ROTY - Remixer Of The Year 2024

The always highly anticipated annual Remixer of the Year (ROTY) awards show was yet again hosted by SLAY Radio with Ziona, Slaygon and Boz behind the mikes on Saturday, February 22, 2025. As is traditional now, the month-by-month highlights were intermixed with the announcements of the winners in the various categories:

  • The Best Newcomer award went to 7DD9, only the second time the award has been won by a Greek!
  • The remixer who got the most votes for Best Veteran was Dr Future, edging out second place Jogeir Liljedahl and third place Tim Forsyth.
  • The Best Amiga Remix by far was Supremacy (Encore64 V2) by Peter Clarke as voted on by the fans.
  • The Best C64 Remix award went to Artillery (Encore64 V2), unbelievably the first time ever Jogeir won any kind of ROTY award! Second place went to the fantastic 27+ minute long remix of Tetris (Mariko's Tale) by Barry Leitch. while third place went to Compleeto (featuring Romeo Knight) (Encore64 V2) by LMan.
  • Peter Clarke also received a much deserved Lifetime Achievement Award. Peter Clarke has already been well-known for being the in-house musician at Ocean back in the 1980s, and for producing memorable SID tunes like Ocean Loader 3, but this award went to him mostly for his tireless support of the remix scene in recent times, for being the driving force behind 3 album releases, and for helping out so many remixers on the scene with his knowledge and expertise.
  • Finally, the coveted Remixer of the Year (ROTY) 2024 award went to Eivind Sommersten!

Congrats to all the winners, to all the nominees, to all the remixes - and to all the listeners who took the time to vote for their favorites! This scene wouldn't be the same without all of you!

You can watch the awards show in its entirety on YouTube.

Remixer Of The Year (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the best remixes in 2024? Who was most active and supportive?

Rank Name Score
1. Eivind Sommersten 2488
2. Tim Forsyth 1102
3. Jogeir Liljedahl 976
4. Dr Future 727
5. Tony Fluke73 Wiren 697
6. Rock & JLD 677
7. Peter Clarke 635
8. Makke 609
9. LMan 575
10. 7DD9 330
11. Steve Foster 327
12. Barry Leitch 319
13. Slaygon 246
14. Bass Cadet 185
15. SIDrip Alliance 183
16. BeeZerk 160
17. JLD 140
18. Mattias Brian 131
19. Glyn R Brown 127
20. Tomsk 126
Totta 126
21. Linus 120
22. Mario Barbierato 117
23. Cyroth 115
24. amoon 114
Oliver Klaewer 114
25. Laxity 95
26. proton 65
27. Turbo Knight 61
28. Piepie 59
29. Wobbler 31
30. Bastian Dornbach 30

Lifetime Achievement

For special achievements around the remixing scene during the years.

Rank Name Score
1. Peter Clarke -

Best Newcomer (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the greatest debut in 2024?

Rank Name Score
1. 7DD9 1225
2. Oliver Klaewer 844
3. Laxity 718
4. Bass Cadet 702
5. amoon 671
6. Vandahlia 494
7. Bastian Dornbach 432
8. Cyroth 428
9. proton 397
10. Entity 269
11. Firefox & Mantronix 117
12. Rauschmaschine 80
13. Anthrol 51
14. Nightshft 25

Best Veteran (c64 or Amiga)

Who do you think deserves this award in 2024 for providing great remixes over a period of 5 years or longer?

Rank Name Score
1. Dr Future 1567
2. Jogeir Liljedahl 1364
3. Tim Forsyth 1198
4. Peter Clarke 824
5. Makke 810
6. BeeZerk 626
7. LMan 607
8. Glyn R Brown 534
9. Slaygon 486
10. Barry Leitch 477
11. SIDrip Alliance 347
12. Romeo Knight 280
13. Mario Barbierato 232
14. Johan Andersson 207
15. Tomsk 156
16. Steve Foster 151
17. Gemini 64 126
18. nightwolf 121
19. Danko 107
20. Solarstriker 105
21. Teo 91
22. Wobbler 89
23. Piepie 59
24. Marcus Geelnard 55
25. Eivind Sommersten 54
26. Aknotronic 23

Best c64 Remix

What was the c64 remix that impressed you most in 2024?

