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Spot the SID in Mass Effect 3

Posted: 11/03/2012 - 16:49
by Kate-Z
There I was, ambling through the "Purgatory" nightclub on the Citadel, all business-like as my Cmdr. Shepard is as normal.. when all of a sudden I notice there be C64 SID in the air :D


Spoiler free link to the music here:

You listen... you think it sounds a bit C64-ey.. then you get to 2:06 and its umistakeable :)

Re: Spot the SID in Mass Effect 3

Posted: 11/03/2012 - 17:35
by tomsk
Yup - I gotta agree, especially after 2:06, not just the SID arp chords, but some lead in there too. Good find.

Re: Spot the SID in Mass Effect 3

Posted: 11/03/2012 - 17:41
by Commie_User
At one point Commodore 64s seemed all over movies and TV. Even comedy Red Dwarf, set in a future using technology 500 years older than ours at the oldest, had a C64 on the ship's bridge. (Confidence And Paranoia episode.)

Now I'm glad to hear it has proper uses in production.