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Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 15/11/2011 - 0:08
by Mordi
I'm not sure what to do with this remix. I think it has a nice foundation, but it has some problems.

Re: Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 15/11/2011 - 1:05
by Analog-X64
I wish I had your problem :) its sounds very nice.. What I think you should do with it, is release it :)

Re: Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 15/11/2011 - 4:41
by LMan
What Analog-X64 said. Tis a winner for sure.

Re: Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 15/11/2011 - 16:05
by Mordi
I've had it lying around for a good while, and have listened to it countless times, so I guess I've grown tired of it. I'll brush it up and upload it to RKO.

Re: Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 16/11/2011 - 7:45
by Totta
A small suggestion, since you are going to brush it up anyway. Give it a minute to think about changing the lead sound over time in the song. As it is now, there's no difference in the sound picture in the beginning and the end. I have found that a song gets more interesting to listen to if there are subtle differences in sound as you go.

I'm not talking about any major changes here but maybe tweak the lead sound juuust a little between the verses. You have a good sound to begin with so don't make any major changes.

And also... I'm a sucker for swisches and swosches in the background (Jarre-fan as I am). I believe your song could benefit some from using filtered white noise to build atmosphere, like waves, wind, etc.

Just suggestions of course. It's a damn good song already.


Re: Thoughts on this remix of "Resolution.sid"?

Posted: 16/11/2011 - 18:24
by Mordi
I agree that the leads are too samey. That's one of the problems I mentioned. :)
I like swishes and swooshes too. I'll see what I end up with.