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CMU - Space Cabaret

Posted: 07/03/2012 - 21:57
by Waz
Those of you who remembered the sadly missed Richard Joseph will know that way back in the 1970s, years before he started composing Commodore tunes, that he was in the progressive rock band CMU, and at the time I wrote an article about the album in question: ... oseph.html

At the time of writing that, you had to effectively get a reissued CD that was both the CMU albums minus the odd track here and there, but was the only way to get the Space Cabaret album. Even then that CD was deleted from stock.

Well, it turns out that a few years back, the label Esteoric Recordings (part of Cherry Red Records) reissued plenty of prog rock albums on CD, and included both CMU albums.

I only found out about that recently and so of course naturally went and purchased the Space Cabaret album. There's plenty of treats within the CD itself, not least the single "Heart of the Sun" with the single version of "Doctor Am I Normal?" which both appear as extra tracks on the CD. There's also some nice liner notes in the booklet complete with a reprint of the lyric sheet from inside the record (so I can now read the lyrics Richard wrote for the first time) and a black and white art shot of each member of the band in a circle (Richard is in there) and the original front cover now gets a proper full CD print treatment. Hurrah!

You can order it direct from the label here:

Well worth checking out if you get chance, especially as according to my 2012 Record Collector Rare Record Price Guide, the original vinyl issue on Translatlantic is now worth a cool £100!!

Re: CMU - Space Cabaret

Posted: 08/03/2012 - 15:49
by dan gillgrass
ooo nice find Waz.... might order me some to check it out :)