Listener's Reviews

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Displaying Reviews 1711 - 1740 out of 2421


Lightforce - arranged by X-formZ

Review by Tas, 23/06/2003

Giving a new life and a fresher aproach to lightforce comes x-formz highly inventive remix. The very effective relentless beat carries the tune very well. Added to this a very well chosen set of instruments has been used very effectively. X-formz remix often changes the notes of the original. While lightforce has been remixed numerous times, this version has more to offer than many of it's predecessors with it's new structure. A very worthy piece of work.
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Lightforce - arranged by X-formZ

Review by infamous, 22/06/2003

Downloaded this, listend to it and thought for a moment that it was a total muck up, the beginning line didnt sound right, but the actual sound used was interesting so i stayed on to listen, and a leftfield simple yet effective 4bar beat kicked in and things started to get very interesting very fast.
the whole thing sounds like its bouncing,
it makes you bob along to it which i feel is a good thing, the synths used within are absolutely top notch, the whole thing sounds very classy and is a definete different take on the way lightforce should be done and has been done.
Its alot shorter than most lightforce remixes but what you have within them 3 minutes odd is a wonderful tune that i really do recommend you download asap.
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Zoids - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by infamous, 22/06/2003

This really did get my juices flowing and no im not being pervy, from the outlaying sid original beginning right through to the synth lines, the guitars the drums it all screams to me play me! plaaaay meee!!!
if this tune was a drug it'd be a kind of heroin/cocaine hybrid.
Everyone seems to be doing zoids at the time of writing but this one definetly stands out to me head and shoulders above the rest.
very impressive guitar work (something mr juha is rapidly in my books becoming synominous for) a beautiful piano solo at 3:00 which is very well thought out and on the beautiful side.
All in all this tune is something special to me and shall remain in my playlist for some time to come. take a listen you really wont be dissapointed.
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Ghosts'n Goblins (Organ Donor Live) - arranged by Juha Kaunisto

Review by infamous, 22/06/2003

Well hehe, i sat and listened to this once, frowned and listened again.
then i got out my platform shoes my flares and my marc bolan wig and decided to get high on some perspex or something like that.
The entire thing reeks of production values, the guitar work is tremendous very 70's glam rock and of course that organ!
it starts off with a little mic check which made me smile, and then kicks into a lovely grungy guitar riff, then the drums and a 2nd guitar layer come in that really beefs things right up and from there on its toe tap city… oh and theres a part in it at 3:15 which sounds like ac/dc which aint a bad thing
In all this is a well orchestrated, well thought out and rather funky 70's glam rock sounding sid remix.
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Mamba remix - arranged by Q

Review by soren_ladegaard, 22/06/2003

One of the best scene tunes ever on the C64. A bit jazzy, a bit calypso and a bit genuine pop. And best of all… Q has captured the original perfectly with his one-to-one cover of this superb tune. I highly recommend it.
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Supernova (the slow tune) - arranged by Thomas Detert

Review by beathoven, 21/06/2003

Thomas Detert, is that an alias for Vangelis? Are you sure you're not related, because this tune has most of his newest characteristics in terms of sound and songwriting:

Full, brilliant timbres, wandering, sweeaping brass leads, steady and somewhat staccato rhythms, and huge sounding choirs. Massive timpany and (orchestral?) bass-drum made a huge statement - again, just as Vangelis.

This is a must download for everyone who likes to fall asleep listening to Vangelis, such as myself

I really enjoy the piano part, and I like the soft yet brilliant brass section that pans around, but not so much when the same part seem to switch stereo position for each note; it gives the impression that it could be two different instruments. The snare playing in a somewhat shuffle beat was a nice touch.

The only really bad thing I could say is that by uploading the tune here, it may *really* discourage some others (like myself, LOL) to uploading their work, since we have no way of getting the same kind of quality

Rating: Beyond anything I have ever heard here before in this category, although I must admit I have never heard it as SID, and don't have that particular part on my system. Looking for it now though.
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Times of Lore - arranged by Marcel Donné

Review by beathoven, 21/06/2003

Perfect! Simply perfect. One of the few of this tune that also contains the most spectacular solo-pieces done on the C64 ever. It is extremely loyal to the original tune, something that I normally would dislike, but not so in this case.

I didn't realize that it was the original SID squealing the solopart until recently, but that doesn't hardly matter; normally I tend to like the solopart the most, but this version is enjoyable even in the most boring parts where only odd things happen.

Times of Lore is one of my most favourite tunes, although I never heard the original version on the C64. This version will stay way up on my favourite-list for years to come.

