A Tribute to Thomas Detert

by German Remix Group
GRG - A Tribute to Thomas Detert Label
Total playing time
30 min
Overall album score
 80% - Very Good

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GRG's 5th tribute album is dedicated to Thomas Detert and contains 8 tracks from CZ-Tunes, Dr.Future, Mitch van Hayden, Synthatiger and Xenox.

Track list

Track   Title Act Length Rating
1-01 Another World (Subtune 1) Dr Future 4:07 80% 
1-02 Action Mary CZ Tunes 3:48 0% 
1-03 Quadrant (Intro) Xenox 2:30 0% 
1-04 Gordian Tomb (Call of Detert Remix) Mitch van Hayden 3:51 0% 
1-05 B-Bobs (Hall Of Fame) CZ Tunes 3:33 0% 
1-06 Game On 1990/02 (Subtune 1) Dr Future 3:52 86% 
1-07 Another World (Subtune 6) Synthatiger 4:26 75% 
1-08 Magic Disk 1993/09 (Glitch Hop Remix) Xenox 2:59 0%