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Bitlive Reunion.

Posted: 28/09/2003 - 21:09
by tas
Just thought i'd mention it but plans are afoot for a Bitlive reunion. Basically all it is is an excuse for a piss-up with pals of the scene.

The date is: 29th November 2003 in Manchester.

Watch this site over the coming days for an official announcement.

Posted: 28/09/2003 - 22:30
by tas
As much as i wanted it in Doncaster i found the masses thought better. LOL. damn them! =)

over-ruled yet again ;)

Posted: 28/09/2003 - 22:32
by dan gillgrass
Sorry mate, its called NETURAL ground and I know for a fact Manc is a good night out.......anyhows I believe a lot are gonna turn up on the Friday (does this sound familiar????) and then we are gonna go for a session on the Saturday....hang on....booze involved.....Im there!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 8:09
by Chappers
dan gillgrass wrote:....I know for a fact Manc is a good night out......
Yep. Certainly agree with that.

Was in Manchester over the weekend staying with Waz and you are definitely spoilt for choice as to where to drink & party. Not to mention the amount of places to eat - we had lunch on Saturday in a great all-you-can-eat Chinese which was an incredibly cheap £5.50 per person. The selection & quality at the buffet was excellent though my swiss cheese memory has forgotten the name of the place. :)

I remember we were in The Ra!n Bar on Saturday night and another one whose name escapes me. I'm sure Waz will be able to fill in the blanks for me :)


Posted: 29/09/2003 - 8:41
by Vinny
what part of Manchester will the reunion be in?

Paul - Rain Bar in Castlefield?

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 9:10
by Chappers
Vinny wrote:Paul - Rain Bar in Castlefield?
Erm....not sure m8. Only ever been to Manchester before for recent England match at Old Trafford so first time in city centre. Just know it as Rain Bar - couldn't pinpoint where :)

I'm sure Waz or Dan will confirm where it is.


Posted: 29/09/2003 - 9:15
by Chappers
I'm a bloody lazy sod sometimes, aren't I?

A quick search on Google for the The Rain bar came up with the confirmation it is in Castlefield.

Wouldn't be a bad place to have a drink or ten. Waz certainly spoke highly of it during Saturday.


Posted: 29/09/2003 - 9:25
by Vinny
Haven't been to the Rain Bar myself, but I know where it is.

Manchester is a fantastic city.

They say that Manchester is the London of the North. I actually feel that London is the Manchester of the South ;)

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 10:10
by tas
I don't know Manchester at all i'm just taking it in good faith. Regarding the pub as far as i know that is being looked into. I'll let you know as soon as i know.

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 20:38
by Lee's PeeknPoke
hey, Im a manc.
Who's going to this reunion then? must go to this :))
I suppose Jeff "octave sounds" might be up for it too!

more news please!


Posted: 29/09/2003 - 21:56
by tas
An official anouncement with all the details of where/when and who will be made clear shortly.

Posted: 29/09/2003 - 23:56
by Matrix
Im only an hour away by car - but to be fair, I actually dont think I met any of you at Bitlive bar for Mr Dillgrass. So err - have a great time :)

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 8:37
by dan gillgrass
Can it just be made clear that this is a non-computer event....

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 9:28
by Mayhem
Too far sadly...

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 10:18
by Waz
Paul Chapman wrote:We had lunch on Saturday in a great all-you-can-eat Chinese which was an incredibly cheap £5.50 per person. The selection & quality at the buffet was excellent
Indeedy. The place concerned is Buffet City on Portland Street. It's not been open that long but the food is most excellent, and because it's all you can eat, a perfect excuse to pig out for not much dosh. All day Sunday is £6-50 which is excellent value, and even weekend nights it's £9-50 which isn't that bad at all.
Paul Chapman wrote:I remember we were in The Ra!n Bar on Saturday night and another one whose name escapes me.
That was "The Pub" on Grosvenor Street, right in the middle of all the studenty pubs near where I work. A source of much merriment:

"Where are you off to?"
"The pub"
"Which one?"

Shame the pool tables are £1 a game though, bah. Still, didn't stop Paul and I showing the students how to a) play pool properly and b) forcing them out of the way when we had to play our skilled shots, hehe.

Ra!n Bar is most excellent, one of my regular city centre haunts. Mainly because the clientele are much nicer than most (ie: no slappers, and most of the women are gorgeous for those of you who are single) and the beer selection is good (including proper Budvar for the likes of Paul!) - oh, and it's been tastefully converted from its former use as an umbrella factory too.

And (unrelated) the Ocean logo still exists. YES!!!!