What can I say… Thanks.
Artistic skill
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Spellbound (Orchestral) - arranged by LaLa

Review by davidg, 21/06/2003

Classic game, Classic SID, Classical Remix.
The arrangement here really captures the atmosphere of the original as well as being musically very accurate. Of course it sounds like synthesised music, but the synth sounds are very good and the piece is hugely listenable.
This is the version that fans of the original SID will keep coming back to.
Well done.
Artistic skill
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Rambo Loader - arranged by Rob Brooks

Review by davidg, 21/06/2003

The original SID was used in quite a few Ocean games, but Rambo was the game it really suited. It built it the game up nicely so you really felt like blowing stuff up by the time it loaded.
Rob's arrangement adds a militaristic feel with the rock guitars and drums, with piano, pan-pipes(!) and other FX adding to the atmosphere.
Whilst others (esp. Instant Remedy) do great versions of the Ocean loading music, this is very much RAMBO!!!!
One of my favourite remixes.
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Zoids (The movie) - arranged by plasm303

Review by Tas, 21/06/2003

A slow piano version of zoids. Its a rare inspired moment a musician gets and the idea and structure is impressive carried by some great sounding instruments and nifty touches with the piano sounds.

If i had to maybe say a negative thing about this remix is that it never really evolves and at times you get the feeling somethings slightly missing. There's plenty of good versions of zoids knocking about, and this version is one of the better ones. Seems musicians really get inspired by the piece. Downloading is highly recommended!
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Supernova (the slow tune) - arranged by Thomas Detert

Review by Tas, 21/06/2003

This tune first came to my awareness when thomas asked me if it was possible to remix this for the remix64 V2 CD. Thomas was keen on the tune from the ofset, However i decided that the tune wasn't suitable for the CD because well it's a virtually unheard of tune.

Its great that Thomas decided to remix this for RKO. A typically Thomas type of tune here, always full, emotional, and delightful to the ears. A massive Recomendation for this fine remix from Thomas which bares the touch of Vangelis despite many peoples unfamiliarity with the original source.
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Great Giana Sisters (OJ Osc's dig dub mix) - arranged by OJ Oscillation

Review by LMan, 20/06/2003

The perfect remix of this tune. It's the remix that I always imagined to do myself, but that's now obsolete because this is da shit, mon! 😉

OJ Oscillation turns the first ingame tune of Giana Sisters into a real dub version. Production quality is perfect, mixing and stereo panorama is well balanced. A perfect tune for chilling out on hot summer's days.

Excellent work!
Artistic skill
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Barbarian (Orchestral) - arranged by Matthias Sachal

Review by Tas, 19/06/2003

One of the main reasons this tune falls flat on it's face is the lack of quality instruments used And the rather laid back feel and simplistic nature.

As it stands, its rather bland and uninspired and has very little forward minded vision.
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Overall rating

Great Giana Sisters (OJ Osc's dig dub mix) - arranged by OJ Oscillation

Review by Tas, 19/06/2003

I don't minimalistic, but maybe this is just a tad too minimalistic for most peoples tastes. I dunno i found the entire tune just empty, too empty even despite it's obvious intendancies.

It's an ok tune, but i have to say i could easily live without it.
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Trantor (Storm cometh remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by Tas, 19/06/2003

An interesting and experimental take of trantor here, with some unusual but interesting percussion. While there are some very good ideas to this very underground sounding remix, the overall sound quality of the instruments are deffinately lacking.

It's an adventurous remix that does deserve some credit in the way that Infamous has dealt with the tune. Overall it's an interesting remix, but nothing more.
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Biggles (fly with your brain propeller) - arranged by Rauli & Mahoney

Review by LMan, 17/06/2003

Yeah! Bouncy beat, tasty bass and a catchy melody. Making excessive experimental use of effects units, Rauli & Mahoney manage to spice up this remix without making it sound like a mess. Production quality is very high, as to be expected from both, Mahoney and Rauli. To sum this up:

I really really like this remix!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
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Barbarian (Orchestral) - arranged by Matthias Sachal

Review by wwwwolf, 14/06/2003

Hmm. I have to say one thing first: This tune is one of the tunes that need a freaking good remix that's all the way faithful to the original. So in a way, I'm very glad that this remix was made in the first place. I hope it serves as an inspiration for the remixers.

As for this particular tune, I found it somewhat disappointing because it was somewhat short (The original is six and half minutes, this is a little bit over a minute…), and it's a little bit too slow too. Fight music needs to be fast! The rest of the elements of the song are pretty good; I like the use of the noises in the beginning. The instrument choices are pretty good.

