| | | | | | |
06/03/2025 | IEggciting As Duck (Qwak Intro + Level 2 Music, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 3:23 | AmigaRemix | Bjørn Lynne | 64%  |
25/02/2025 | IBlood Valley (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 4:38 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Ben Daglish | 66%  |
16/02/2025 | IKilling Speed (Killing Game Show + Speedball, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 4:42 | AmigaRemix | Ray Norrish & David Whittaker | 73%  |
24/01/2025 | ISaboteur II | Vandahlia | 4:40 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Rob Hubbard | 70%  |
05/11/2024 | IGreen Light (Green Beret+Lightforce, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 4:31 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Martin Galway | 79%  |
16/10/2024 | IPlatoon (Stage 2) | Vandahlia | 3:39 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Jonathan Dunn | 75%  |
16/10/2024 | IFlashback, Main Menu Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 4:01 | AmigaRemix | Fabrice Visserot, Jean Baudlot, Rapahël Gesqua | 84%  |
17/09/2024 | IDash Times Two (Boulder Dash I + II, Fusion Remix) Copyright © 1984 First Star Software Inc. | Vandahlia | 3:59 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Jeff Schneider | 73%  |
26/08/2024 | IOuter Space | Vandahlia | 4:23 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Sean Connolly | 67%  |
26/08/2024 | IDesperado | Vandahlia | 4:06 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Martin Nordell | 60%  |
26/08/2024 | I3545 II | Vandahlia | 4:05 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Thomas E. Petersen | 75%  |
26/08/2024 | IRCaer Aisling | Vandahlia | 3:51 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Rafal Kazimierski | 73%  |
29/07/2024 | IDelta Bakery (Delta + Comic Bakery, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 3:29 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Rob Hubbard | 81%  |
17/05/2024 | ISpace 2, RSI Megademo (Extended Remix) | Vandahlia | 4:25 | AmigaRemix | Norbert Roecher | 68%  |
13/05/2024 | IBoom Boom (Extended Remix) | Vandahlia | 3:40 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Mikko Immonen | 64%  |
02/04/2024 | ITurrbedo (Turrican II + Albedo, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 5:54 | AmigaRemix | Chris Hülsbeck, Gilles Soulet | 74%  |
19/03/2024 | IRNinja in a V8 (Last Ninja + Last V8, Fusion Remix) | Vandahlia | 5:01 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Anthony Lees, Ben Daglish | 75%  |
05/03/2024 | IRambo III Stage 2 Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 6:14 | AmigaRemix | Jonathan Dunn | 72%  |
05/03/2024 | IElvira MotD Upstairs Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 5:17 | AmigaRemix | Dave Hasler | 68%  |
05/03/2024 | IDune Ecolove (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 5:05 | AmigaRemix | Stéphane Picq | 66%  |
05/03/2024 | IAnother World, Intro (Vandahlia Special Remix) | Vandahlia | 5:11 | AmigaRemix | Jean-Francois Freitas | 63%  |
04/03/2024 | IRRobocop 3 - Main Theme | Vandahlia | 4:37 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Jeroen Tel | 71%  |
28/02/2024 | IFirefly (In-Game Music) | Vandahlia | 4:52 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Fred Gray | 65%  |
28/02/2024 | IRBruce Lee | Vandahlia | 3:32 | Remix.Kwed.Org | John A. Fitzpatrick | 61%  |
27/02/2024 | IRBallblazer - Song of the Grid | Vandahlia | 7:01 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Russell Lieblich | 56%  |
27/02/2024 | ISpy vs Spy II The Island Caper Copyright © 1985 First Star Software Inc. | Vandahlia | 4:33 | Remix.Kwed.Org | Nick Scarim | 67%  |