Rank Title Score
1. Artillery (Encore64 V2) by Jogeir Liljedahl 1099
2. Tetris Mariko's Tale] (Encore64 V2) by Barry Leitch 951
3. Compleeto feat. Romeo Knight] (Encore64 V2) by LMan 825
4. TLI Intro 1 (it's kaos) by Tim Forsyth 742
5. Shades by Tim Forsyth 655
6. Supremacy (Encore64 V2) by Peter Clarke 569
7. Another 25 by Laxity 499
8. Dignified by Rock & JLD 489
9. Nine Jinks Nails by Makke 483
10. Lethargic by Eivind Sommersten 456
11. Pooyan - Medieval remix by Totta 438
12. Anglia Spirit by Eivind Sommersten 431
13. Echoes of Eternity by Rock & JLD 413
14. Spijkerhoek by Mattias Brian 410
15. Myth by Eivind Sommersten 388
16. BMX Kidz (New Jack Swingish) by Makke 374
17. Fairytale Bliss by Dr Future 373
18. Freedom (Metal Version) by Rock & JLD 351
19. The Magic Writer by Eivind Sommersten 343
20. Artillery by Jogeir Liljedahl 323
21. Rymddisko by Eivind Sommersten 310
22. Warhawk feat. Bass Cadet] (Encore64 V2) by Romeo Knight 309
23. Cybernoid II (Had to Regulate) by Makke 306
24. The Stationary Ark by amoon 279
25. Green Beret (Encore64 V2) by Bass Cadet 274
26. Ocean Loader III (Encore64 V2) by Jogeir Liljedahl 258
27. Lightforce by Gemini 64 250
Tronic Theme Jam by Oliver Klaewer 250
28. X98 by BeeZerk 248
29. Nemesis (Encore64 V2) by Mattias Brian 240
30. Bitter Sweet (Encore64 V2) by Tomsk 216
31. Draconus by Eivind Sommersten 215
Krakout (Re:ReLive) by SIDrip Alliance 215
32. Audio Art by Eivind Sommersten 214
Good Old Times by Dr Future 214
33. Draconus by Tim Forsyth 212
34. Bayliss' Cauldron by Eivind Sommersten 211
35. Star Paws by 7DD9 198
36. Glider Pilot by Eivind Sommersten 196
37. Compleeto by LMan 190
SWIV by 7DD9 190
38. Street Surfer (Sk8er Boi Edit) by Dr Future 188
39. Robocop Title (revisited) by Tim Forsyth 169
Thrust (Jeremy Smith Edit) by Dr Future 169
40. Avenge by Eivind Sommersten 168
Crystal Symphony by Oliver Klaewer 168
41. Illumination (Encore64 V2) by Glyn R Brown 156
42. Qix Stage Clear Tunes (Tim Follin's NES Style) by GuyGavin 152
43. Plastic Pop feat. Der Danko] (Encore64 V2) by Turbo Knight 148
44. Blue (Clarinet Lounge) by Eivind Sommersten 147
45. Early Summer by Eivind Sommersten 146
46. 80's Past by Steve Foster 143
Den Indre Kilde by Eivind Sommersten 143
Dutch Breeze Advertisement by Eivind Sommersten 143
47. Supremacy by Peter Clarke 126
48. Last Ninja 2 Street Loader] (Encore64 V2) by Jogeir Liljedahl 124
49. Fist II Song 2] (Encore64 V2) by Mattias Brian 122
Formula 1 Simulator (Syntax Era) by LMan 122
50. Rambo (the Fight) Cinematic 64 by Slaygon 120
51. Fourth Dimension by Eivind Sommersten 118
Sheds on a Sea-Girt Isle feat Laxity by Linus 118
52. Bulldog (The Chain mix) by Johan Andersson 117
Yie Ar Kung Fu II by Eivind Sommersten 117
53. Artlight Zone (D'n'B Remix) revised by Ravetracer 115
Tetris (C64 Orchestral Mix) by Bastian Dornbach 115
54. Bazooka Bill (Saint Javelin) by Mutherpluckin' B 114
Last Ninja Acidizer Wilderness Remix by Cyroth 114
Zoids (2021 Edit) by Dr Future 114
55. Miami Vice by Eivind Sommersten 113
56. Crazy Cometleon (Re:ReLive) by SIDrip Alliance 109
DeathWish III (Take 2) by Makke 109
Sanxion (Re:ReLive) by SIDrip Alliance 109
57. A Slow Relapse by Rock & JLD 108
Sax Nuddle by Eivind Sommersten 108
58. Flimbo's Quest (Re:ReLive) by SIDrip Alliance 107
59. Cauldron (Haunted Orchestra Remix) by amoon 104
60. To be on Top by BeeZerk 101
61. Aztec Challenge (on Mars) by 7DD9 100
62. Trace Of Space (Re:ReLive) by SIDrip Alliance 99
63. Final Synth Sample I tune 5 - re-recording by Anders Hesselbom 98
64. Crazy Comets - Anthrol Mix by Anthrol 96
65. Cauldron - Drachenburg Mix by Nightshft 94
66. Cooperation Demo (GURO Remix) by GUROГАГА 87
67. Cold War Generation by Linus 86
68. Cybernoid II 2024 Live Performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 81
69. Diffractions by Eivind Sommersten 80
70. Last Ninja 2 (Ninja's Return mix) by Cinnamon Dreams 76
71. Artworx Strip Poker by Abandonwave 65
Ocean Loader 3 by Jogeir Liljedahl 65
72. CREATURES Torture (From One Steve to Another) by StevenRoy 64
73. Last Ninja 2 (Street Loader) by Jogeir Liljedahl 62
74. Fist II (Song 2) by Mattias Brian 61
75. Dark side of Mars by proton 60
The Power Of Pain (Tendance loader) by BeeZerk 60
76. Ala Gal by Eivind Sommersten 58
Cauldron (witch hunt remix) by Mario Barbierato 58
77. Deliverance V2 by Steve Foster 57
So-Phisticated III (Part 3) by Dr Future 57
78. Freedom by JLD 56
Plastic Pop (Plastic Kills Life Mix) by Dr Future 56
79. Heaven by Rock & JLD 55
Krakout by SIDrip Alliance 55
80. Ocean Loader 3 - Gasoline in the veins remix by proton 51
81. Ninja in a V8 (Last Ninja + Last V8, Fusion Remix) by Vandahlia 50
82. Hawkeye - Space Odyssey Remix by proton 46
83. Double Dragon (Kleiner'82 Remix) by Alex Goldblat 35
84. Cybernoid II In your face mix 2024 by Steve Foster 29
Dreams (Sour Reality) by Wobbler 29
85. Aztec Challenge (the Dark Days) Cinematic 64 by Slaygon 28
Wizball High Score Genos edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 28
86. Robocop Ochestral Live Performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 27
Thanatos Live Performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 27
The Beginning (Dancing with Ziona) by SoundLogic 27
87. Golden Axe (Irish Version) by Dr Future 25
I am the Law (Judge Dredd) by 7DD9 25
Vixen Megablast by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 25

