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Turrican, an old "remix" by me

Posted: 30/09/2003 - 8:50
by XGener8or

I was just updating my homepage and decided to start putting up some MP3 versions of my original XG midi files. This is the only one there was enough space for right now. Check it out.

It's a clean 1:1 "re-make" not a remix with bells and whistles. "Just the facts mam" :wink:

Gonna add all my Last Ninja tracks too soon. I don't know if I should up them all to rko, maybe I will, even though people tend to prefer remixes WITH bells and whistles and dance beats etc... :? But I think I'm gonna do it for all us who prefer them as close as possible to the originals but with modern sounds :wink:

Other tracks there too, not just C64 ones. If you have a real Yamaha XG card you can listen to the Last Ninjas there, otherwise, I recommend waiting for MP3s

Posted: 16/10/2003 - 9:52
by arvirus
my browser says: "The requested URL /~chris75/mp3/turrican.mp3 was not found on this server." :(


Posted: 16/10/2003 - 11:27
by XGener8or
Ah yes, I just uplaoded it to RKO and removed it from that location. It should be at RKO in a few days, I hope :wink: Along with a bunch of Last Ninja music

Posted: 29/10/2003 - 19:40
by XGener8or
Sadly the tunes wont be on RKO. They were "too common" :roll:

Posted: 29/10/2003 - 19:54
by tas
too common?

I ain't heard of that being a reason for rejection before... you sure on that?

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 13:03
by XGener8or
Yeah, they "have been made so many times before" and also they were mostly 1:1 versions. Not "Happy Scooter Remix" or something like that :lol:

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 14:24
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Tas wrote:too common?

I ain't heard of that being a reason for rejection before... you sure on that?
If he is, it's all in his head.

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 14:47
by Jan Lund Thomsen
XGener8or wrote:Yeah, they "have been made so many times before" and also they were mostly 1:1 versions. Not "Happy Scooter Remix" or something like that :lol:
"I don't know where you get your delusions, Laserbrain."
- Princess Leia to Han Solo, The Empire Strikes Back

I never told you that the reason for the tunes being rejected had anything to do with them being 1:1 remakes or that they "have been made so many times before".

While I respect your opinion about 1:1 remakes versus "Happy Scooter Remixes", I would prefer it if you stop bending the truth - especially as you're doing it by putting words into my mouth.

Posted: 31/10/2003 - 4:48
by XGener8or
But didnt you say you didn't like them because they weren't very unique?

One part I didnt quite understand is the
"Cover of a cover:
Remaking SIDs that cover well-known tunes (Jarre, Vangelis, amiga-modules, etc.) is discouraged. More often than not people subconsciously end up covering the original tune, rather than the SID. Use your creative energies on something else instead."

(On Office Loader)

I just made Last Ninja tracks, if some of them are covers of something else, I didnt know :?:

Maybe I was confused :oops: I didnt mean to make you look like a bad guy :wink:

Anyway, I put some on my homepage, so the rest of you can check them out here (other non-c64 tracks there too, in case you're wondering about those) :wink:

Posted: 31/10/2003 - 17:10
by tas
ahhh, you mis-interpreted the terminology of unique...

In this case you've taken the term as in meaning Sole or unremixed c64 sids. In this situation jan is speaking about unique features from within the tune, meaning there's nothing really in the tune to seperate it from being a straight sid-2-midi affair. Even if it isn't a sid-2-midi rip, it doesn't have anything about it to suggest it's anything more. Basically the scene has matured over the years and these types of tune would have been acceptable maybe 2-3 years ago. Basically even if it is a one for one cover you need to stamp your authority on it. As it stands it sounds little more than a straight mod of a sid.

Cover of a cover:

Now this is if you remixed a sid of say Magnetic Fields. More than likely it would turn out to be a cover of the original Jarre piece rather than the cover of the SID. This is discouraged because RKO is a c64 remix site and not a Cover of original melodies. However if a track was made which was obviously very c64 remix like of Magnetic Fields then it probably wouldn't be rejected on these grounds. Jan discourages these types of remixes because more times than not it turns out more Jarre or whoever than the SID version.

Posted: 31/10/2003 - 19:58
by XGener8or
Thanks for clearing it up Tas. As a matter of fact, I actually made these over 6 years ago :lol: Back then there were very few c64 tracks out there, in XG midi, no Last ninjas, before these came along. But times progress. These are just a part of my history, ripped from an audioCD I burned back then, recorded straight off the Yamaha DB50 card :wink:

Posted: 31/10/2003 - 21:15
by Chris Abbott
> Back then there were very few c64 tracks out there, in XG midi
Only mine, really. And there WAS a Last Ninja track I put out then... nyah nyah :P (Wastelands)


Posted: 01/11/2003 - 7:35
by XGener8or
:D Well, at least we have the same first name 8)

Posted: 01/11/2003 - 11:02
by Jan Lund Thomsen
XGener8or wrote:One part I didnt quite understand is the
"Cover of a cover:
(On Office Loader)
The first thoughts in my mind when I listened to the Office Loader cover was "That's 'Beat dis!' by Bomb the Bass". Admittedly it falls into the grey area category, but even if the SID had not been based on something else I wouldn't have put the cover online, for the same reason as the rest of them.

Posted: 02/11/2003 - 10:31
by XGener8or
Ah yes now I remember I read that on the sidfind page , or somewhere, that it borrows parts from that :) Pretty funny about that and the Mansion track. Back then I always thought the Ninja tracks were purely original. I didnt hear that Tangerine Dream track until last week :lol:

Hehe, just found Beat Dis too, listening now. Amazing. Matt Gray did quite a bit of borrowing :lol:

Cheers Jan. Maybe I'm gonna make some modernized remixes, instead of spending hours and hours to painstakingly re-create every note and bend, by ear, listening to isolated SID channels, (or using "Ear 2 Mid tm :D ) Just let go and get with the flow