroom.
OOXZOO-No title screen, goes right to map. Freezes.
POXPOZ, POXPOX-Beginning of 1-1 scrambled.
ESSZUU-Black on map is orange.
POPATS-Black map.
AIIZXY-Mario is a red frog.
POXZOP-Odd curtain, no jump animation.
OZTOTT-Odd palette.
ESXXXU-Odd palette.
ZAPUPO-Enter level one and fall on a warped version of the map screen!
PLPUPO-Levels are switched around. Level 1 is a warped Toad house. Looks
like it will freeze, but it doesn't. Second level is dungeon, 3rd is spade,
dungeon is hammer brother without hammer brother.
PYPUPO-Fantastic code! Level 1 is some strange dungeon with music from the
level 7 map! The fortress is a stable warped map which will not freeze.
Combine this with the music code OOOVYU, go in the door, and prepare for a
wonderful piece of music!
PYAUPO-Raccoon Mario looks odd.
KZTXVA, KZTXVE-Title screen looks fantastic!
KZTXVA, KZTXVE-Title looks fantastic!
VXYZZZ-Frozen game, just strobing curtain.
AXYZZZ-Map is greyscale, level is greyscale, and everything but enemies is
invisible, except when Mario is jumping.
PSZZZO-Piranha plants look odd.
POZZZO-Piranha plants look odd.
PGZZZO-Slow motion.
UVPUPO-Like trailing code, but leaves different trails.
PZZIPO-Scenery blocks are altered.
STZIPO-Scenery blocks are incomplete.
EZZIPO-Scenery blocks are different.
ZZZIPO-Scenery blocks are different.
ZZZSPO-Scenery blocks are different.
KATZZO-No Mario. Enemies trail. Also an SFX code.
KKEZZE-When Mario shrinks, he appears as though he is under strobe lighting.
KKPZZO-Sky color changes. Enemies look odd, some trailing.
KKLZZO-Enemies are imprints on the screen. Also a behavioral code.
KKTXZO-Great code! Sky is grey, except for colorful "lightning" when you get
a powerup or stomp an enemy. Free-standing coins are blocks and vice versa.
Hammer brother is in a different spot on the map.
KKTZAO-Mario does not turn around when he walks backwards. Mario dies in
slow motion. Also a music code.
KKTZPO-Mario does not turn around when he walks backwards. Raccoon Mario has
especially odd animation. Question blocks are not animated. Also a music
KKTZLO-No backward animation, mushrooms are disfigured.
KKTZYO-Coins are blocks and vice versa, no question block animation.
KKTZPA-Certain colors cycle constantly. Getting a 1up restores a degree of
normalcy. Also a music code.
KKTZPE-Like KKTZPA but different colors cycle. Also a music code.
KKEZZE-When you reach the end of the level, the graphics scramble wildly.
Also a music code. Also a behavioral code.
GSZUPE-No jumping animation for big Mario!
VKEZZE, NKEZZE-Graphics freak out occasionally. Also a behavioral code.
Also a music code.
YKEZZE-Menu bar pops up occaisonally. Also a behavioral code. Also a music
AEEZZE-Nice freeze.
OEEZZE-End of level is scrambled. Also a music code.
OSEZZE-Graphics warped. Also a behavioral code. Also a music code.
NSEZZE-Graphics warped. Also a behavioral code. Also a music code.
ESEZOE, ESEZUE, ESEZKE, ESEZSE, ESEZVE, ESEZNE-All of these create different
warped title screens.
ESEUSE-Odd palette. Also a behavioral code.
ESEXEE-Scrambled intro, title.
PYKUPO-Palette changes when you bring up your item menu. Freezes in level.
PYIUPO-Jerky scroll, scrambled graphics. Also a behavioral code.