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C64 Games that Weren't ..........

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 12:00
by Vinny
It seems that this forum is full of C64 peeps with the knowledge to help my good friend Frank Gasking with his web site - C64 Games That Weren't.

What Frank is trying to do is to resurrect C64 titles which never saw light of day, but at some point was mentioned and got to a design stage. We are talking about games such as Streethawk, Batman Returns, Beavers and many other lost gems.

So, if and when you have some time, please pop over to and see if there is anything you can help Frank with, even if its just some information you can help him with. All contributions are greatly received.

Many thanks :)

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 9:31
by david
I checked the wanted list and some of the titles seem to ring a bell, so I'll check sometime this week.

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 11:44
by fgasking
Thanks David... if you find anything, then that would be great :)

Btw.. as i'm posting about GTW, might aswell mention that there is a big update coming up in a day or two (Maybe even tonight if i'm lucky).

A load more games to be added, and a special big interview with Steve Ruddy (Of Bubble Bobble and Ghouls And Ghosts fame), and plenty of new information found out on some games that were a bit cloudy for information before (Including a never released Flair/Microvalue game finally with some info on)

Posted: 01/10/2003 - 22:37
by fgasking
Ok its here...

The "Games That Weren't" project recieves a large update this month over at:

The big features this update are:

* A special big interview with Steve Ruddy.
* Big developments for Streethawk, Rob Hubbards "Razmatazz", R-Type version 1 and Space Veg Corp
* News of a previously unheard of Simon Nicol C64 game.
* 32 new reviews
* 16 games/previews added
* A new GTW game of the month

..and plenty of other bits and pieces.

GTW aims to find the lost games of the Commodore 64. GTW needs all the help it can get to find and research on various titles, so please come along if you'd like to help out and check the games and lists online.

There is also a little fun forum to join in, currently discussing lost games, C64 and retro topics and general chat, so feel free to come along and drop a few posts. They are a nice bunch on there, and don't bite :)


GTW Team

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 12:32
by Matrix
I did the graphics for the C64 version of the Adventure "Shades of Evil", as well as some of the music. I still have some of the source material floating around somewhere.. Tha game never saw the light of day to my knowing - or if it did i never saw a penny from it. There were supposed to be 3 games in the series, cant remember the 2nd one but Darkstaff was the 3rd incarnation - I think that one got out on amiga & atari, but since i didnt see any profits from my work on the first, i refused to work on the sequels.

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 21:25
by fgasking
Thanks for that Matrix... i'll add the infos for a future update.

I don't suppose you would allow us to show any materials left over from the game would you?

If I get a review sorted for the game, would you like to write your own account on working on the game, possibly to add a "Creator Speaks" page?



Posted: 03/10/2003 - 0:51
by Matrix
Remarkably theres very little to tell, i could write it here easily, i can arrange photographs yes, I have the original book and audio tape for the game too (the accompanying music that is). Thinking back, I did do a little work on Darkstaff, not much though and only as a favour. Weapon icons, character icons 2 locations, the navigation screen and the dpainted version of the original map layout. Astounding how stuff slips your mind after so many years and so many projects.

If only i had a way to get them onto the pc from amiga disc, and check that the discs are even still in some kind of readable format after all this time. If memory servers, the game was to have been published by White Knight software, the developer (who never paid me for the work) was Sifon Software. back then I was in the transition from school to college, and not aware of my rights under verbal contract, in short, I got taken for a mug.

Posted: 05/10/2003 - 20:19
by fgasking
I'm not sure about how to convert Amiga disks, though the guys at "Amiga - GTW" ran by Akira, may know better.

As for C64 disks, either they can be copied or I have a XE1541 which I can send up, as long as you have a 1541 somewhere :)

Thanks for the infos though Matrix, i'll keep them by for a future update.


Posted: 06/10/2003 - 0:29
by Matrix
I only have the original sketches, book and audio tape for shades, so no c64 based data unfortunately, my 64 went the way of the do-do many moons ago along with all my tapes, i never had a 1541. As for Darkstaff, yeah i still have the original dpaint files... i guess the most obvious way is yo get a hold of a pcmcia modem and put em onto an ftp somewhere then retreive em with a pc and convert em in photoshop .... i guess i need to mount the hard drive n caddy again, see if it all still works !! the floppies ahev been in a carrier bag for some 8 years or so, so im doubtful they will work - but its worth a try - ill see what i can drag together for you.

Stay tuned :)

Posted: 06/10/2003 - 9:18
by fgasking
Thanks Matrix :)