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search game!

Posted: 08/05/2013 - 10:42
by lynnxx
ok, long time ago...there was a game you are a technical, mechanist, repairman in a facility and repair electronic wires, fuses and so on!
this was not one of the top-games, but it was very cool!
i don't remember the name of the game, somebody knows it?

Re: search game!

Posted: 08/05/2013 - 21:39
by Analog-X64
What platform? C64, Speccy, Amiga?

Re: search game!

Posted: 09/05/2013 - 2:08
by lynnxx

Re: search game!

Posted: 09/05/2013 - 22:32
by AndyUK
is there any part of the game you remember in detail? Any images that stick out, company who wrote it? sequences in the game that you remember?

Re: search game!

Posted: 10/05/2013 - 6:20
by lynnxx
the only i remember, graphic was just like donkey kong with many ladders and platforms, and i'm not sure, but i thimk there was a name in the title, like eddie, ed, fred, freddy, but found nothing on many sites with this words...
and there was electricity you must avoid in the gameplay or you be toastet! :D
thats the only things i remember!

Re: search game!

Posted: 10/05/2013 - 15:00
by AndyUK
Any of these ?? : : Fearless Fred and the factory of Doom : Frantic Freddy

On a side note there is a game on the Speccy called Technician ted, and he IS a repairman facing all sorts or nasties in a Kong like platform environment.

Re: search game!

Posted: 10/05/2013 - 15:11
by lynnxx
Fearless Fred comes very close, ok, thanks! i check it out! :)