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Posted: 08/01/2012 - 6:35
by Mordi
Found this nice little sid in Jeroen's HVSC-folder: ... 6581R4.mp3

And then I made this in a jiffy: ... %20wip.mp3

It actually takes about 45 minutes to render in FL, because I use a lot of soundfonts..! :shock:

Re: Jeroen.sid

Posted: 08/01/2012 - 13:26
by Analog-X64
Its a very memorable tune, I remembered it instantly when I heard the first few notes.

Glad to see its getting the Mordi treatment. :cheers:

Re: Jeroen.sid

Posted: 09/01/2012 - 23:39
by k_rostoen
Not too fond of this version. It's too.. hmm.. tame. In my opinion it is screaming for el-guitars, pianos, drums etc.. Gotta admit I like the vocals a lot though.