But there are also so much talent in the song. Wally really poured all his creative genious and artistic musical skills into this one. I'm sure noone could have done it better and it surely must be his life's musical masterpiece so I still wanted to give it a try.
So what angle should I use?
I first tried it as a techno song but soon realized that the song's "3/4'ish rythm with a twist" got totally lost in a straight 4/4 world. All soul just went out the window. I then persued it as a reggae song which actually would translate quite well but I don't have the skills to make a reggae song sound realistic so that was also a dead end for me.
Finally I thought like this: Ok, the song is pretty close to a double time walz anyway (6/4). What songs are out there using this rythm (besides 90% of Iron Maiden's work?) Then it struck me... and this is the result:
Remember that this is still a Work In Progress. I'm not done with the swisches and swosches yet and there are still a few bits and pieces I feel can be improved. Have a listen anyway and give me your thoughts, please!
(and yes, Tetris is a female song - it must be, since it's beautiful)