Best Amiga Remix

What Amiga remix did you like best in 2024?

Rank Title Score
1. Supremacy (Encore64 V2) by Peter Clarke 853
2. Spaceballs - State Of The Art (No Corruption Mix) by Gareth Wood 447
3. Poormouth by Firefox & Mantronix 406
4. Ethereal Void part 1 (nightwolf 2024 remix) by nightwolf 381
5. Solitaire FX by Eivind Sommersten 316
6. Darkseed Halloween by 7DD9 252
7. Thexder (Dark Side of the C) by 7DD9 231
8. Kid Chaos - Level 5 point 1 by Infamous 191
9. The Amiga Never Dies (Entity Remix) by Entity 161
10. Flashback from the Future by 7DD9 137
11. Lotus 2 (O.Stelzer Remix) by Solarstriker 131
12. Hybris Interstellar by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 111
Shadow of the Flute by 0Supereg0 111
13. Saman Kar Tanesii by Danko 106
14. Panza Kick Boxing - Interpol Crack Intro by Oxx 102
15. Castlevania Vampire Killer Tyros Edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 98
16. Planets live performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 96
17. Shadow Fighter BGM09 by Piepie 86
18. Space Debris 2024 by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 72
19. Paranoimia 2024 Tyros Edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 51
20. Echoing Genos Edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 26
21. Formula One Grand Prix Tyros 3 Edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 25
Jester Medley by exalto 25
22. Behind the Walls Live Performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 24
23. LFF (Skid Row Cracktro Song) Tyros Edition by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 22
24. Molecule's Revenge by proton 21
Stardust Memories - Nebula Falling by 0Supereg0 21
25. Turrican II Freedom Live Performance by Tony Fluke73 Wiren 17
Remixer Of The Year 2024 Trophy

ROTY - Remixer Of The Year 2024

Disclaimer: The results are based on votes made by the community. Errors and omissions excepted.

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22/02/2025 22:54
Congrats to all remixers and all winners, and a special congrats to Peter Clarke for his well deserved Lifetime Achievement!

23/02/2025 13:06
Huge Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for making so many brilliant remixes this year. Looking forward to what all of you create in 2025.

23/02/2025 20:52
Congrats to all nominees and winners. Was hoping Tim or Eivend would win something following some outstanding work over the past couple of years. Also delighted for Jogier on his first award (!) and Peter Clarke on lifting another 2 👏

24/02/2025 16:45
Congrats everyone, well done!!!

26/02/2025 16:14
My heartfelt congratulations to Eivind. I am so happy you finally took the spot!

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