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Upgraded software to FruityLoops10

Posted: 12/05/2012 - 20:58
by AndyUK
Wandered through Future shop this afternoon and came across a special offer on FruityLoops 10 Boxed, So I caved and purchased it. Anyone care/know of any pitfalls or general suggestions when using this? Not tutorials, just little quirks or oddities that could save me hours of head scratching before I start?

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks guys


Re: Upgraded software to FruityLoops10

Posted: 13/05/2012 - 0:15
by Analog-X64
This is great!! :) You can help me with it :)

Actually the main problem that I have started in Version 8 or 9.

In the Piano roll they made the notes with rounded edges (new look) which throws me off when I try to line up my notes, so its goofed up my timing, and haven't quite figured out who to fix it.

So I pretty much double click each note and play with the numbers.

It does have quantizing features but I haven't been able to effectively use them.

Pretty much most of my stuff on Soundcloud is done in FLStudio one version or another.