But as it is, it isn't bad! I hope someone later remixes the One True Barbarian Remix. This will definitely do while waiting…
Artistic skill
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Chimera ('99 Offcut mix) - arranged by Chris Abbott

Review by almightyc64, 14/06/2003

This is a great remix of the main song from Chimera. An excellent mixture of new sound with just the right portions of the original SID make this one a winner. The two tunes from Chimera are a couple of my favorite sidtunes to listen to, and I love listening to this remix just as much.
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Barbarian (Orchestral) - arranged by Matthias Sachal

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

Orchestral? What does orchestral mean? To use some orchestral percussions or some trumpet-like instruments? I would have expected something greater - not the Vienna Philharmonic Orchester, but something close to them So, this tune doesn't match it's title. It also lacks on variation, because Matthias keeps close on the original, instead of inventing some additions. Overall: nice.
Artistic skill
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Great Giana Sisters (OJ Osc's dig dub mix) - arranged by OJ Oscillation

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

It's a long time ago since Oliver's last upload.
His style remains unchanged If you like minimalistic style this tune will fit for you, otherwise you will have a hard time. The only problem with this tune is, the drums are a bit too loud. Overall you get a nice attempt besides mainstream.
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Giana Sisters (4th level) - arranged by trouby

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

At least it's not a remix of the title tune. To remix this song into something trance is very neat, but maybe the drums should be more soften? Hard drums with soft leads do not fit well together (at least with this tune). The end of the tune is abrupt also, next time he should use a fade-out. Anyway, for my personal taste, this tune is better than the original
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Tiger Mission (Live at The Gathering 2003) - arranged by PRESS PLAY ON TAPE

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

Compared to Crazy Comets the tune works much better. It's still not stunning or kicking, but nice. The second part covers the spirit of the original, even when I'm not happy of the lead-instrument they have chosen. At least they have follow my recommandation to upload a VBR-mp3
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Crazy Comets (Live at The Gathering 2003) - arranged by PRESS PLAY ON TAPE

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

Hmmm, when I listen to this tune I do not feel it works. It feels somehow lifeless and chaotic, the spirit of the original gone. Technically this tune is much better (recorded) then previous releases, but that doesn't influence artistic impression. So for me it's just average, nothing that I will listen often.
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Deflektor (back to 88 mix) - arranged by Paul Blackford

Review by eliot, 11/06/2003

Welcome Paul to remix. kwed. org
It seems we got an arranger with some potential. His minimalistic style will not fit for everyone, but does music need to fit everyone? He choose one of Ben's weakest tunes and turned it to something better. Also his SID-a-like drums bring me back to the 1980ies I wish I am still back and have not to mess with servicepacks and other crap. Respect Paul, nice work.
Artistic skill
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Tai Pan (Jumpin' J Remix) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by eliot, 10/06/2003

Tekkno/House meets Peter Clarke.
I got a bit confused at the beginning because the speed is much higher than the originial. Maybe I would have choosen a more softer approach, but overall the tune works, especially when the original is unknown The mix of electronic instruments, piano and guitars is really neat and well solved. So, without bad conscience I can recommand this song to all readers of my review.
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Trantor (Storm cometh remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by maindrian, 10/06/2003

Well, its a dodgy one this. On one hand, this remix bears little or no resemblance to the original, aside from the intro. And the intro isnt 100% either… On the other hand, its got a wonderful sound. Its simply a great piece of music, especially when the distorted kickdrums pound in at 1:13.

I've waited a while for a decent… Well, any remix of Trantor, and to be honest this was a little disapointing. However, it still a good peice of electronic grindage. Download, but dont expect a perfect cover.
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Galway & FeekZoid 2003 - arranged by FeekZoid

Review by eliot, 10/06/2003

Paul did a lot of variations, mixed electronic instruments with guitars (yes, sounds like rock-guitars ) During listening I think, the last kick is missing especially during the first part of the song. The last part is imho done perfect. So, it's hard to decide to vote very good or outstanding. The merging of the two Galway tunes works and the variety of instruments is breath-taking, because I had never the feeling they were at the wrong place or too much or shall replaced with something else. Also the Galway-C64-like instruments aren't a means to an end, they fit to the tune nicely. Well done Paul, I appreciate this tune and look forward for your next upload
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Trantor (Storm cometh remix) - arranged by Infamous

Review by tom, 09/06/2003

Since i am a big Fan of BJÖRK i do really love this remix..
Clever arranged Drums with a little distortion - Fx are giving this
remix the right speed.. unfortunately i don't know the original SID too much
that's why i gave a grey-face for nostalgic impression😉
But overall it's a very good work, me thinks, and worth to give it a try!!
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Last Ninja 3 (Ninjha mix) - arranged by Red Devil

Review by bohemiath26, 07/06/2003

I actually had gotten past playing C64 when Last Ninja 3 came out, so I never heard it back then… but I went back 10 years later after discovering SIDs… I downloaded this tune 'cause I always loved all the Last Ninja 1 & 2 tunes… This one was outstanding… I heard it before I heard the SID… and I was almost disappointed to hear the SID in comparison… great, great job.
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Chimera (Standfast Remix) - arranged by Philip Bak

Review by almightyc64, 06/06/2003

The two tunes from Chimera have always been some of my favorite c64 tunes, and Phil Bak does a wonderful job with this remix of the high score tune. It sticks very close to the original which is not a bad thing, and the preacher at the end of the tune is almost enough to make me wish I was in church on a sunday morning. Excellent job.
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